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Are TCs joint owners of Cyprus.

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Are TCs joint owners of Cyprus.

Yes they are
No they are not
Total votes : 28

Postby Viewpoint » Sun Jun 17, 2007 11:33 am

miltiades wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:
miltiades wrote:17 Contributors to this forum have voted that T/Cs are joint owners of Cyprus. 4 against , one of which has told us that his vote should have been the yes vote but he made a mistake. Taking that into account , only 3 out of 21 votes thought that the T/Cs are not the joint owners. This means 85% of members agree that the T/Cs are joint owners. This tells me that the overwhelming majority on this forum consider themselves to be Cypriots regardless of ethnicity. Let VP and Zan digest these figures which are quite significant in that at the end of the day we all feel that we are Cypriots . I think the author , my dear friend mrfromng , ought to forgive me for jumping in with the analysis but I'm certain that he will soon add his valued comments.

Exactly what Zan and I have been saying all along, so this is really a slap in the face of those that accuse us of being thieves how can you steal what you jointly own. Where we differ is that I say we are better off living side by side in peace the past 33 years is proof enough, what have you got to show for unity 1960 to 1974? I know which I prefer. The level playing field is the only way forward and the EU know this in tiime and banking on the standard GC arrogance and intrangience a breaking point will come when the EU will force the spoilt child of Europe the GC south to act like Europeans and allow an easing of the isolation on the North.

Now that we have established we are joint owners of Cyprus, does joint ownership mean 50% 50%? are we equals? or do we have less rights? Do you see us as having an equal say in the future of our country? Please clarify this because there are GCs who think like Piratis for example that our say is dependent on the GCs 80%.

I think your little brain is missing the point here mate. Joint owners yes , but confiscating my property and selling it of to foreign investors IS NOT PART OF JOINT OWNERSHIP.Neither is walking into a Cyprus Bank and demanding 50% of assets. Neither does it mean that Turkish settlers are given my land , for which land I have the legal deeds . Neither does it mean that demands by the legal owners of the right to return to their properties is arrogant or ignorant. Wake up and start talking sense not bullshit. Do me a favour mate , get real !

Again we start off on the wrong foot, why do you have to insult me at the begining of your post is this really called for I strongly protest this and will continue to point out who the scarcastic memebers of this forum really are, you have not right to respond in that tone and people on this forum shoudl tell you to refrain from doing so in the future. Miltiades what you have to realize is that I alone did not bring about the current circumstancies, the island was divided due to both communities mistakes which as brought about the what we have today. The problem is we are unable to agree the way forward due to the fact that you may lip service to me being joint owners of Cyprus but I am sure this purely on an individual basis and not political, the power will still be in the hands of only 1 of the owners namely the GCs. You are comfortbale knowing that you are part of the 80% and shoudl really look at the dangers that would face us when urging us to take a leap of faith without any safeguards.

You automatically returned to the property issue as soon as agreeing we are joing owners of this island, I would have expected you to have put forward details of how you see solving the current problems rathering than going over old ground and accusing me confiscating and selling your properties, if you want to change the current structure/divide then it is in your hands, all you have to do is solve the problems which have been outstanding for the last 44 years show TCs that a united Cyprus is better than the current divide, all you are saying is we are all Cypriots lets unite without taking into account concerns and fears which is a very dangerous situation to promote.
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Postby Kikapu » Sun Jun 17, 2007 12:20 pm

Viewpoint wrote:
miltiades wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:
miltiades wrote:17 Contributors to this forum have voted that T/Cs are joint owners of Cyprus. 4 against , one of which has told us that his vote should have been the yes vote but he made a mistake. Taking that into account , only 3 out of 21 votes thought that the T/Cs are not the joint owners. This means 85% of members agree that the T/Cs are joint owners. This tells me that the overwhelming majority on this forum consider themselves to be Cypriots regardless of ethnicity. Let VP and Zan digest these figures which are quite significant in that at the end of the day we all feel that we are Cypriots . I think the author , my dear friend mrfromng , ought to forgive me for jumping in with the analysis but I'm certain that he will soon add his valued comments.

