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Are TCs joint owners of Cyprus.

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Are TCs joint owners of Cyprus.

Yes they are
No they are not
Total votes : 28

Postby Get Real! » Tue Jun 19, 2007 6:43 pm

Pyrpolizer wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
Pyrpolizer wrote:Besides you never nswered me what are our national interests in Cyprus.

I'd say that they are that I become the absolute ruler of the island... would you vote for me Pyro? :lol:

I will never vote for an absolute ruler GR. Sorry. :wink:

But do absolute rulers need a vote? So far I knew they become such by sword, no?

I thought I'd trick you there but no! :lol:
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Postby EPSILON » Tue Jun 19, 2007 6:47 pm

Pyrpolizer wrote:
EPSILON wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:
humanist wrote:VP no I am not suggesting you are kept hostage

I am saying that whilst you occupy land that doesnot belong toyou and you prevent your compatriots from having access to their righful property the Isolation is justified as far as I am concerned.... punishment fits the crime.

In 2007 Turkish speaking cypriots have a choice to end their isolation if they so choose, they can move to the south, refugees are not so fortunate as being able to move to the north and re-claim the properties.

Its the price we have to pay just as you do with loss of 37% of the island but just like you we will not give up with moving forward making a better life for TCs.

Under the present situation you will always have the same rights in NC as kurds have in mainland Turkey- The generals will be your "angels" for ever and you will be their "dols" for ever- good luck and lieve us to live in our clean Greek land which , who knows, someday can be more famous Greek area / country than the mainland Greece/

And then you tried to fool me by saying you did not mean you are a GREEK citizen? Epsilon you are transparent as a glass to me, and yes you prefer partition just to have a pure Greek State.

I see values in Turkish Cypriots, and ethics identical or similar to ours and I would like to be with them in a UNIFIED CYPRUS.

A united Cyprus by Greeks and Turks yes!!! A united Cyprus by bastard Turks and Greeks No!!1
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Postby Pyrpolizer » Tue Jun 19, 2007 6:57 pm

Kikapu wrote:
Pyrpolizer wrote:@VP,

I haven't seen any other person be so much attacked, cursed, and insulted as you. What is it on you that irritates people so much? Is it because you deep inside you are a partitionist? I have seen worse partitionists than you. Is it because you are a Greek hater? I 've seen worse Greek haters than you.What is it then?


Attacks on VP has increased because over the last 4 months or so, we have removed some of the "veil" that VP has been hiding under for the previous 2 years or so. He portrayed himself as a victim during the Cyprus crisis. He told us all the nasty things that were done to the TC's by the GC's, implying to himself also. In essence, he had cheated out of all other TC's sufferings and gave them to himself, when in fact he was born in the UK and only moved to Cyprus in 1992. He still uses as his signature "learned from the past", when he has no past to speak of. Once again he is lying. He has used poor TC's suffering to further his own cause. He is a manipulator of the truth. He is also creator of Fiction. I helped remove that "veil" from VP face, but there's more there that we do not know about him. He is a compulsive liar and a GC Hater, as well as hater of non Partitionist. He is callus and enjoys suffering of others because he has that "Mean Spirit" in him. Look at the way he talks about RAPE all the time, or even kids being blown up in their schools, if we have peace. His only cause now is NOT to have PEACE so that he can keep all his "Haram Land" and what ever else he has managed to Scavenged on the backs of Cypriots who have become victims to the Cyprus Problems. In short, VP is a "Bottom Feeder".

I thinks this might answer some of your questions.

I totally agree with you Kikapu. In fact Vp promised to tell us a few things about himself, remember? So far the one and only thing he said (that he was born in England and just came here in 1992 when the TCs were leaving en masse....
He then publicly warned Zan to be careful and don't reveal anything personal about him otherwise everybody would mock him and his arguments in the forum.

I haven't come across such a huge mystery in my life, even with the most complicated and mysterious woman :wink:
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Postby Pyrpolizer » Tue Jun 19, 2007 7:08 pm

EPSILON wrote:
Pyrpolizer wrote:
EPSILON wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:
humanist wrote:VP no I am not suggesting you are kept hostage

I am saying that whilst you occupy land that doesnot belong toyou and you prevent your compatriots from having access to their righful property the Isolation is justified as far as I am concerned.... punishment fits the crime.

