Natty wrote:Natty, how do you think your Baggies will get on next season??
Hey Simon, long time no speak, how are you?
Well I'd love to say I think they'll do well and be in a position to be promoted next season, but who knows how many of our best players will be left..But hey, I can hope!
I was actually at Wembley for the play offs, and even though the baggies lost (A fact that kind of brought the mood of the day down as you can imagine..) I have to say the experience was pretty awesome, Wembley is pretty HUGE! I even wore a silly hat that jangled!

Hi Natty
Long time and all that, yes you are right. I am fine thank you, thanks for asking. Hows things with you?
Yes, I hear that Koumas could be on his way out and possibly to Wigan. Greening and Zolton G could leave too. If this happens then next season could be interesting for you. A friend of mine follows WBA also and is a 'tad' concerned next season.
You went to Wembley, nice. I have been told that Wembley has near 2500 toilets!!!
I am over next week, and very much looking forward to it. Although it will be for business and pleasure, but still, it is better than wet old England!!!