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Are TCs joint owners of Cyprus.

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Are TCs joint owners of Cyprus.

Yes they are
No they are not
Total votes : 28

Postby bigOz » Thu Jun 14, 2007 11:14 am

Piratis wrote:Cypriots are the owners of Cyprus. Are you Cypriot? If you are, then you are co-owner of Cyprus and your share is around 1/800.000 just like for everybody else. If you are Turk or part of another imaginary turkish nation, then Cyprus does not belong to you. Cyprus belongs to Cypriots.

The problem is not if we consider you Cypriot or not. The problem is that you are thieves that stole from us our land. The land that you currently illegally occupy belongs to us by 82%, and as Kiffeas said we are not going to gift it to you.

Piratis, you forgot the "ethnic cleansing" bit this time! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Who is "us"? Your first paragraph contradicts the second one! :roll:
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Postby EPSILON » Thu Jun 14, 2007 11:41 am

OK Ivoted wrongly in this since i mixed this vote with a separate one asking who is controlling NC TCs or Turkey. You hv to deduct my "NO" vote in this certain one and count it as "YES the TCs are joined owners of Cyprus"
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Postby Pyrpolizer » Thu Jun 14, 2007 1:33 pm

Viewpoint wrote:
THE HIGHLANDER wrote:Here we go again..........if you are born in Cyprus you are a Cypriot it does'nt matter what colour or cread you are via your parents, your 100% Cypriot if Cyprus is your country of birth as that is what the law states !!!!!!!

I was born in the UK to Turkish Cypriot parents and have lived in the TRNC for the past 15 years what does that make me?

You are a Cypriot because your parents are Cypriots!

Coming back to our old puzzles about you.
a) if you are male and you are about 40 as you said, then it makes absolutely no sense to me how a male AngloCypriot at the age of 25, at the blossoming of his life and career abandoned the UK and came back to Cyprus in 1992 when the TCs themselves were abandoning the place by the thousands.Btw how good were your turkish then?

b)But if you are female then OK, it's not that unusual for TC/GC parents living in the UK to pack up their virgin daughters to a nice Cypriot groom and send them back to the homeland.

But since you say you are male, we are stuck with puzzle as per a)

The puzzle gets even more complicated if you consider that the Cypriot doctrine says the wife follows the husband, not the other way round.
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Postby Pyrpolizer » Thu Jun 14, 2007 1:51 pm

EPSILON wrote:OK Ivoted wrongly in this since i mixed this vote with a separate one asking who is controlling NC TCs or Turkey. You hv to deduct my "NO" vote in this certain one and count it as "YES the TCs are joined owners of Cyprus"

Imagine if the question was more complicated.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

** You would have voted correctly,because by mistake you would have chosen the wrong answer and by another mistake you would have ticked the wrong box.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Postby Get Real! » Thu Jun 14, 2007 2:05 pm

Since when do citizens have the legal right to the possession of a country?

It is the state that has such ownership and in the case of Cyprus it is the Republic of Cyprus that has it.

This poll is technically incorrect and misleading and unfortunately encourages people to use the community approach once again to examine Cyprus! Is it any wonder why there are angry responses?

Cyprus is a sovereign country with her clearly defined borders and government as recognized internationally and we should not let the extraordinary and illegal circumstances of 1974..2007 confuse us.

Mrfromng, I’m disappointed by this amateur poll to vent off your anger at Kifeas but you’ve made a mess here and propagated even more anger.

Nobody should bother voting here.

Regards, GR.
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Postby MR-from-NG » Thu Jun 14, 2007 2:14 pm

Get Real! wrote:Since when do citizens have the legal right to the possession of a country?

It is the state that has such ownership and in the case of Cyprus it is the Republic of Cyprus that has it.

This poll is technically incorrect and misleading and unfortunately encourages people to use the community approach once again to examine Cyprus! Is it any wonder why there are angry responses?

Cyprus is a sovereign country with her clearly defined borders and government as recognized internationally and we should not let the extraordinary and illegal circumstances of 1974..2007 confuse us.

Mrfromng, I’m disappointed by this amateur poll to vent off your anger at Kifeas but you’ve made a mess here and propagated even more anger.

Nobody should bother voting here.

Regards, GR.


I said you're smart, now you're being a smart ass. Leave the legalities and terminologies out for once. This is a simple poll that has a simple answer. The readers know the point I'm making.

Kifeas has made a statement to which I responded, how about you analyzing his comments and giving us your smart and honest opinion?

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Postby Get Real! » Thu Jun 14, 2007 2:38 pm

mrfromng wrote:Kifeas has made a statement to which I responded, how about you analyzing his comments and giving us your smart and honest opinion?

Ok, let’s have a look at those lines again…

“The only ones dreaming, iceman, are poor fellows like you, for thinking that the GCs will ever gift you 30% of their country, with their 300 medieval and ancient churches”

Kifeas is simply doubting that the RoC will ever accept relinquishing 30% of territory for the official creation of an independent TC state. (hence the word "gift")

Now how on earth did you translate the quote above into a seemingly… “TC’s don’t own any part of Cyprus” …and saw fit to create this poll???

Regards, GR.
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Postby MR-from-NG » Thu Jun 14, 2007 2:59 pm


From Kifeas' sentence one would interpret it exactly as I did. How can the TCs be legal owners of any part of the island if the GCs feel they need to first and foremost give that part or make a gift of it to us?

Anyway, as always you have come up with a smart answer, the honest part is questionable.

It would be silly of me to expect different, after all Kifeas says it one way, Piratis another and you have your own your own unique style but the common goal is nevertheless the same. Screw the TCs. 8)
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Postby Rain » Thu Jun 14, 2007 3:00 pm

I did not vote yet, my opinion is that any person whose parents were legal citizens of the republic of Cyprus till 20.07.1974 , and all those who were born to this people are Cypriots. They can be Greek , Turkish, Armenian or Maronite speaking. All of the above people have the right to call themselves Cypriots with pride.
In the mean time, I do not consider a good idea to vote on this subject as definitely will create animosity and ill feeling among the forum members.
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Postby MR-from-NG » Thu Jun 14, 2007 3:09 pm

Rain wrote
In the mean time, I do not consider a good idea to vote on this subject as definitely will create animosity and ill feeling among the forum members.


With due respect since when has anybody cared what animosity or ill feeling a post will cause. Gcs or TCs alike. I felt my response was perfectly apt to Kifeas' remarks.

In an ideal world we would be more tolerant and forgiving to one another, but one can only try so much and then think "well if you cant beat them join them".
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