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How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby Kikapu » Sat Jun 09, 2007 11:40 pm

Kifeas wrote:
Kikapu wrote:Kifeas,

Why do you ask such reasonable questions to VP. You are only making him feel guilty for wanting a Partition.!!

Don't you have NO shame.?? :wink:

You know something Kikapu? I only wish that one day the Kurdish citizens of Turkey manage to do exactly the same thing in that country, that it (and it’s satellites in Cyprus) tries to achieve here! I also wish the same to happen to England, with all those Indians and Asians that are now living there, i.e. to grab a portion of England, cleanse the English people from there and demand to have the absolute ownership of that part in a from of partition similar to that those TCs want to effect in Cyprus. I pray the god every day that this same thing happens to those two countries, one day! I wish to live long enough to see it happening!


The Kurs are a special case, since they are actually part of Turkey, but treated as less than a Turk in their own country, so if they can get their own state along with the Kurds from Iraq and Iran, with their own oil in Kirkuk, they can really build a life for themselves, and there are millions of them, that need to be recognised as people and human beings, so I wish them all the good luck I can give. But of course, as we are speaking, Turkey is already causing problems in that region. One of these days, there's going to be a showdown between the US and Turkey over the Iraqi Kurds.

As for the Pakistanis and the Indians in the UK, are just hard working people who just wants to live in peace and raise their families, without wanting to tear up the UK. I have never heard anyone demanding to take part of UK for them selves. If they did, I would recommend that they Partition Heathrow airport, since that's where most of them seems to be working.!! But seriously, they are all over the UK, and they will never demand what the VP's are demanding. They just go along with the flow. VP want us to believe that they are treated as Second Class Citizens, but that is just his Racist views, because the British government does not feel that way.
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Postby Viewpoint » Sat Jun 09, 2007 11:44 pm

Kifeas wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:Without guarantees and safeguards to ensure my secuirty and political equality I will not budge one inch, time you realized this, as you so rightly say I do not trust GCs (this does not mean I hate them please dont confuse the 2) to do the right thing. You may have surrendered your future into the hands of GCs and are fine with living in a society where 80% of the population are Gcs and Greek is spoken all the time but I am not. I want my own state under a BBF solution with political equality...if this is not acceptable then partition is the only way out of this problem.

VP, when your Turkish ancestors stepped foot in Cyprus, some 400 years ago, didn’t they know that the overwhelming majority of the indigenous people of this country were the GCs? Didn’t they know that the GCs were the inhabitants of the whole of Cyprus for thousands of years already? If they knew this fact, why then did they choose to come here and start leaving among ourselves? You (your ancestors) came here as second comers (in a way as our “guests,”) and now you want to kick us out of a substantial part of our country and make it your own place, just because you no more like our culture and our language and the idea that we are the majority of the people in this country of ours?

VP, if you do trust us and if you do not like our language and our culture and if you do not like the fact that we were and still are the majority of the people of the whole of this country -thousands of years before your ancestors even discovered this place; then you should only blame your ancestors for coming here in the first place! Nevertheless, you can always depart from here to where your ancestors came from, because what you are asking is completely illegitimate and immoral; otherwise you live us with no option other than to patiently wait to do this by our selves, as soon as we get the right chance! Alternatively, if you -and all those little racist neo-ottoman pan-turanists thinking like you, wish to remain in this country; it is about time you all start adding lots of water in your wine glasses, and stop demanding the outrageous things you do, just because you wrongfully feel that you now have the upper hand!

Get over yourself, whether we have been here 4000 years or 400 we are and will always be part of this island, so deal with it.

Im not saying GCs should not be allowed to settle where ever they wish do you guys ever listen to what people say? what I am saying is that all people form both sides of the divide should be given the choice to live where they wish north or south under the administration of that state. What wrong with that? isnt that what you recommend we do live under a GC majority so why dont you want to accept this pne rule for us another for you?

You are still having problems with accepting the BBF, Kifeas you have to share why cant you see this? the international community see this as the only way forward and even the UN this week support Annan and his attempt at a solution.
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Postby Kifeas » Sat Jun 09, 2007 11:51 pm

Kikapu wrote:
Kifeas wrote:
Kikapu wrote:Kifeas,

Why do you ask such reasonable questions to VP. You are only making him feel guilty for wanting a Partition.!!

Don't you have NO shame.?? :wink:

You know something Kikapu? I only wish that one day the Kurdish citizens of Turkey manage to do exactly the same thing in that country, that it (and it’s satellites in Cyprus) tries to achieve here! I also wish the same to happen to England, with all those Indians and Asians that are now living there, i.e. to grab a portion of England, cleanse the English people from there and demand to have the absolute ownership of that part in a from of partition similar to that those TCs want to effect in Cyprus. I pray the god every day that this same thing happens to those two countries, one day! I wish to live long enough to see it happening!


