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What are you trying to prove?

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby Kikapu » Wed Jun 06, 2007 1:59 am

zan wrote: If it was not for self appointed freedom fighters like me :

You will go down history as the exterminator of our peoples ethnicity Zan. Keep the fight going you fool, and soon there wont be any True Turkish Cypriots left on the planet. We will be replaced by another race from Anotolia.

"Freedom Fighter" on the streets of London.!!!

If you are going to talk so brave Zan, at least go to Cyprus and keep guard duties against those Killer Greek Cypriots from harming our people.
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Postby Piratis » Wed Jun 06, 2007 2:04 am

I have never said a lie, unlike you. Or maybe you forgot already the lies you were proven to be a liar such as when you said that the Turkish invasion was caused because 2 TC villages were attacked in 1974 and then you couldn't even name the villages :lol:
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Re: What are you trying to prove?

Postby Get Real! » Wed Jun 06, 2007 2:15 am

Viewpoint wrote:What are you trying to prove?

I feel a great sense of injustice and am trying to comprehend it via logic and reasoning but it’s not working. So far the sense of injustice is just growing! :? :( :cry:
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Postby zan » Wed Jun 06, 2007 8:50 am

Kikapu wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:
Piratis wrote:The reason you are here is to support partition. Even the above post of yours was made for this reason.

With the TCs that are not pro-partition (Kikapu, Bir etc) we could easily find common ground and come to an agreement. But you don't want to allow that, right?

The chasm is there because you want it to be there since your aim is partition. Since such "chasm", hate and conflict is what serve your aim of partition, it is natural that you want to promote them.

By all means listen to the 2 individuals ideas but remember they dont even live on the island and will not have to live here after a solution, they will not be thrown into the fire, its me and people like me who live here that should be taken more notice of as its my life and yours that will be turned upside down or put in danger not theirs.

The chasm exsists there is no denying this or you we would have been reunited years ago and as long as people, feel free to resolve things tomorrow if you can but as long as you close your ears and eyes to the reality of today then all you can do is wait for the swing.

Listen to this IDIOT. If it was such a hell and dangerous place Cyprus was or will be in the future, why the hell did you bring your family there, from the safety of UK. You are a liar of the worst kind. You make excuses more that I breath. You just want to keep your "HARAM LAND" so that you can have a better life than the people you stole the land from. You know what that makes you, so I will not repeat it now. You are nothing but a settler yourself and have no claim to any part of Cyprus you fool, so get the hell out of there if you are not willing to share the place with it's rightful owners. You should be grateful we even let you stay there, but you are fast becoming an unwanted and over stayed their welcomed guest, so shut the hell up..

Is there no limit on the number of times you can use the word "chasm". I think 1,000,000 is the limit, and you're on 999,999,999, so make the last usage to be a good one, then start to learn another word IDIOT.

And you are free to use the word Haram as many times you like tinkerbell...... :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Postby zan » Wed Jun 06, 2007 9:11 am

Kikapu wrote:
zan wrote: If it was not for self appointed freedom fighters like me :

You will go down history as the exterminator of our peoples ethnicity Zan. Keep the fight going you fool, and soon there wont be any True Turkish Cypriots left on the planet. We will be replaced by another race from Anotolia.

"Freedom Fighter" on the streets of London.!!!

If you are going to talk so brave Zan, at least go to Cyprus and keep guard duties against those Killer Greek Cypriots from harming our people.

You have kept the people in Cyprus quite long enough Kikapyros. It is time for us abroad to wake up and help our suffering brothers and sisters. I have spoken to many and they all say the same thing. It would be better to stay a Turk in Cyprus then become an “omosasised” Greek in a Greek owned island. We need our safe guards to become the Cypriots you want us to become because without that we are gone. Then your name will be synonymous with the destruction of the TCs. It seems that you would wear that medal with honour.
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Postby bigOz » Wed Jun 06, 2007 12:50 pm

Kikapu wrote:
zan wrote: If it was not for self appointed freedom fighters like me :

You will go down history as the exterminator of our peoples ethnicity Zan. Keep the fight going you fool, and soon there wont be any True Turkish Cypriots left on the planet. We will be replaced by another race from Anotolia.