In 2007 Turkish speaking cypriots have a choice to end their isolation if they so choose, they can move to the south, refugees are not so fortunate as being able to move to the north and re-claim the properties.

Its the price we have to pay just as you do with loss of 37% of the island but just like you we will not give up with moving forward making a better life for TCs.

Under the present situation you will always have the same rights in NC as kurds have in mainland Turkey- The generals will be your "angels" for ever and you will be their "dols" for ever- good luck and lieve us to live in our clean Greek land which , who knows, someday can be more famous Greek area / country than the mainland Greece/

And then you tried to fool me by saying you did not mean you are a GREEK citizen? Epsilon you are transparent as a glass to me, and yes you prefer partition just to have a pure Greek State.

I see values in Turkish Cypriots, and ethics identical or similar to ours and I would like to be with them in a UNIFIED CYPRUS.

A united Cyprus by Greeks and Turks yes!!! A united Cyprus by bastard Turks and Greeks No!!1

Let me get this straight. If we are bastard Geeks and Turks you don't want us to Unify. You want us to stay separated so we have a purely Greek bastards State, and a purely Turkish Bastards state. Hmmm... that's interesting!

On the other hand if we are real Greeks and the TCs are real Turks you want us to unify. Fine. Suppose we are pure like you say and we do unify. WHAT WILL BE OUR NATIONALITY???

Say it Epilon. What will be our NATIONALITY?

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Postby EPSILON » Tue Jun 19, 2007 7:38 pm

Pyrpolizer wrote:
EPSILON wrote:
Pyrpolizer wrote:
EPSILON wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:
humanist wrote:VP no I am not suggesting you are kept hostage

I am saying that whilst you occupy land that doesnot belong toyou and you prevent your compatriots from having access to their righful property the Isolation is justified as far as I am concerned.... punishment fits the crime.

In 2007 Turkish speaking cypriots have a choice to end their isolation if they so choose, they can move to the south, refugees are not so fortunate as being able to move to the north and re-claim the properties.

Its the price we have to pay just as you do with loss of 37% of the island but just like you we will not give up with moving forward making a better life for TCs.

Under the present situation you will always have the same rights in NC as kurds have in mainland Turkey- The generals will be your "angels" for ever and you will be their "dols" for ever- good luck and lieve us to live in our clean Greek land which , who knows, someday can be more famous Greek area / country than the mainland Greece/

And then you tried to fool me by saying you did not mean you are a GREEK citizen? Epsilon you are transparent as a glass to me, and yes you prefer partition just to have a pure Greek State.

I see values in Turkish Cypriots, and ethics identical or similar to ours and I would like to be with them in a UNIFIED CYPRUS.

A united Cyprus by Greeks and Turks yes!!! A united Cyprus by bastard Turks and Greeks No!!1

Let me get this straight. If we are bastard Geeks and Turks you don't want us to Unify. You want us to stay separated so we have a purely Greek bastards State, and a purely Turkish Bastards state. Hmmm... that's interesting!

On the other hand if we are real Greeks and the TCs are real Turks you want us to unify. Fine. Suppose we are pure like you say and we do unify. WHAT WILL BE OUR NATIONALITY???

Say it Epilon. What will be our NATIONALITY?

The big question came in the forum!!!!!!!!!! Then we will be Greeks and Turks being citizens of a state named " Cyprus"

For 40 years they are playing us a game- We are the majority in the Island and by, this Cyprus Nationality pullsheet ,we are becaming a population of no nationality , no language, no history, no religion, not believes, no grammar, no relation in Earths map, just a creation of political affairs and Geopolitical/military power results.

We are going directly to the point Zero where they guide us and the funny thing !!!many of us do not realise it.

We are "Greeks" fuck the known Greek state - "real Greeks " We have much more relation with Ancient Greece than mainland Greece has. We neeed nobody , including "old motion" Akel " to tell us what we are , neither Greeks of Athens. We are much more Greeks than they are and they know it!!

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