Yes, you are right about the heat , that is why I try to avoid going to Cyprus in July August, albeit unsuccesfully. As I am in education I cannot avoid it.So I travelled to Cyprus at easter for a change so I could enjoy the greenery and the fresh wildlife, flora and fauna. I nearly got pneumonia. The first week was unbelievably cold and I had no warm clothes with me. The only bit I enjoyed was when GR took me and my lady wife to Kalkopetria. The weather was warmer then. Whats left, oh yes "real feelings". I have to think about that. Yes, are you suggesting that I have feelings for a non-existing entity or a figment of my imagination. Nah, you are wrong there. Best be clear what you are suggesting, maybe I got your meaning wrong!
Enjoy the heat and say a prayer for those poor dogs and provide them with plenty of water.