"Freedom Fighter" on the streets of London.!!!

If you are going to talk so brave Zan, at least go to Cyprus and keep guard duties against those Killer Greek Cypriots from harming our people.

No Kikapu you are again talking through the eyes and propaganda of some GCs.

The population in TRNC is increasing daily because it is now safe for many TCs who lived abroad to return to Cyprus and live their life in peace. I had 7 cousins, nephews, nieces who studied and becasme proffessionals in USA. 5 of them have returned to Cyprus with their families to settle for good. Twice as amny have returned from UK to settle back there. AND thet is just from my family within th epast 18 months! There are well over 200,000 TCs thrown to exile because of the events of and after 1963 (including your own family).

There hasn' t been any settlers soming to settle in TRNC from Turkey for a very long time, so you are singing out of tune.

As for military service - why do you think it is such a bad thing for anyone to do? It is not a problem for many TCs coming from abroad who do it anyway. What's your problem? So you got away without serving in the military - good for you!
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Postby Pyrpolizer » Wed Jun 06, 2007 2:22 pm


Why do I have to correct you all the time?
a)returning of TCs en masse: Look at the timing:50 years from the 60s. Many people who migrated abroad back then are now becoming pensioners. Where else could they live the rest of their lives like Kings buying a brand new house for as low as 60K?
b)Thrown out of Cyprus in the 60s??? Very questionable. The vast majority of people emigrated for better life. In fact percentagewise the percentage of TCs in UK is proportional to that of the GCs. And most emigration happened before 1963. So if the TCs were thrown out why is their percentage in the UK proportional to that of the GCs?

In short most TCs and GC who emigrated in the past did it because Cyprus was poor.The same happens today to the Pakistanis etc.
Last edited by Pyrpolizer on Wed Jun 06, 2007 2:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby MR-from-NG » Wed Jun 06, 2007 2:34 pm

Pyrpolizer wrote:@bigOZ,

Why do I have to correct you all the time?
a)returning of TCs an masse: Look at the timing:50 years from the 60s. Many people who migrated abroad back then are now becoming pensioners. Where else could they live the rest of their lives like Kings buying a brand new house for as low as 60K?
b)Thrown out of Cyprus in the 60s??? Very questionable. The vast majority of people emigrated for better life. In fact percentagewise the percentage of TCs in UK is proportional to that of the GCs. And most emigration happened before 1963. So if the TCs were thrown out why is their percentage in the UK proportional to that of the GCs?


I think you will find most TCs emigrated after 63. The numbers before 63 were negligible.

Everybody I know around my age group have one thing in common and that is that we all emigrated 64 onwards. And the reason for our emigration was purely for security (or lack of it).
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Postby Pyrpolizer » Wed Jun 06, 2007 2:40 pm

OK mrfromng I will find the data for you.
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Postby Pyrpolizer » Wed Jun 06, 2007 2:54 pm

This for a start: ... er%202.pdf

The 1931 census gives the figure of 1,075 Cypriots in Britain, increasing to 10,343 by
1951. The marked increase in the late 1950s is directly related to the active recruitment of
labour by the British government as well as the conflict between the communities in
Cyprus promoted by colonial politics of divide and rule. The next large wave from
Cyprus came in the 1960s after the island became independent. Many Cypriotturkish
people in particular had been loyal to the colonial administration, serving as officers,
policemen, commandos, and auxiliary policemen and were rewarded with British
passports, paid passage to Britain and a lump sum to settle. The 1962 and 1968
Commonwealth immigration legislation was an added impetus for families to settle in
Britain in fear that the gates might close as well as the fresh inter-communal conflicts in
1963 and 1967-1968. The next large wave came as a result of the 1974 military
intervention and occupation of the island by Turkey which led to mass population
exchanges and emigration. Thousands came to Britain but were not recognised as refugees
unlike the Vietnamese who arrived at the same time (Mehmet Ali, 1989). Recognising the
Cypriots as political refugees would have forced the British government into a political
position it was trying to fudge as one of the guarantor powers in the Cyprus conflict
alongside its NATO ally, the invader, Turkey. In contrast, the Vietnamese had to be
accommodated, if not welcomed, because they had fought against the Viet Cong and
communism on the side of Western powers.
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