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GC Author Antonis Angastiniyotis and GCs - READ and LEARN!

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GC Author Antonis Angastiniyotis and GCs - READ and LEARN!

Postby bigOz » Thu Jun 07, 2007 10:53 am

Greek Cypriot author, Antonis Angastiniyotis, who questioned Greek Cypriot nationalism in his written works and in his documentary "The Voice of Blood" drew attention to the mass massacres carried out by the Greek Cypriots against the Turkish Cypriots, dedicated his article in 2005 entitled, "Barbarism Against the Turkish Cypriots…The other side of the coin", to the Turkish Cypriot schoolchildren who were brutally massacred in Murataga in 1974 and brought to light the Greek Cypriot brutality.

In his article Angastiniyotis said:

"I'm constantly asked why I'm opening old wounds and not letting the past to be forgotten. The answer is very simple. The wounds are not old, otherwise there wouldn't be mothers dressed in black, weapons, soldiers and borders. Although I've lived on this island for 40-years, I only began to explore the other half of the realities last year and what I discovered bore a deep wound in my soul.

When I got over the propaganda wall and realized that people were knowingly hiding the other half of the reality or they were distorting the reality, the past now becomes a frightening 'present'. If you want to find more than one reality, you need to constantly dig the soil until your hands are bloody. If you talk, they say you are a traitor, threaten your life, and most of your friends turn their backs on you. You can be totally alone.

Loneliness no longer frightens me. For a long time now, at nights a group of children from Murataga come to my bed and together we read short stories. They smile happily at me because I have told their stories to the world, whereas I am engulfed in tears because of not being able to count the number of bullet wounds in their small bodies before they leave. The wounds cannot be old because when I wake up I find blood stains on my white sheets. The wounds cannot be old because up until now no one has apologized.

The purpose of writing this book is social, not political. However, it is not possible to avoid the political aspects of the events. The main aim is to address every Cypriot, especially the Greek Cypriots. Because I also learned to look at the political situation of Cyprus from this point of view.

Both the domestic tension created by the 24 April 2004 referendum with the aim of reunifying the island (Annan Plan) and my daily contacts with the world, takes me to only one conclusion. Extreme nationalism that is deeply rooted in peoples' hearts is the biggest obstacle for people to reconcile. For the situation to change permission must be given to explain the realities regarding the dark corners of history. It's not possible for people to clean their souls without regretting what they've done and it's not possible for them to regret what they've done without acknowledging their faults.

The majority of the Greek Cypriot youth know very little about the events that led to the island's division. The tragic events of 1974 have been used as a huge curtain to cover up the real events that led to the division of the two people. In our schools it has always surprised me that while talking about the heroism of EOKA, they skip 15-years and continue with 1974. Either nothing happened between 1960 and 1974, or no one wants to discuss this. While researching the events during this period (1960-74),

When I started to write this research, my cousin from Greece and her two daughters came to visit me and we started to discuss the events of 1963-74. The daughters knew nothing and what their mother knew was very confusing. At one stage of the discussion I mentioned some of the Greek Cypriot leadership's mistakes and all of a sudden this brought out the nationalist monster in my cousin who said: "Makarios' biggest mistake was not to have killed all the Turkish Cypriots in order for us to be comfortable".

This sweet and pretty woman, who couldn't even kill an ant, had suddenly turned into a killer who could carry out mass murders. She wanted a whole race to be wiped out. This is what I said to her: "In other words, do you mean taking out all the children from school, all mothers with their babies and all the men from their work places and taking them to a big hole in Messaria and murder them…Do you want to be one of the murders or the one of the persons using the bulldozer to cover the mass graves…"

There was silence. The example I gave helped her to understand the meaning of what she said. Then I started to speak again. "We tried this before in Ayvasil, Murataga, Atlilar, Taskent, but the only thing we succeeded in was soughing the fruits of our efforts".

Since our childhood we were taught that the Turks were barbaric dogs. My aunt used to say to me that they smelled because they weren't baptised. Whereas according to the Bible, we are modern Christians who love their environment. Then, why did our religious leader Makarios in 1964 say that 'If Turkey comes to intervene to protect the Turkish Cypriots, she will not find a single Turkish Cypriot to save…' The answer is clear. In Cyprus there is a saying, 'another priest's sermon'. In certain situations this enables us to hate. This book will deal with some of these special situations.

