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Postby Kikapu » Sun Jun 10, 2007 10:14 am

Birkibrisli wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
Svetlana wrote:Hi colmax

I did not mean to imply that everyone who contributes to CyProb is the same, but most fall into one of more of the following categories:

mentalist on Day Release,
holders of passports for Cloud Cookoo Land,
close relations to the Boston Strangler,
inhabitants of Fantasy Island,
ASBOs (Someone given an Anti-Social Behaviour Order, by a Court)
and 'Oi, who are you looking at? Outside NOW!' types


Oh Lana, you left my type out.!!!

You know, the Lovable, Gentle, Caring, Polite, Non-Judgemental, and the Good Looking. :lol:

What about the highly intelligent,sensitive,passionate,loyal,(and goodlooking of course Kikapu) True Cypriots.... :wink: :lol: :lol:
Don't forget about us,Lena... :twisted:

....and those of us who tell the Truth and stands for Justice, Democracy, Freedom and Liberty for all Cypriots who are not afraid to speak our minds to convert the ill informed, the Racist, the Bigots, the "Haram Seekers", the Blind and the Confused from jumping off the Cliff, like Lemmings.

We also like to Cook. :lol:

Bir, get Lena out of your mind, it's Lana. :wink:
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Postby miltiades » Sun Jun 10, 2007 11:31 am

Kikapu wrote:
Birkibrisli wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
Svetlana wrote:Hi colmax

I did not mean to imply that everyone who contributes to CyProb is the same, but most fall into one of more of the following categories:

mentalist on Day Release,
holders of passports for Cloud Cookoo Land,
close relations to the Boston Strangler,
inhabitants of Fantasy Island,
ASBOs (Someone given an Anti-Social Behaviour Order, by a Court)
and 'Oi, who are you looking at? Outside NOW!' types


Oh Lana, you left my type out.!!!

You know, the Lovable, Gentle, Caring, Polite, Non-Judgemental, and the Good Looking. :lol:

What about the highly intelligent,sensitive,passionate,loyal,(and goodlooking of course Kikapu) True Cypriots.... :wink: :lol: :lol:
Don't forget about us,Lena... :twisted:

....and those of us who tell the Truth and stands for Justice, Democracy, Freedom and Liberty for all Cypriots who are not afraid to speak our minds to convert the ill informed, the Racist, the Bigots, the "Haram Seekers", the Blind and the Confused from jumping off the Cliff, like Lemmings.

We also like to Cook. :lol:

Bir, get Lena out of your mind, it's Lana. :wink:

We are the proud Cypriots who see situations as they are and as they were , not influenced by cheap propaganda from either side ,we are the bearers of the truth the protectors of our identity that has been for years hijacked and kept in chains by powers that have no right to interfere with our destiny. The Cypriot nation has every potential of developing into the greatest little island in the world, where justice and equal opportunities for all is prevalent.

We have the best Mediterranean weather , not forgetting the best SOUVLA , ZIVANIA , HALLOUMI and an excellent choice of beer , KEO or Carlsberg. I'm also fond of karaolous , snails that is , cant get enough of them , not bloody escargots that the froggies eat but real snails from the Cyprus mountains , in Pafos we called them MNOUHOUS.
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Postby BirKibrisli » Sun Jun 10, 2007 2:45 pm

Kikapu wrote:
Birkibrisli wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
Svetlana wrote:Hi colmax

I did not mean to imply that everyone who contributes to CyProb is the same, but most fall into one of more of the following categories:

mentalist on Day Release,
holders of passports for Cloud Cookoo Land,
close relations to the Boston Strangler,
inhabitants of Fantasy Island,
ASBOs (Someone given an Anti-Social Behaviour Order, by a Court)
and 'Oi, who are you looking at? Outside NOW!' types


Oh Lana, you left my type out.!!!

You know, the Lovable, Gentle, Caring, Polite, Non-Judgemental, and the Good Looking. :lol:

What about the highly intelligent,sensitive,passionate,loyal,(and goodlooking of course Kikapu) True Cypriots.... :wink: :lol: :lol:
Don't forget about us,Lena... :twisted:

....and those of us who tell the Truth and stands for Justice, Democracy, Freedom and Liberty for all Cypriots who are not afraid to speak our minds to convert the ill informed, the Racist, the Bigots, the "Haram Seekers", the Blind and the Confused from jumping off the Cliff, like Lemmings.