Exactly what Zan and I have been saying all along, so this is really a slap in the face of those that accuse us of being thieves how can you steal what you jointly own. Where we differ is that I say we are better off living side by side in peace the past 33 years is proof enough, what have you got to show for unity 1960 to 1974? I know which I prefer. The level playing field is the only way forward and the EU know this in tiime and banking on the standard GC arrogance and intrangience a breaking point will come when the EU will force the spoilt child of Europe the GC south to act like Europeans and allow an easing of the isolation on the North.

Now that we have established we are joint owners of Cyprus, does joint ownership mean 50% 50%? are we equals? or do we have less rights? Do you see us as having an equal say in the future of our country? Please clarify this because there are GCs who think like Piratis for example that our say is dependent on the GCs 80%.

I think your little brain is missing the point here mate. Joint owners yes , but confiscating my property and selling it of to foreign investors IS NOT PART OF JOINT OWNERSHIP.Neither is walking into a Cyprus Bank and demanding 50% of assets. Neither does it mean that Turkish settlers are given my land , for which land I have the legal deeds . Neither does it mean that demands by the legal owners of the right to return to their properties is arrogant or ignorant. Wake up and start talking sense not bullshit. Do me a favour mate , get real !

Again we start off on the wrong foot, why do you have to insult me at the begining of your post is this really called for I strongly protest this and will continue to point out who the scarcastic memebers of this forum really are, you have not right to respond in that tone and people on this forum shoudl tell you to refrain from doing so in the future. Miltiades what you have to realize is that I alone did not bring about the current circumstancies, the island was divided due to both communities mistakes which as brought about the what we have today. The problem is we are unable to agree the way forward due to the fact that you may lip service to me being joint owners of Cyprus but I am sure this purely on an individual basis and not political, the power will still be in the hands of only 1 of the owners namely the GCs. You are comfortbale knowing that you are part of the 80% and shoudl really look at the dangers that would face us when urging us to take a leap of faith without any safeguards.

You automatically returned to the property issue as soon as agreeing we are joing owners of this island, I would have expected you to have put forward details of how you see solving the current problems rathering than going over old ground and accusing me confiscating and selling your properties, if you want to change the current structure/divide then it is in your hands, all you have to do is solve the problems which have been outstanding for the last 44 years show TCs that a united Cyprus is better than the current divide, all you are saying is we are all Cypriots lets unite without taking into account concerns and fears which is a very dangerous situation to promote.

"Joint ownership" of Cyprus by the TC's and the GC's is a "very loaded question". No groups are a "joint ownership" of Cyprus. We as individually own our share of Cyprus whether there's only one TC or one GC. If there is only one TC and 800,000 GC or vise verse, how can this be a 50-50 ownership, so once again VP is trying to capitalize on his Propaganda. "How can Zan and I be thieves" he says, if we are joint owners of Cyprus. If that was the case, then my ONE share in British Telecoms has just became 50% of the whole company, based on that ridiculous logic. As soon as Zan and VP can put 50% of BT in my pocket, then I will say, "yes, these Dreamers and Propagandist are correct, and they do infact own 50% of Cyprus". :lol: :lol:

Listen up Partitionist. You only own what is rightfully yours, ONE Donum or 1,000 donums. If it has other persons name on the deeds and you are holding it, it is not yours, no matter if you have paid for it or not without the rightful owners consent. It is simply a "Haram Land".
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Postby Pyrpolizer » Sun Jun 17, 2007 4:06 pm

Hey guys to all you who say they ask you "where you are from" and you say Cyprus and then ask you if you are Greek/or Turkish or whatever: In my opinion this happens only in the UK. In the rest of the world they ask "where the hell is Cyprus on the map?"

Does anyone of you know where is Madagaskar?? Yet it is multiple times bigger than Cyprus....

