Murataga wrote:Wow… nice to see that my "fan club" is getting more crowded by the day. I was exchanging posts with Piratis when you (Get Real! and Piratis` officially designated suck-up DT) jumped in to divert the subject. I am only one person and can deal with only a number of you at a time. Anyway... in recognition of your enthusiasm (!), I am going to cut you guys a slack and give you a free bee for this time, so here goes:
It was asked if I am aware of my community`s violation of the Resolution which states: RoC, which by definition should be a
bi-zonal state with
politically equal communities, should exclude any kind of partition or secession. The answer to your question is not even a matter of debate, so I`ll give it to you straight:
How can we, as a community, be in secession/partition of an RoC that does not exist according to the definition of the Resolution to begin with?Better yet: Are you an RoC that recognizes/acknowledges/embeds in its CONSTITUTION a bi-communal, bi-zonal state with two politically equal communities as defined in the U.N. Resolutions? If the RoC which claim to be recognizes/acknowledges/embeds in its constitution a
bi-zonal state with
two politically equal communities as defined in the U.N. Resolutions: my apologies, for yes we as a community are guilty as charged of violating this resolution. If not: you should stop your illegal usurpation/theft of the title/benefits of the government of RoC today because you by definition of the U.N. and in accordance with our Agreements are not the RoC. What is it going to be?

I could never imagine a TC having studied so well Ancient greek SOPHISTRY practices and doing us a demonstration in this very forum, puzzling people as to how on earth he managed to do that!
Well Murataga should i first point out that you NEVER managed to put down an answer to any of my posts uncovering your sophistries and lies you try to spread in this forum? I hope this time you will not slip with an excuse you have to go to bed as it is only 6pm.
Well let's examine you new SOPHISTRY step by step.
You claim that the mere fact that the UN in their own resolutions say that the SOLUTION to the Cyprus problem was agreed to be a BBF along the principles of political equality as CLARIFIED in paragraph 11 of SGs letter which says:
"While political equality does not mean equal numerical participation in all Federal Government branches and administration, it should be reflected inter alia in various ways:In the requirement that the FEDERAL constitution of the State of Cyprus be approved or amended by both communities;in the effective participation of both communities in all organs and decisions of the Federal government; in safeguards to ensure that the federal government will not be empowered to adopt ny measures against the interests of one community; and in the equality and identical powers and functions of the two federal states"
that what exists TODAY as an RoC using your own words is
" illegal usurpation/theft of the title/benefits of the government of RoC today because you by definition of the U.N. and in accordance with our Agreements are not the RoC".
I shall only concentrate on the initial falaccy of your whole SOPHISTRY because everything you say is built upon this very first fallacy:
The UN acknowledges there is a problem in the territory called RoC. It does not say the problem is the law of the RoC. It does not say the problem is the constitution of the RoC, it does not say the problem is because RoC is not a BBF.
If it were to say that, then it shouldn't have accepted RoC as a UN member on the first place.
Now what is the problem that RoC has if it is not the constitution and the law and the fact that is a nitary state and not a BBF?
The problem man is the Turkish Invasion the unsurping nd ethnic cleansing of 180,000 GCs from their lands and properties etc etc etc, do we have to repeat all that? Plus of course the problems of the 60s.
Sooo, starting from these facts it is obvious (and nobody can deny) that there is problem in the geographical region of Cyprus, however the problem was not caused by faulty law or constitution by by the people themselves and outside forces! Does that make the RoC illegal? (this is question number 1)
In view of the above there has been an agreement that all those who cause those problems to the RoC and its proper functioning (including foreign powers that cause those problems) would structure the state with a new law, plus a lot of other arrangements. Does that make the present form of RoC illegal? This is question number 2)
The UN do nothing in their resolutions but repeating what OUTLINE was presumably agreed. Suppose all parties involved finally agree and sign final partition on a 12-88% basis. Would the new arrangement be illegal just because the UN said in its resolutions the solution should have been BBF? This is question number 3 for you)
Should I continue further uncovering your complete fallacy and SOPHISTRY?
I am rather bored really but if you wish I may oblidge.
For the moment the only valid, internationally accepted, recognized, and absolutely legal entity is the RoC, in which unfortunately you refuse to participate because you are the ones who violate all its laws, and the rights of 180,000 citizens, nd of course the Turkish Army which sustains this illegality.