We also like to Cook. :lol:

Bir, get Lena out of your mind, it's Lana. :wink:

Oh dear ,oh dear... :oops: :oops: :oops:
Sorry,Lana...Freudian slip... :D
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Postby BirKibrisli » Sun Jun 10, 2007 2:48 pm

miltiades wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
Birkibrisli wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
Svetlana wrote:Hi colmax

I did not mean to imply that everyone who contributes to CyProb is the same, but most fall into one of more of the following categories:

mentalist on Day Release,
holders of passports for Cloud Cookoo Land,
close relations to the Boston Strangler,
inhabitants of Fantasy Island,
ASBOs (Someone given an Anti-Social Behaviour Order, by a Court)
and 'Oi, who are you looking at? Outside NOW!' types


Oh Lana, you left my type out.!!!

You know, the Lovable, Gentle, Caring, Polite, Non-Judgemental, and the Good Looking. :lol:

What about the highly intelligent,sensitive,passionate,loyal,(and goodlooking of course Kikapu) True Cypriots.... :wink: :lol: :lol:
Don't forget about us,Lena... :twisted:

....and those of us who tell the Truth and stands for Justice, Democracy, Freedom and Liberty for all Cypriots who are not afraid to speak our minds to convert the ill informed, the Racist, the Bigots, the "Haram Seekers", the Blind and the Confused from jumping off the Cliff, like Lemmings.

We also like to Cook. :lol:

Bir, get Lena out of your mind, it's Lana. :wink:

We are the proud Cypriots who see situations as they are and as they were , not influenced by cheap propaganda from either side ,we are the bearers of the truth the protectors of our identity that has been for years hijacked and kept in chains by powers that have no right to interfere with our destiny. The Cypriot nation has every potential of developing into the greatest little island in the world, where justice and equal opportunities for all is prevalent.

We have the best Mediterranean weather , not forgetting the best SOUVLA , ZIVANIA , HALLOUMI and an excellent choice of beer , KEO or Carlsberg. I'm also fond of karaolous , snails that is , cant get enough of them , not bloody escargots that the froggies eat but real snails from the Cyprus mountains , in Pafos we called them MNOUHOUS.

Even if we say so ourselves... :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Postby Natty » Mon Jun 11, 2007 2:54 am

That's the spirit,Natty mou...we definitely need more oestrogen in the Cyprob section,now that Lena mou has met with faul play and is temporarily absent...I for one miss her feminine charm and sensibility...

Thanks Bir...I think all the females on the forum should storm the CyProb section!! We need to balance it out, especially now that Lena is away for a while...(You know I was wandering where Lena had gone...what happened? I hope she's okay..).

Let me know when you and karma plan to murder GReal,so I can prepare
your hiding places and good allabies (that spellling looks wrong but you know what I mean)...But do you really have to murder poor GR...?Can't you kidnapp him and bring him here with you...he might come handy as sexslave or something,strictly for the ladies of course...

:lol: I will do, Karma hasn't as yet been in contact about when or how this murder is going to happen, but as soon as everything is arranged I shall let you know! And thank you by the way, it's nice to know that we can seek sanctuary in the Land of Oz...I was thinking actually, as soon as all the hype about the murder has died down that we could all run away to the Love Inn and live happily ever after, what do you think? :wink:

You know, I would be up for just kidnapping Get real and bringing him to the love Inn (I'm 99.9% sure he'll eventually love it and appreciate it like we do..) but alas, it is not up to me...Karma 'the women scorned' has to choose what she wants to do...

It's the virtual kids I feel sorry for... :(

oh and we need a fourth member for the tavli competition....

We do don't we? How have we managed without a fourth player for so long I wonder :?: :shock: :lol:
Last edited by Natty on Mon Jun 11, 2007 3:08 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Postby Natty » Mon Jun 11, 2007 2:59 am

iii) I blame the CyProb on... (select one or more of the following)
the British,
the CIA,
the TMT
the Church,
the Ottoman Empire
Global warming

I blame the CyProb on....BORAT!

Did I get it right? And If so, what have I won? :wink:
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Postby Natty » Mon Jun 11, 2007 3:06 am

mentalist on Day Release,
holders of passports for Cloud Cookoo Land,
close relations to the Boston Strangler,
inhabitants of Fantasy Island,
ASBOs (Someone given an Anti-Social Behaviour Order, by a Court)
and 'Oi, who are you looking at? Outside NOW!' types

You know me so well Lana..;)

Bir, get Lena out of your mind, it's Lana.