While there are those who claim that 'the Cyprus problem started in 1974 and the problem is an issue of invasion and can be settled if the invading forces withdrew from the island', the Turkish Cypriots know well what they would be faced with if Turkish troops left the island. Because the bitter pain of the 11-years before the arrival of the Turkish troops has not been erased from their memories. The EU should say to Papadopoulos, 'the Turkish troops brought peace to Cyprus, they are the protectors of peace because as you arm yourself to take over the whole of Cyprus under the usurped title of the Cyprus Government, the Turkish Cypriots have the right to be protected and to protect their state against you'.

Those for peace, unification and reconciliation should see the realities and act realistically. The realities in Cyprus have been ignored for 40-years. These realities are the existence of two equal peoples in Cyprus with the right to self-determination and that neither one of these sides can dominate or represent the other and does not have the right to be the sole government of the whole of Cyprus…"

Noe before all the philosophers of Greeks in this forum jump to scream this guy is "this" and this guy is "that", I just want to point out that this guy is one brave GC who is not scared to speak the truth and reflects most of the things the TCs have been touching on daily in these forums!

He has a lot more knowledge, experience, better sources, and authority than Kikapu can ever have! I suggest everyone makes an attempt to read his book (especially the young GCs) to realise how big a ride they've been taken for!
Last edited by bigOz on Thu Jun 07, 2007 11:25 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Piratis » Thu Jun 07, 2007 11:06 am

Agastiniotis not only lives in the occupied areas but he is also employed by the Turkish government there.

Barbarism Against the Turkish Cypriots…The other side of the coin

At least he admits that what he writes is one sided and not the whole truth.

We do not deny the criminal actions committed against some TCs so whats the point of keep recycling this? The question is: Will you also finally accept the other side of the coin, where the Turks have commited a lot more crimes against us compared to the ones you complain about? You have NEVER admitted this. On the contrary you just want to use selectively chosen half truths in order to excuse yet more crimes and illegalities against us.
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Postby bigOz » Thu Jun 07, 2007 11:50 am

Piratis wrote:Agastiniotis not only lives in the occupied areas but he is also employed by the Turkish government there.

Barbarism Against the Turkish Cypriots…The other side of the coin

At least he admits that what he writes is one sided and not the whole truth.

We do not deny the criminal actions committed against some TCs so whats the point of keep recycling this? The question is: Will you also finally accept the other side of the coin, where the Turks have commited a lot more crimes against us compared to the ones you complain about? You have NEVER admitted this. On the contrary you just want to use selectively chosen half truths in order to excuse yet more crimes and illegalities against us.

If you read my posts carefully, I had always referred to and accepted the killings of GCs by the Turkish army. However I shall never agree to something untrue and wrong and that is the flawed info you are being fed in schools! Eoka did not commit crimes against "some Turks" as you put it, but systematically destroyed many villages and killed many innocent TC civilians for no good reason, over a very long period of time! What you have just said:

"the Turks have commited a lot more crimes against us "

is totally wrong and cannot be substantiated by historic facts. I am assuming you are refrerring to TCs as the "Turks" here!

No one is recycling anything and the purpose of the above post is to demonstrate to those GCs why they are victims of wrong propaganda and teachings in their schools. I do not need to read such books to know what was and probably is being preached by bishops in Greek Orthodox Churches. Neither do I have to be told by a GC how their children's brains are washed against the TCs and Turks.

We had similar problems with our schools in the North but accepted the criticism and have been acting on it for a long time now. No one teaches TC children to hate GCs or Greeks. No one tells them Geeks are smelly, murdering Christians, or our enemy! Yes, they are taught what happened in history and the mass murders by EOKA, but that is not the same thing - and unless all GCs are EOKA members, I see no reason why that should be offensive or bad teaching!

The same is not true for the GCs and their initial education. None of the paragraphs in red can be called a lie, and every GC who leaves aside emotions and has a realistic read will know so!

I had known many Greek elderly women who stayed in Kyrenia, and they were always treated with genuine kindness and affection in their everyday life. No one taunted or touched them - in fact I personally had conversations with two such women on regular basis never looking at them as the enemy or a "dirty Greek". I had never heard of Agastiniotis until recently, and he is definitely not on the TRNC payroll.

