miltiades wrote:For as long as there are Cypriots who will not let go of 1963 rest assured that there will be Cypriots with the wisdom of Bir and others to remind us that what we need to do is bury the past look to the future and begin the process of reconciliation. Some of us , not only begun this process but have completed the course and have found the "promised " land " VP ought to ask himself as to why people such as myself have no problems in calling all Cypriots our brothers , and feel empathy towards those that suffered and in their own countries , became refugees. T/Cs have nothing to fear from the likes of Miltiades and G/Cs have nothing to fear from the likes of Birkibrisly and all other genuine Cypriots.
Birkibrisli wrote:Viewpoint wrote:BirkibrisliTo understand where Kifeas is coming from you need to show some empathy,step into his mind,not just his shoes,and feel what is in his heart..
How about some of this rare condition for the TCs? Kifeas!s approach has a very negative effect on TCs as its all a one way streeti we are this we are that, his main priority is the loss of his land in the north and the wealth he has lost for 33 years this blinds his evaluation and judgement makeing him one sided and unable to produce methodical and level headed arguements, as long as he is concerned if its Turkish it must be wrong.
And you know what my biggest safeguard will be????
Not the EU or the human rights courts,or the security forces or whatnot,but the passion for fairness and justice I know is present in the people I have listed above ...I cannot imagine any of these people remaining silent if they see anyone trampling on my human rights in a united Cyprus...That is all the guarantee I need...And I have no doubt I will feel part of the majority of Cypriots,and for the first time in my life I will feel a strong sense of security and sense of belonging...but alas...
Is that the same passion and fairness they showed in 1963, you may have surrendered to the GC ideology of being assimilated but do you think you have the right to force us to do so as well? when we have so many doubts and concerns about our role in a united Cyprus.
I know where you are coming from VP....And i wish i could say the GC politicians did things or are doing things to make you feel more secure....but i cannot say that...i guess i am expecting the TC community to reach deep down in their own hearts and find the courage to forgive and forget the old wrongs,for the sake of a peaceful coexistance in Cyprus...And be prepared to put their Cypriotness ahead of their ethnic side,and trust that the future will be different than the past....BEcause the present situation is entrenching the bitterness,resentment,and in some case hatred between the two main communities...If we can't find a way out soon,the only legacy you will leave your children will be the fear and the apprehention that it is only a matter of time before hot conflict starts again in Cyprus...You cannot stop the wrath of the majority of Cypriots by hiding behind the tanks of your cousins from across the waves.....The only way is to embrace them as your friends,brothers,sisters...and trust that together we will overcome any problems and achieve peace and justice for all....Because you can't have one without the other...I wish i could open ur head and put that into it....![]()
Birkibrisli wrote:mrfromng wrote:_________________
Kifeas has spoken!
Cyprus is one, indivisible & belongs to its Cypriot people!
And he goes on to say GCs will ever gift you 30% of their country,
Can you see Kifeas include the TCs in the ownership of Cyprus?
Do you now understand why we can never live as one people, united and living side by side in harmony? With fascist and ultra nationalist people like Kifeas, Piratis, Sotos and 100s of thousands like them I say NOT A BLOODY CHANCE ON EARTH.
To understand where Kifeas is coming from you need to show some empathy,step into his mind,not just his shoes,and feel what is in his heart...Feel the trauma of the little boy chased away from his home at gunpoint...Feel the outrage and the feelings of injustice which has lasted for 33 years...Feel that outrage grow into bitterness and resentment at seeing his country occupied by foreign soldiers,and the betrayal he feels about the welcoming of those troops by the TCs....Feel the bitterness grow into anger at the sight of the pillage of his former home and lands,feel his helplessness at watching his country given away piece by piece to the settlers,or sold on mass to other foreigners (British,Turkish,Israeli etc)...Feel his despair at seeing his country's historical and natural treasures desecrated,coasts and mountains turned into concrete jungles,churches turned into restaurants,stables or whatever....And feel his bitter amusement that his TC compatriots are forever justifying all this by evoking the horrible events which took place on both sides more than 40 years ago...
