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Are TCs joint owners of Cyprus.

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Are TCs joint owners of Cyprus.

Yes they are
No they are not
Total votes : 28

Postby miltiades » Mon Jun 18, 2007 11:26 pm

Viewpoint wrote:
miltiades wrote:VP WROTE:.

The dominance is our greatest fear, we are not like any other EU country due to our dark past therefore we will be exposed to the GCs administering democracy and human rights, its like giving your rapist the key to your bedroom door. """

You have sunk to the bottom of the vulgarity peat , you are swimming around in bowl of diarrhoea , calling the people of Cyprus "rapists" is an affront to all decent living Cypriots , G/Cs and T/Cs. You are a scum bag , a hate merchant full of poison and full of shit. Go on big boy lets have some of your ignorant vulgarities .

This is miltiades at his best showing everyone his true face....this is the man who stated he has never insulted any TCs...what a jerk.

Your feeble efforts to paint a negative image of my self is laughable , I can count on this forum alone a dozen Cypriots , G/Cs and T/Cs who show respect to my stand as a true Cypriot. Apart from from your sidekick Zan most others consider you to be a man full of mistrust and hatred for the G/Cs , a man who although not born in Cyprus has taken it upon his shoulders to saw the seed of mistrust and hatred amongst what he calls his people , imaginary assertion since his people are blind like him .The bearer of malice and hate proclaims that Miltiades is a jerk !!!!
Look in the mirror looser and you will see none other than your self.

On this forum there are many non G/Cs or T/Cs put it to them that you are a man of peace and forgiveness and see what they post. You are a disgrace to the T/Cs that you want to sell their souls to Turkey , not Bir's or Kikapus though , they are the true Cypriots born in Cyprus , suffered in the during the conflict but have the heart to forgive and forget and move on , but not Mr.Vulgar , or No too bloody much to loose , a good job , something he couldn't get in the UK and the joy of watching his kids amongst his OWN people !!!! I wish the rest of the ungrateful bloody foreigners in the UK would copy you and return to be amongst their people, what a joy it would be for the UK !!
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Postby Viewpoint » Mon Jun 18, 2007 11:40 pm

miltiades wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:
miltiades wrote:VP WROTE:.

The dominance is our greatest fear, we are not like any other EU country due to our dark past therefore we will be exposed to the GCs administering democracy and human rights, its like giving your rapist the key to your bedroom door. """

You have sunk to the bottom of the vulgarity peat , you are swimming around in bowl of diarrhoea , calling the people of Cyprus "rapists" is an affront to all decent living Cypriots , G/Cs and T/Cs. You are a scum bag , a hate merchant full of poison and full of shit. Go on big boy lets have some of your ignorant vulgarities .

This is miltiades at his best showing everyone his true face....this is the man who stated he has never insulted any TCs...what a jerk.

Your feeble efforts to paint a negative image of my self is laughable , I can count on this forum alone a dozen Cypriots , G/Cs and T/Cs who show respect to my stand as a true Cypriot. Apart from from your sidekick Zan most others consider you to be a man full of mistrust and hatred for the G/Cs , a man who although not born in Cyprus has taken it upon his shoulders to saw the seed of mistrust and hatred amongst what he calls his people , imaginary assertion since his people are blind like him .The bearer of malice and hate proclaims that Miltiades is a jerk !!!!
Look in the mirror looser and you will see none other than your self.

On this forum there are many non G/Cs or T/Cs put it to them that you are a man of peace and forgiveness and see what they post. You are a disgrace to the T/Cs that you want to sell their souls to Turkey , not Bir's or Kikapus though , they are the true Cypriots born in Cyprus , suffered in the during the conflict but have the heart to forgive and forget and move on , but not Mr.Vulgar , or No too bloody much to loose , a good job , something he couldn't get in the UK and the joy of watching his kids amongst his OWN people !!!! I wish the rest of the ungrateful bloody foreigners in the UK would copy you and return to be amongst their people, what a joy it would be for the UK !!

Id return your halo to woolworths if I were you its not working, stop playing to the crowd trying to score brownie points, although born in Cyprus funnily enough all you so called "Cypriots" live abroad and have gaul to to dictate to us on how we should live and why dont we just close our eyes and take a big leap on faith into the merciless furness of GC dominance and rule, well think again aint ever gonna happen, we have learned our lesson well form the past and will never go down that avenue without plenty of safeguards and guarantees. You appear to have developed a foaming at the mouth revealing your inner venom against anyone who has views differnt to your own, let it all come out you will feel better after excorcision and a lot of garlic.....
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Postby Pyrpolizer » Mon Jun 18, 2007 11:50 pm


I haven't seen any other person be so much attacked, cursed, and insulted as you. What is it on you that irritates people so much? Is it because you deep inside you are a partitionist? I have seen worse partitionists than you. Is it because you are a Greek hater? I 've seen worse Greek haters than you.What is it then?

