Secret by Rhonda Byrne
has any1 of u already read it and feel better??

denizaksulu wrote:Thanks Karma , I need to be happier. I hope you are right about the book. I will keep a look out for it.
Damsi wrote:karma
I've seen the DVD of the Secret. It's about using the universal law of attraction to get what you want. I used it to buy a house when I was broke and in debt but I have since learned that using the law of attraction for totally personal gain can have karmic consequences in the longer term.
There are two books free online that predate the current New Age version of the book, which is where I learned about the method.
One book is by James Allen written over 100 year ago.
The second, which has a bit more of a religious undertone is "The Game of Life and How to Play it" by Florence Scovel Shinn in 1925
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