My dear MR...the collective TC fear of physical safety and assimilation and dominance by the GCs,expressed by the likes of VP and Zan in this forum,and by many others elsewhere,simply does not ring true or even credible any longer...It sounds like a very convenient excuse to maintain the status quo,and to turn the gains obtained by war and bloodshed into permanent political gains...That is where Kifeas' anger and bitterness is coming from...And it will never end till sanity prevails,till our county is united,till all refugees and exiles get some justice,satisfaction and closure...And yes,I would very happily live together with the GCs like Kifeas,Piratis,miltiades(selamlar can yurttasim),Bananiot,Cypez komshum,Pyros,MicAtcyp ,Alexios,Mikkie,Natty,Lena,GetReal,DT,Sotos and their like in and out of this forum (and i am sure there are tens of thousands of them),in a fully democratic,free,law obiding Cyprus under the wing of the EU...And you know what my biggest safeguard will be????
Not the EU or the human rights courts,or the security forces or whatnot,but the passion for fairness and justice I know is present in the people I have listed above ...I cannot imagine any of these people remaining silent if they see anyone trampling on my human rights in a united Cyprus...That is all the guarantee I need...And I have no doubt I will feel part of the majority of Cypriots,and for the first time in my life I will feel a strong sense of security and sense of belonging...but alas...![]()
Zan wrote: Any system can fail if it is not carried out with the right intent. The GCs decided that it would not work and made plans for it not to work.
wrote: You dismiss everything that has happened and is happening but put forth empathy for Kifeas, who has threatened everyone that he has spoken to and used intimidation and war as his cry for empathy. Do me a favour will you. I scream rape and you call me ill, he does it and you call out the air ambulance. Your balance is what is needed first and then we may just believe that your love is genuine.
Viewpoint wrote:
The bottom line is you are asking the TCs to take a leap of faith hoping it will turn out ok because we are all Cypriots. Well Im sorry to dissapoint you but without safeguards and undertakings to secure my role in a united Cyprus then unifying is out of the question . We would be fools to take things on face value and being caught up in an emotional wurl wind injected by GCs that we are all now Cypriots and that we have nothing to be concerned about.
I want to leave my children a country where they feel they own it and belong there, where they are not treated immigrants and forced to deal with Greek in the daily lives, they should be allowed the freedom to be Turkish Cypriots and use facilites in the own language and have a say in the own future, any arrangement that will go against this ideology will be resoundingly rejected.
Pyrpolizer wrote:
If you haven’t noticed people who really suffered like Birkibrisli, Kikapu, mrfromng, denizaksulu, and others receive full empathy and understanding, and it doesn’t matter if the are TCs or GCs.
mrfromng wrote:Kifeas signature says
Kifeas has spoken!
Cyprus is one, indivisible & belongs to its Cypriot people!
And then he goes on to say GCs will ever gift you 30% of their country,
Can you see Kifeas include the TCs in the ownership of Cyprus?
Kifeas wrote:mrfromng wrote:Kifeas signature says
Kifeas has spoken!
Cyprus is one, indivisible & belongs to its Cypriot people!
And then he goes on to say GCs will ever gift you 30% of their country,
Can you see Kifeas include the TCs in the ownership of Cyprus?
Mrfromng, instead of coming here and expressing his shame and apologising on behalf of his community for the criminal, racist, provocative, scandalous, hideous, ridiculous and illegitimate desire, aim and efforts of his community's leadership and Kofi Annan to cheat on the GC community and steal the 30% of Cyprus, to convert it into an exclusively Turkish colony, through that ridiculous constitution that appeared as part of the Annan plan; he has the audacity of 1000 monkeys to instead come here and accuse Kifeas for wanting precisely what has been proved beyond doubt that it is only his community's leadership and his motherland Turkey that have been aiming at!
Mrfromng, if I were you, I would have been ashamed to be uttering any words, other than apologising!
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