karma wrote:Natty wrote:That's the spirit,Natty mou...we definitely need more oestrogen in the Cyprob section,now that Lena mou has met with faul play and is temporarily absent...I for one miss her feminine charm and sensibility...
Thanks Bir...I think all the females on the forum should storm the CyProb section!! We need to balance it out, especially now that Lena is away for a while...(You know I was wandering where Lena had gone...what happened? I hope she's okay..).Let me know when you and karma plan to murder GReal,so I can prepare
your hiding places and good allabies (that spellling looks wrong but you know what I mean)...But do you really have to murder poor GR...?Can't you kidnapp him and bring him here with you...he might come handy as sexslave or something,strictly for the ladies of course...
I will do, Karma hasn't as yet been in contact about when or how this murder is going to happen, but as soon as everything is arranged I shall let you know! And thank you by the way, it's nice to know that we can seek sanctuary in the Land of Oz...I was thinking actually, as soon as all the hype about the murder has died down that we could all run away to the Love Inn and live happily ever after, what do you think?
You know, I would be up for just kidnapping Get real and bringing him to the love Inn (I'm 99.9% sure he'll eventually love it and appreciate it like we do..) but alas, it is not up to me...Karma 'the women scorned' has to choose what she wants to do...
It's the virtual kids I feel sorry for...
oh and we need a fourth member for the tavli competition....
We do don't we? How have we managed without a fourth player for so long I wonder![]()
Natty, GetReal case is over, no need to murder him coz he is already dead for me..
As for the virtual kids, my mom will take care of them while we r in Oziland...So we can travel legally and the fourth person for tavli/tavla competition is gona Pyro, have u both forgotton him??
Just let me know when we r goin?? (I m NOT kidding)
No,I for one,have not forgotten dear miltiades, Pyros,Kikapu,and Lena mou...The original members of the Love Inn,if I am not mistaken....
But none of them are available at short notice...And I thought you needed an urgent hideaway after murdering GR,karmacigim...Pyros would be most welcome if you can convince him...

I am getting rid of the bush rats as we speak...