YFred wrote:Malapapa wrote:BirKibrisli wrote:YFred wrote:If you believe such fixed polls where 2 people have 15 votes between them, 7.5 each, you are younger than you pretend.
If we are not careful we might soon be accused of CHILD ABUSE,Yfred...
Malapapa sounds about the same age as my son...He is 10 going on 20!!!
Oh no, two annoying, ugly, vindictive characters cracking awful jokes which only they laugh at.
Boo! Hiss!
Malapapa, he is behind you. Oh no he is not. Oh yes he is.
Can you remember that, couldn't have been that many months ago you've been to one surely?
Hello,Auntie Jack...I know you'll be back....
You two will probably won't get this joke...Yfred because he didn't watched the old Aussie TV show,and malapapa because he wasn't even born when it was on....