The Kurs are a special case, since they are actually part of Turkey, but treated as less than a Turk in their own country, so if they can get their own state along with the Kurds from Iraq and Iran, with their own oil in Kirkuk, they can really build a life for themselves, and there are millions of them, that need to be recognised as people and human beings, so I wish them all the good luck I can give. But of course, as we are speaking, Turkey is already causing problems in that region. One of these days, there's going to be a showdown between the US and Turkey over the Iraqi Kurds.

As for the Pakistanis and the Indians in the UK, are just hard working people who just wants to live in peace and raise their families, without wanting to tear up the UK. I have never heard anyone demanding to take part of UK for them selves. If they did, I would recommend that they Partition Heathrow airport, since that's where most of them seems to be working.!! But seriously, they are all over the UK, and they will never demand what the VP's are demanding. They just go along with the flow. VP want us to believe that they are treated as Second Class Citizens, but that is just his Racist views, because the British government does not feel that way.

I know Kikapu!

One of the "good" trades that Turkey and its elitist classes obtained and /or developed since its inception by Mustafa Kemal, was the trade of historical "creativity" (read revisionism) and logic twisting (or better, twisted logic!) They have become the masters of those two trades!

In fact, second class citizens would have been, not the TCs in Cyprus but the GCs that would have chosen to return back to their homes in the north, should the Annan plan had gone through!
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Postby Kifeas » Sun Jun 10, 2007 12:11 am

Viewpoint wrote:
Get over yourself, whether we have been here 4000 years or 400 we are and will always be part of this island, so deal with it.

He, he, he!
VP, you seem to be forgetting that it is not us that say you are not part of this island, but it you that want to make us a non part of 37% of our country! Have you forgotten what you have just said? Didn’t you just say that:

Viewpoint wrote:Without guarantees and safeguards to ensure my secuirty and political equality I will not budge one inch, time you realized this, as you so rightly say I do not trust GCs (this does not mean I hate them please dont confuse the 2) to do the right thing. You may have surrendered your future into the hands of GCs and are fine with living in a society where 80% of the population are Gcs and Greek is spoken all the time but I am not. I want my own state under a BBF solution with political equality...if this is not acceptable then partition is the only way out of this problem.

Viewpoint wrote:
Im not saying GCs should not be allowed to settle where ever they wish do you guys ever listen to what people say? what I am saying is that all people form both sides of the divide should be given the choice to live where they wish north or south under the administration of that state. What wrong with that?

He, he, he!
Read again what you have been supporting, right above, and what plan you have asked Kofi Annal to have prepared for you!

You want your OWN state you said, where you will be treating the legitimate and rightful GC inhabitants of this area as second class citizens, as foreigners and immigrants in their own country! That is what you want, and that is what you have made Kofi Annal and Alvara De Sotto to give you as the “solution!”

Viewpoint wrote:
…isnt that what you recommend we do live under a GC majority so why dont you want to accept this pne rule for us another for you?

We recommend what? No VP, we have never recommended anything like you want to do against us! You are the biggest liar of all times to make such claims!

Viewpoint wrote:
You are still having problems with accepting the BBF, Kifeas you have to share why cant you see this?

VP, you continue to twist things and engage in historical revisionism! We have no problem accepting B&B Federation, simply because we have already accepted this back in 1977!

Viewpoint wrote:
… and even the UN this week support Annan and his attempt at a solution.

Wait until you see the final report of the UN, before you make such claims!
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Postby Kikapu » Sun Jun 10, 2007 12:18 am


Let me tell you why I get fired up sometimes with my TC Partitionist Citizens. I do not hate anyone, even all the Partitionist on this forum, despite what I may call them. I just hate their ideas, that's all. When I went up to the Stavrovouni Monastery, I was able to see almost 60% of Cyprus. I mean of the whole island, and here we are, trying to make it into two. His is very sad for me, that citizens of this small island have such great problems relating to each other, so they want to have their little corner of the island. This makes us to be "Little People" who really do not belong in the civilized world. The most we can claim as citizens of this island, is to say, "we have made this small island into two".

Well good for us, now what.??
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Postby DT. » Sun Jun 10, 2007 12:28 am

the problem with VP's statement is that he states that gc's will be allowed to settle anywhere they like. If they do that and they become a majority in both sides then how can there be a tc run state if th gc's decide to vote aginst it. UNLESS vp has decided that gc's living in the north state will not be allowed to vote!!
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Postby Kikapu » Sun Jun 10, 2007 12:47 am

DT. wrote:the problem with VP's statement is that he states that gc's will be allowed to settle anywhere they like. If they do that and they become a majority in both sides then how can there be a tc run state if th gc's decide to vote aginst it. UNLESS vp has decided that gc's living in the north state will not be allowed to vote!!