Don't worry Bir, Lena will be back soon, I can feel it in my waters..;)
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Postby BirKibrisli » Mon Jun 11, 2007 4:54 am

Natty wrote:
That's the spirit,Natty mou...we definitely need more oestrogen in the Cyprob section,now that Lena mou has met with faul play and is temporarily absent...I for one miss her feminine charm and sensibility...

Thanks Bir...I think all the females on the forum should storm the CyProb section!! We need to balance it out, especially now that Lena is away for a while...(You know I was wandering where Lena had gone...what happened? I hope she's okay..).

Let me know when you and karma plan to murder GReal,so I can prepare
your hiding places and good allabies (that spellling looks wrong but you know what I mean)...But do you really have to murder poor GR...?Can't you kidnapp him and bring him here with you...he might come handy as sexslave or something,strictly for the ladies of course...

:lol: I will do, Karma hasn't as yet been in contact about when or how this murder is going to happen, but as soon as everything is arranged I shall let you know! And thank you by the way, it's nice to know that we can seek sanctuary in the Land of Oz...I was thinking actually, as soon as all the hype about the murder has died down that we could all run away to the Love Inn and live happily ever after, what do you think? :wink:

You know, I would be up for just kidnapping Get real and bringing him to the love Inn (I'm 99.9% sure he'll eventually love it and appreciate it like we do..) but alas, it is not up to me...Karma 'the women scorned' has to choose what she wants to do...

It's the virtual kids I feel sorry for... :(

oh and we need a fourth member for the tavli competition....

We do don't we? How have we managed without a fourth player for so long I wonder :?: :shock: :lol:

I am glad we see eye to eye on most things,Natty mou...
Karma will have the power to decide about GR as "the woman scorned" as you say...The virtual kids will be Ok as long as GR pays his virtual alimony...The Land of Oz is the ideal place to hide away and work on one's tavli skills,wine tasting skills,souvla skills,and kamasutra skills... :oops: :oops: :lol:
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Postby BirKibrisli » Mon Jun 11, 2007 4:58 am

Natty wrote:
mentalist on Day Release,
holders of passports for Cloud Cookoo Land,
close relations to the Boston Strangler,
inhabitants of Fantasy Island,
ASBOs (Someone given an Anti-Social Behaviour Order, by a Court)
and 'Oi, who are you looking at? Outside NOW!' types

You know me so well Lana..;)

Bir, get Lena out of your mind, it's Lana.

Don't worry Bir, Lena will be back soon, I can feel it in my waters..;)

In case you haven't heard Lena mou has spilled coffee all over her laptop,and is temporarily out of action...I am sure she will be back,as I can feel it in my waters too... :wink: :lol:
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Postby karma » Mon Jun 11, 2007 7:01 am

Natty wrote:
That's the spirit,Natty mou...we definitely need more oestrogen in the Cyprob section,now that Lena mou has met with faul play and is temporarily absent...I for one miss her feminine charm and sensibility...

Thanks Bir...I think all the females on the forum should storm the CyProb section!! We need to balance it out, especially now that Lena is away for a while...(You know I was wandering where Lena had gone...what happened? I hope she's okay..).

Let me know when you and karma plan to murder GReal,so I can prepare
your hiding places and good allabies (that spellling looks wrong but you know what I mean)...But do you really have to murder poor GR...?Can't you kidnapp him and bring him here with you...he might come handy as sexslave or something,strictly for the ladies of course...

:lol: I will do, Karma hasn't as yet been in contact about when or how this murder is going to happen, but as soon as everything is arranged I shall let you know! And thank you by the way, it's nice to know that we can seek sanctuary in the Land of Oz...I was thinking actually, as soon as all the hype about the murder has died down that we could all run away to the Love Inn and live happily ever after, what do you think? :wink:

You know, I would be up for just kidnapping Get real and bringing him to the love Inn (I'm 99.9% sure he'll eventually love it and appreciate it like we do..) but alas, it is not up to me...Karma 'the women scorned' has to choose what she wants to do...

It's the virtual kids I feel sorry for... :(

oh and we need a fourth member for the tavli competition....

We do don't we? How have we managed without a fourth player for so long I wonder :?: :shock: :lol:

Natty, GetReal case is over, no need to murder him coz he is already dead for me..

As for the virtual kids, my mom will take care of them while we r in Oziland...So we can travel legally and the fourth person for tavli/tavla competition is gona Pyro, have u both forgotton him??
Just let me know when we r goin?? (I m NOT kidding)
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