We are NOT the center of the world and it's about time we realize very few know we even exist.
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Postby Viewpoint » Sun Jun 17, 2007 4:17 pm

So what are you GCs really saying? are we or arent joint owners ? make up your minds and if we are what does that mean in your eyes?
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Postby Pyrpolizer » Sun Jun 17, 2007 4:31 pm

YOU ARE NOT JOINT OWNERS AND WE ARE NOT JOINT OWNERS. Each person owns only whatever he has deeds in his name. Nothing more than that. Do you have a title deed saying you own Cyprus in join venture with me?
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Postby Pyrpolizer » Sun Jun 17, 2007 4:49 pm

In every country there there is an authority that regulates peoples affairs including their LIMITED rights on their privately owned lands. The state is impersonal. Supposely "it owns" all land and sea and rivers and lakes that are not privately owned, but as the state is impersonal, in practice it just sets limits to the rights all citizens have on those lands. e.g YOU CAN ONLY WALK OR CAMP INSIDE THE FOREST BUT YOU CANNOT BUILD ANYTHING.

I totally disagree with all those who voted in this poll. It's a false question that leads to false conclusions that can easily be exploited by some hawks in here.
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Postby miltiades » Sun Jun 17, 2007 6:08 pm

Kifeas wrote:
miltiades wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:
miltiades wrote:17 Contributors to this forum have voted that T/Cs are joint owners of Cyprus. 4 against , one of which has told us that his vote should have been the yes vote but he made a mistake. Taking that into account , only 3 out of 21 votes thought that the T/Cs are not the joint owners. This means 85% of members agree that the T/Cs are joint owners. This tells me that the overwhelming majority on this forum consider themselves to be Cypriots regardless of ethnicity. Let VP and Zan digest these figures which are quite significant in that at the end of the day we all feel that we are Cypriots . I think the author , my dear friend mrfromng , ought to forgive me for jumping in with the analysis but I'm certain that he will soon add his valued comments.

Exactly what Zan and I have been saying all along, so this is really a slap in the face of those that accuse us of being thieves how can you steal what you jointly own. Where we differ is that I say we are better off living side by side in peace the past 33 years is proof enough, what have you got to show for unity 1960 to 1974? I know which I prefer. The level playing field is the only way forward and the EU know this in tiime and banking on the standard GC arrogance and intrangience a breaking point will come when the EU will force the spoilt child of Europe the GC south to act like Europeans and allow an easing of the isolation on the North.

Now that we have established we are joint owners of Cyprus, does joint ownership mean 50% 50%? are we equals? or do we have less rights? Do you see us as having an equal say in the future of our country? Please clarify this because there are GCs who think like Piratis for example that our say is dependent on the GCs 80%.

I think your little brain is missing the point here mate. Joint owners yes , but confiscating my property and selling it of to foreign investors IS NOT PART OF JOINT OWNERSHIP.Neither is walking into a Cyprus Bank and demanding 50% of assets. Neither does it mean that Turkish settlers are given my land , for which land I have the legal deeds . Neither does it mean that demands by the legal owners of the right to return to their properties is arrogant or ignorant. Wake up and start talking sense not bullshit. Do me a favour mate , get real !

But Miltiades, didn't you say that the TC community is the "co-owner" of Cyprus, together with the GC community? Co-ownership, in the language of business and trade, basically means 50:50! Don’t you know that! Otherwise we are talking about shareholding or stake-holding!

Kifeas , Im certain that you understood more than most the authors question as to whether the T/Cs are co owners of Cyprus. I do not for a minute think that what he had in mind is what you or VP have erroneously interpreted. I also beleive that other Cypriots namely the Armenians are also co owners of Cyprus. It does not mean that either the T/Cs , the G/Cs or the Armenians on a personal level co own the land and assets of Cyprus. if you follow this interpretation you would therefor say that a G/C who has no land or assets in Cyprus is not a co owner of Cyprus. The meaning of that is the same as saying "CYPRUS BELONGS TO ALL CYPRIOTS " .In this context of course the T/Cs are co owners , not meaning that THEY OWN 50 OR 60 OR ANY GIVEN PERCENTAGE OF LAND OR ASSETS.
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Postby Viewpoint » Sun Jun 17, 2007 7:36 pm

miltiades wrote:
Kifeas wrote:
miltiades wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:
miltiades wrote:17 Contributors to this forum have voted that T/Cs are joint owners of Cyprus. 4 against , one of which has told us that his vote should have been the yes vote but he made a mistake. Taking that into account , only 3 out of 21 votes thought that the T/Cs are not the joint owners. This means 85% of members agree that the T/Cs are joint owners. This tells me that the overwhelming majority on this forum consider themselves to be Cypriots regardless of ethnicity. Let VP and Zan digest these figures which are quite significant in that at the end of the day we all feel that we are Cypriots . I think the author , my dear friend mrfromng , ought to forgive me for jumping in with the analysis but I'm certain that he will soon add his valued comments.

