DT. wrote:Pyrpolizer wrote:DT I think we have to be realistic.
It would be a miracle if more than 15% GC refugees return within 10 years. It will be a miracle if Famagusta regains even 10,000 out of her original 50 thousand inhabitants.
The Tcs ask us all the time to look on the realities, it's about time they also look at the realities. There can be no restictions on the right of return, and all those who want safeguards, they should themselves look at the realities, and in case the cannot figure out what will happen in the short and long term future, then pay some expert from abroad to figure it for them..
think the subject is more on the govt structure rather than anything else pyro. I'm in agreement with Vp and BigOz that on the way to a unitary state a federal bizonal federation be established with added safeguards durng a transition period. In very simplistic terms there is a principle agreement there that you cannot maintain 2 federal component states with restrictions on movement, habitation and electoral process.
Absolutely right DT!
There has been a lot of misconception and misunderstanding of TC views on this forum because without reading carefully what was actually written most have reacted with instinct believing the authors are asking for a permanent partition. As a TC I was, l and still am at times, very surprised at the misinterpretations - hence a lot of the strong arguments were going on between people who were in fact talking about the same purpose and aims!
No one wants a divided island were there is a constant danger of a military build up, or tension by Turkey or Greece.
No TC wants or asked for a partition! Vast majority of TCs are proud of their Cypriot identity, and even those "settlers" who have been here for 30 years have picked up and adapted to Cypriot culture, do not ask for partition!
OK so there is a problem with what happened in the past and we can talk forever if the "settlers" should be sent back, or some (especially those who were born here) have earned the right to be citizens of RoC. We can do the same about the history of the island and which ethnic community suffered more or not - but it is clear, at this time, we'll never agree in a million years. WHY?
Because there are still extremist, fanatic elements on both sides who are capable of destroying the delicate process of reunification by their thuggish ideas and behaviour. What the TCs have been arguing all this time boils down to this:
OK, we get rid of the Turkish army, we unite as one island and submit to democracy - which in this case will mean submitting to GC rule - and put out faith in their hands. This is exactly were the past haunts the TCs! Their problem is not of property or money, but safety of their and their children's lives. They are not really interested how the UN and Cyprus governments on both sides intend to deal with the property losses resulting from mass movement of the population during 1974. They want assurances about own safety which the RoC government at this time cannot really give and even if they did we all know they cannot keep, because not all GCs are at the same wavelength. We can all see examples of that even in this forum.
What they say next is - we have fallen well behind the GC side of the island in economic terms because of the embargoes. Let us get our community geared up for a more prosperous life under RoC, and in the mean time lets get those who want to return to North and/or compensate for the land losses that had incurred, and get rid of the dangerous elements that may harm the reunification process.
The GCs are saying "Yes but you also have dangerous elements in your community, not everyone on your side thinks the same, who is to assure us etc." and try do adorn that argument by what had happened to them during a narrow part of recent history, with no due consideration as to "why" it had happened.
Even if the GCs were right, lets all think about this sensibly for a moment. Who is most likely to come to harm if the Turkish army pulled out today and the two communities decided to live as one with all the borders taken down and no restrictions of any kind. Does anyone realistically believe the small fanatic elements of TC population would be able to function or do anything to harm the GCs? Of course not!
Can you say the same about the TCs in a similar scenario? What happens when this smaller ethnic community of Cypriots (the TCs) are targeted by some fanatic organization or group and start shooting bullets or throwing bombs at them? Turkey will not be able to return back to the island in a million years! What realistic guarantees can the RoC government can give to TCs about their safety? At this time, are they capable of controlling such actions and securing safety of the TCs? If you put your hand on your heart and give honest answers - you will than see what the biggest problem for the TCs is.
That is why a transition period where a secure environment can be created for co-existence is absolutely essential and this period requires good will by both parties. It is no good saying "we'll object to any embargoes on TCs being lifted because they are holding property left behind by the fleeing GC community of 1974". Or arguing "any softening on current attitudes can mean recognition of the TRNC". These are childish arguments that serve no purpose.
The RoC will say to UN "OK I have no objections to trade with North Cyprus" will be based on the condition that this is a part of the whole reunification and peace process. Not an exercise to recognise TRNC! Hence, how is this going to help the recognition of TRNC? On the contrary, it will make TCs feel more secure and see their GC counterparts as trustworthy with good intentions. They will also know that any deviations from the peace process (eg. asking for the recognition of TRNC) can and will bring back the economic embargoes - imposable by the UN!
The above is exactly why there are GC politicians who can claim that current policies are alienating the TCs, and in reality, helping the eventual permanent partition of the island. As TCs in this forum we just cannot seem to be able to get that message home and we are constantly accused of fanaticism or partitionism!