@ Miltiades

Congratulations. VP managed to make you drop you to the lowest level possible. And he does this repeatively, and you fall in the trap even more repeatitively.
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Postby miltiades » Mon Jun 18, 2007 11:54 pm

VP at it again !
""""Id return your halo to woolworths if I were you its not working, stop playing to the crowd trying to score brownie points, although born in Cyprus funnily enough all you so called "Cypriots" live abroad and have gaul to to dictate to us on how we should live and why dont we just close our eyes and take a big leap on faith into the merciless furness of GC dominance and rule, well think again aint ever gonna happen, we have learned our lesson well form the past and will never go down that avenue without plenty of safeguards and guarantees. You appear to have developed a foaming at the mouth revealing your inner venom against anyone who has views differnt to your own, let it all come out you will feel better after excorcision and a lot of garlic.....""

Full of spelling errors and words without a meaning. Most of us you say live abraod and yet we dictate to YOU VP , a native of Cyprus VP ???? What lesson have YOU learned VP whiile in th warmth of your parents reproductive organs in the UK. Cut the crap , do us a favour and stop making an ass of yourself , have a break and two kick backs !!
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Postby Pyrpolizer » Tue Jun 19, 2007 12:05 am

@VP again,

or is it because you are the voice of negativity in this forum? People talk of Cypriotism and you immediately translate that to "dominance of the GCs" and you start trashing everything. People talk for a Federation and you start asking for "guarantees" as if the Federal structure of the state does not by itself those quarantees. You say the GCs are like "your rapists" and you don't even think what the Turkish army which you demand to stay for your safety is to the GCs...

Go on like that VP.... Maybe when everybody will not be able stand you anymore, we will organise another party for you like the previous one. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Postby miltiades » Tue Jun 19, 2007 12:20 am

Pyrpolizer wrote:@VP,

I haven't seen any other person be so much attacked, cursed, and insulted as you. What is it on you that irritates people so much? Is it because you deep inside you are a partitionist? I have seen worse partitionists than you. Is it because you are a Greek hater? I 've seen worse Greek haters than you.What is it then?

@ Miltiades

Congratulations. VP managed to make you drop you to the lowest level possible. And he does this repeatively, and you fall in the trap even more repeatitively.

Pyr , do please point me to my "lowest level " and my fall into a trap. The guy couldn't trap a mouse if he held it by its neck and was surrounded by mousetraps !!
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Postby Viewpoint » Tue Jun 19, 2007 7:17 am

miltiades wrote:VP at it again !
""""Id return your halo to woolworths if I were you its not working, stop playing to the crowd trying to score brownie points, although born in Cyprus funnily enough all you so called "Cypriots" live abroad and have gaul to to dictate to us on how we should live and why dont we just close our eyes and take a big leap on faith into the merciless furness of GC dominance and rule, well think again aint ever gonna happen, we have learned our lesson well form the past and will never go down that avenue without plenty of safeguards and guarantees. You appear to have developed a foaming at the mouth revealing your inner venom against anyone who has views differnt to your own, let it all come out you will feel better after excorcision and a lot of garlic.....""

Full of spelling errors and words without a meaning. Most of us you say live abraod and yet we dictate to YOU VP , a native of Cyprus VP ???? What lesson have YOU learned VP whiile in th warmth of your parents reproductive organs in the UK. Cut the crap , do us a favour and stop making an ass of yourself , have a break and two kick backs !!

WTF??? miltiades people have noticed who you really are a wolf in sheeps clothing, now it appears you have lost the plot.
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Postby miltiades » Tue Jun 19, 2007 8:36 am

Viewpoint wrote:
miltiades wrote:VP at it again !
""""Id return your halo to woolworths if I were you its not working, stop playing to the crowd trying to score brownie points, although born in Cyprus funnily enough all you so called "Cypriots" live abroad and have gaul to to dictate to us on how we should live and why dont we just close our eyes and take a big leap on faith into the merciless furness of GC dominance and rule, well think again aint ever gonna happen, we have learned our lesson well form the past and will never go down that avenue without plenty of safeguards and guarantees. You appear to have developed a foaming at the mouth revealing your inner venom against anyone who has views differnt to your own, let it all come out you will feel better after excorcision and a lot of garlic.....""

Full of spelling errors and words without a meaning. Most of us you say live abroad and yet we dictate to YOU VP , a native of Cyprus VP ???? What lesson have YOU learned VP while in the warmth of your parents reproductive organs in the UK. Cut the crap , do us a favour and stop making an ass of yourself , have a break and two kick backs !!

WTF??? miltiades people have noticed who you really are a wolf in sheeps clothing, now it appears you have lost the plot.

Then put it to the vote big boy and let us see how many on this forum agree with you !!
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Postby humanist » Tue Jun 19, 2007 8:54 am

VP as I said you might as well start shooting today what ages would you liek to start with you have 700 thouseand greek speaking cypriots in excess of turkish speaking cypriots. You description of rapist is offensive.
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Postby humanist » Tue Jun 19, 2007 8:59 am

VP no I am not suggesting you are kept hostage

I am saying that whilst you occupy land that doesnot belong toyou and you prevent your compatriots from having access to their righful property the Isolation is justified as far as I am concerned.... punishment fits the crime.

In 2007 Turkish speaking cypriots have a choice to end their isolation if they so choose, they can move to the south, refugees are not so fortunate as being able to move to the north and re-claim the properties.
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