Whatever he is, he must have kept a very low profile. But credit to him for speaking his mind after the borders between the two communities came down. I never heard of him making any TRNC propaganda (if) when he was in TRNC before GCs started crossing over! So somehow I do not agree with you on that one
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Re: GC Author Antonis Angastiniyotis and GCs - READ and LEAR

Postby Get Real! » Thu Jun 07, 2007 12:02 pm

bigOz wrote:I just want to point out that this guy is one brave GC who is not scared to speak the truth and reflects most of the things the TCs have been touching on daily in these forums!

So you finally "discovered" Tony eh? He is yours to keep and you can enjoy his bravery right here... ... astiniotis
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Postby cypezokyli » Thu Jun 07, 2007 12:09 pm

it is extremelly annoying when the work of people who care about cyprus is used for propaganda purposes.

angastaniotis aimed at something completely different. to inform his own side about the crime the gcs commited.

the "clever" turkish propaganda overtook his work KNOWING that in this way he will be labelled a traitor in the south. so anyone who make the slightest attempt to make a search for the truth, is being immidiately de-legitimised.

tcs who often selectevely quote tony angastaniotis , WOULD NEVER quote people with similar views from the tc community.

typical example :

mrfromng wrote:KIKAPU IS OUR TONY ANGASTINIOTIS ... c&start=20

if thats the opinion you have about people who dare critisize their own community, it is completely unethical to use their work of people with similar views to support your arguments.

just do them a favor, and stop delegitimatising their arguments.
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Postby bigOz » Thu Jun 07, 2007 12:29 pm

So everyone jumps in with a critical view! You can put a lot of paint to make a whore look pretty, but it will never change the fact that she remains a whore!

No one answers the questions asked! Are the things highlighted in red, as commented by this guy, all lies? and why so?

The only reason I have respect for him is because he aired my exact views on many issues, and I never read anything about the guy before!

As for never quoting or supporting people with such views in one's community, just in case you were not aware, founder members of current govenrment held by CTP in TRNC always aired such views in the media and were subject to strong criticisms / attacks at times (by Denktash supporters and ultra right). Yet the TCs elected them in preference to more nationalist parties - IF THAT DOES NOT TELL YOU ANYTHING - NOTHING WILL! :roll:
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Postby Piratis » Thu Jun 07, 2007 12:31 pm

"the Turks have commited a lot more crimes against us "

is totally wrong and cannot be substantiated by historic facts.

Of course it can. The occupation of Cyprus goes on for 32 years. The events that Agastiniotis talks about took place between 63-68 which is 5 years (plus at that same period GCs were killed by TCs as well).

So what is more 32 or 5?

In terms of amount of casualties, TCs had some 100s of casualties during the intercommunal conflict and a few more during the Turkish invasion. GCs also had a few 100s of casulaties during the intercomunal conflict, but they also had 6000 dead and 200.000 ethnically cleansed during the Turkish invasion.

So what is more, some 100s of several 1000s?

And in this equation I am not even adding the 10s of thousands of GCs that the Turks killed when the first invaded Cyprus and the 100s of years of oppression we had to suffer under them.

So it is nothing but a fact that the Turks have committed a lot more crimes against us than the other way around. If you can not accept this historical facts then obviously you are a victim of brainwashing and you live in denial.

We had similar problems with our schools in the North but accepted the criticism and have been acting on it for a long time now. No one teaches TC children to hate GCs or Greeks. No one tells them Geeks are smelly, murdering Christians, or our enemy!

Allow me to doubt that. Most TCs in here show the greatest kind of disrespect to Greek Cypriots and they believe that GCs are evil that need to be punished. Apparently your education system is not what you claim. In addition to that they are taught that it is OK to steal GCs land and to violate our most basic human rights. What can be more aggressive and hostile than that?

Agastinotis live in the occupied areas and works in a Turkish funded university in the occupied areas. So he is on the Turkish payroll, which is just another fact you choose to deny.
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Postby Pyrpolizer » Thu Jun 07, 2007 12:35 pm

So as you may have lready realized BigOZ We all in here know Tony angastiniotis because he is a member of the forum. I personally have seen his documentaries. If you read his last post he says he is now afraid the Turkish Army will kick him out as he started talking for the other ide of the other side of the coin....

wrote: If you read my posts carefully, I had always referred to and accepted the killings of GCs by the Turkish army. However I shall never agree to something untrue and wrong and that is the flawed info you are being fed in schools! Eoka did not commit crimes against "some Turks" as you put it, but systematically destroyed many villages and killed many innocent TC civilians for no good reason, over a very long period of time!