Exactly what Zan and I have been saying all along, so this is really a slap in the face of those that accuse us of being thieves how can you steal what you jointly own. Where we differ is that I say we are better off living side by side in peace the past 33 years is proof enough, what have you got to show for unity 1960 to 1974? I know which I prefer. The level playing field is the only way forward and the EU know this in tiime and banking on the standard GC arrogance and intrangience a breaking point will come when the EU will force the spoilt child of Europe the GC south to act like Europeans and allow an easing of the isolation on the North.

Now that we have established we are joint owners of Cyprus, does joint ownership mean 50% 50%? are we equals? or do we have less rights? Do you see us as having an equal say in the future of our country? Please clarify this because there are GCs who think like Piratis for example that our say is dependent on the GCs 80%.

I think your little brain is missing the point here mate. Joint owners yes , but confiscating my property and selling it of to foreign investors IS NOT PART OF JOINT OWNERSHIP.Neither is walking into a Cyprus Bank and demanding 50% of assets. Neither does it mean that Turkish settlers are given my land , for which land I have the legal deeds . Neither does it mean that demands by the legal owners of the right to return to their properties is arrogant or ignorant. Wake up and start talking sense not bullshit. Do me a favour mate , get real !

But Miltiades, didn't you say that the TC community is the "co-owner" of Cyprus, together with the GC community? Co-ownership, in the language of business and trade, basically means 50:50! Don’t you know that! Otherwise we are talking about shareholding or stake-holding!

Kifeas , Im certain that you understood more than most the authors question as to whether the T/Cs are co owners of Cyprus. I do not for a minute think that what he had in mind is what you or VP have erroneously interpreted. I also beleive that other Cypriots namely the Armenians are also co owners of Cyprus. It does not mean that either the T/Cs , the G/Cs or the Armenians on a personal level co own the land and assets of Cyprus. if you follow this interpretation you would therefor say that a G/C who has no land or assets in Cyprus is not a co owner of Cyprus. The meaning of that is the same as saying "CYPRUS BELONGS TO ALL CYPRIOTS " .In this context of course the T/Cs are co owners , not meaning that THEY OWN 50 OR 60 OR ANY GIVEN PERCENTAGE OF LAND OR ASSETS.

Kifeas is correct however you may now try to twist it co-ownership or joint-ownership means we both own and rule Cyprus jointly 50% 50% this has nothing to do with the land distribution percentages. Both communites have a vested interested in Cyprus and therefore need to have an equal say in what direction our future takes, allowing one side the advantage will only push us once again towards civil unrest and crisis.

So now you are saying we are only joint owners with GCs on an individual basis? but not on a community level? either we are or we are not, you are not being very clearand should clarify exactly what you mean so that everyone can understand your Cypriot ideology.

Can you also answer the following question, if GCs represent the English then who do the TCs represent in the UK? The Pakistanis or the Scottish?
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Postby Kifeas » Sun Jun 17, 2007 7:44 pm

VP, do you agree that a partition deal can only be possible if the TC community decides so in a referendum, and then you choose a territory portion equal to the demographical ratio, i.e. 82:18 percent, minus the whatever percentage of TCs will choose to remain RoC citizens and stay within the areas under RoC control?
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Postby Viewpoint » Sun Jun 17, 2007 7:51 pm

Kifeas wrote:VP, do you agree that a partition deal can only be possible if the TC community decides so in a referendum, and then you choose a territory portion equal to the demographical ratio, i.e. 82:18 percent, minus the whatever percentage of TCs will choose to remain RoC citizens and stay within the areas under RoC control?

I agree Kifeas but show me an example where the land distribution was decided in relation to the population distribution, also kindly allow for GCs who will not sell their land and will want to return to the TRNC. Do you believe that all GCs will sell up in the area desginated the TC state? I doubt this very much if you are any eaxmple to go by longing to return to your ancestral lands.
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