The mutt did disappear from the balcony facing our enterance though so a morale victory it was thought. WRONG. 15 mins later we had a visit from the boys with the blue flashing lights. Probably the best response time for a Cyprus police vehicle for a private complaint this side off the millenium.
My terrier thought she was going to be confronted regarding the mutt and the complaint. How wrong could she be!!
The police came to tell us that the bollards (next best thing to a lampost where dogs are concened )around our property where the subject of a complaint from our ever friendly rotty next door and if not removed immediately I would be having my collar felt and would be subject to a few nights in the pound. They had investigated and the bollards were placed illegally. Amazing all this in 15 mins. Admittedly I have placed these bollards but with the blessing of the kennel owner to prevent illegal parking on the pavement
I at the time was absent from the kennel having gone to retrieve the car from its previous nights resting place as I did not want to violate the law regarding driving under the influence which we all know is so strictly enforced on this island. The message was left that I must contact the police dog before 6 pm or they would be back to arrest me.
On my return I decided as I do not bark Greek fluently I should consult my kennel owner (landlord) as to my position in this matter and to who I would to approach for position to place these bollards.
The kennel owner at this point I must say was beyond reproach. Instead of siding with the Rotty he assured me she was a very sad little pooch with nothing better to do than growl all day.
The kennel owner made a couple of calls and assured me ther was no further problem as when he had the plans done for the kennel I reside in he had included posts all along the pavement. (maybe to appease the local dog community) and these had been approved.
The questions I now ask!
Was the tame police dog a sibling, friend, relation of the Rotty?
Why were they in attendance so quickly on a Saturday when their presence is noticeably less, unless embibing local coffee?
Why was the police dog reluctant to show ID when asked?
Why did we not receive any official notification of the ploice dog visit?
Why have they not come back as promised to arrest me and drag me off to the pound?