Yes we know that the total number of murdered people during the 60s was 800 TCs (verified with names/dates/photos from "trnc" website, along with some 500 GCs.

Compare that with the 6000 GC dead in just weeks in 1974 and the 1500 or so still mising.

My point is you only see your suffering and never see the other side’s suffering which was multiple times more thn yours.
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Postby the_snake_and_the_crane » Thu Jun 07, 2007 12:50 pm

hahaha this guy is another moron. Check this...

If you read my posts carefully, I had always referred to and accepted the killings of GCs by the Turkish army.

You seemed to miss out on mentioning the many Greek Cypriots who were killed by the 'innocent' Turkish Cypriots in the 50's, 60's and upto 1974.

This is the showpiece quote of this thread tho. Dufus here says...

However I shall never agree to something untrue and wrong and that is the flawed info you are being fed in schools!

Then he says...

Eoka did not commit crimes against "some Turks" as you put it, but systematically destroyed many villages and killed many innocent TC civilians for no good reason, over a very long period of time!


Can you give me rough dates of the villages that EOKA supposedly cleared of Turkish Cypriots??? Like I say to many Turkish Cypriot liars in this forum - lets be specific.

No one is recycling anything and the purpose of the above post is to demonstrate to those GCs why they are victims of wrong propaganda and teachings in their schools. I do not need to read such books to know what was and probably is being preached by bishops in Greek Orthodox Churches. Neither do I have to be told by a GC how their children's brains are washed against the TCs and Turks.

If you do not need to read such books to know what is being taught - then how do you have such a great knowledge of the Greek Cypriot curriculem??? lol

We had similar problems with our schools in the North but accepted the criticism and have been acting on it for a long time now. No one teaches TC children to hate GCs or Greeks. No one tells them Geeks are smelly, murdering Christians, or our enemy! Yes, they are taught what happened in history and the mass murders by EOKA, but that is not the same thing - and unless all GCs are EOKA members, I see no reason why that should be offensive or bad teaching!

Well your history lessons are wrong because you have no clue and refuse to learn the truth about EOKA's history. By the way, again your showing how your living in denial. We have seen Turkish nationalism rampant over the last few years and seen how fucking petty and ultra-facist it can be just by seeing how the Turks act in London.

The same is not true for the GCs and their initial education. None of the paragraphs in red can be called a lie, and every GC who leaves aside emotions and has a realistic read will know so!

But you said you've never read a Greek history book - so how do you know this much again???

I had known many Greek elderly women who stayed in Kyrenia, and they were always treated with genuine kindness and affection in their everyday life. No one taunted or touched them - in fact I personally had conversations with two such women on regular basis never looking at them as the enemy or a "dirty Greek". I had never heard of Agastiniotis until recently, and he is definitely not on the TRNC payroll.

Dont do us any favours. We KNOW and have first hand experience the way the Turkish DOGS in the north have no respect for the elderly and places of worship.

Whatever he is, he must have kept a very low profile. But credit to him for speaking his mind after the borders between the two communities came down. I never heard of him making any TRNC propaganda (if) when he was in TRNC before GCs started crossing over! So somehow I do not agree with you on that one

I agree with Cypez - its a shame that this guy is making information to educate (whether it is false or accurate) his own community but Turk nationalists like yourself use it as propaganda. I get the feeling that Tony A knows this so do not understand why he does not take a neutral stance on history.
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Postby bigOz » Thu Jun 07, 2007 4:50 pm

You are the biggest DOG walking around in Cyprus Snake! And the likes of you are the ones who have been blowing up mosques in the South for many decades.

The ignorance of most GCs in this thread and the points they raise are so friggin out of context, out of order and based on bad education I have no time to educate them all!

As fo you snake, you keep calling me names and a "big fat cock" might be closer to your permanently open mouth sooner than you realize! It is blatantly clear from the tolerance of other GCs participating with an ignorant thug like you in these posts what their own true colours and ideas are!

TCs and GCs living together? Image
Cyprus Republic? Image
Giving an inch of land to GCs? Image
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