Each state will have it's own leader, much like the States, where we have a Governor elected by the people. He has certain powers, but the Legislators are the ones who really run the states, which are the representatives of the people from certain areas, based on population numbers, so in actual fact, if there were 30 total legislators in the parliament, in the North, these people will be elected based on their political ideology and not on their ethnicity. Perhaps at first it will be their ethnicity, but if they don't deliver the "goodies" to their people he represents, he will be kicked out next time around. So people will vote for the person GC or TC and not for the ethnicity, after few years.

But the President and the vice President will more than likely, will remain to be GC's, because of the GC numbers, until such a time comes, that people will just vote for the person, and not for the ethnicity. So what ever VP might want, he will get in the first few years, but then it will change dramatically if we have a True Democracy. BBF is good, but only if one lives by it's true intended way, that it is designed to work.
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Postby Get Real! » Sun Jun 10, 2007 1:14 am

Viewpoint wrote:Kifeas you have to share why cant you see this?

Says who? You either cut the crap and settle down under the Republic or get sent to Turkey via Fedex. Give it time VP and your day will come as sure as every storm having an end.
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Postby DT. » Sun Jun 10, 2007 1:18 am

Kikapu wrote:
DT. wrote:the problem with VP's statement is that he states that gc's will be allowed to settle anywhere they like. If they do that and they become a majority in both sides then how can there be a tc run state if th gc's decide to vote aginst it. UNLESS vp has decided that gc's living in the north state will not be allowed to vote!!

Each state will have it's own leader, much like the States, where we have a Governor elected by the people. He has certain powers, but the Legislators are the ones who really run the states, which are the representatives of the people from certain areas, based on population numbers, so in actual fact, if there were 30 total legislators in the parliament, in the North, these people will be elected based on their political ideology and not on their ethnicity. Perhaps at first it will be their ethnicity, but if they don't deliver the "goodies" to their people he represents, he will be kicked out next time around. So people will vote for the person GC or TC and not for the ethnicity, after few years.

But the President and the vice President will more than likely, will remain to be GC's, because of the GC numbers, until such a time comes, that people will just vote for the person, and not for the ethnicity. So what ever VP might want, he will get in the first few years, but then it will change dramatically if we have a True Democracy. BBF is good, but only if one lives by it's true intended way, that it is designed to work.

thats the key brother. You do a good job you're in govt. Shouldn't matter if a swahilli cypriot.

i agree that key positions should remain just for tc's unless the tc's decide otherwise. It might come to a time when we don't care what everyone is and we're just cypriots.
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Postby Viewpoint » Sun Jun 10, 2007 1:20 am

He, he, he!
VP, you seem to be forgetting that it is not us that say you are not part of this island, but it you that want to make us a non part of 37% of our country! Have you forgotten what you have just said? Didn’t you just say that:

You appear to be a little confused, let me make it simple, GCs being on the island longer than the TCs do not give them any more rights than us. This was in direct response to your regular spin of we have been here longer and who asked you to come here if you dont like it go back to where you came from crap. The fact that we are divided has as much to do with your mistakes as it does mine the sooner you realize this the better it will be for everyone. We tried sharing the whole island and look what happened, divided has brought you what youve always wanted a GC state run by GCs for GCs, all you want now is land not the TCs.

He, he, he!
Read again what you have been supporting, right above, and what plan you have asked Kofi Annal to have prepared for you!

You want your OWN state you said, where you will be treating the legitimate and rightful GC inhabitants of this area as second class citizens, as foreigners and immigrants in their own country! That is what you want, and that is what you have made Kofi Annal and Alvara De Sotto to give you as the “solution!”

Yes I do want my own state but I did go on to say under a BBF solution, why do you not read and absorb the whole sentence and only concentrate on those areas which you can twist and try to manipulate, where did I say GCs will be second class citizens, I think you are the one telling the lies to try and convince people that we will not treat GCs fairly in the north state under a BBF solution. Is that what you have planned for those Tcs who want to move south? thats why you accuse us. The AP was brokered by the UN by thousands of experts at great cost the fact that you have demonized it only goes to serve that you cannot accept a solution via a BBF, taking this into account I still believe that people with your mentality will end up with partition being forced upon them for the second time.

We recommend what? No VP, we have never recommended anything like you want to do against us! You are the biggest liar of all times to make such claims!

Go back and read 70% of the GCs posts and you will learn what plans GCs have in store for us.

VP, you continue to twist things and engage in historical revisionism! We have no problem accepting B&B Federation, simply because we have already accepted this back in 1977!

According to 99% of the world the AP is a BBF but you rejected it, nothing will meet with your approval as what you say you want and what you really want are 2 different things.

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