mrfromng wrote:Kikapu wrote:gizzy wrote:Oh...I always assumed you are a GC coz of your nick "kikapu" sounds greek... ^^
Don't let it worry you too much Gizzy. Also ignore our good friends Iceman and mrfromng who tend to get "cranky" when they don't get laid and start acting out. It's a immaturity thing, that they will one day grow out of.
Then again, they are Cypriots, which may mean, that they will never grow out of their immaturity, so kids will be kids with some I'm afraid.

If my memory serves me correctly, only recently another newcomer mistook kikapu for a GC. So kikapu. Carry on with your posts and soon you will have a problem in convincing people that you are in actual fact a TC.
Well of course the new TC's on here will mistaken me for a GC at first mrfromng, for obvious reasons. These are the people who have a hard time accepting the truth, and or, they do not want to do anything, that may go against their best interest, or are too weak to stand up, and tell it the way it is. This what makes Gizzy special, that at age 20, she can see the difference between Right and Wrong, in what is a very complicate situation regarding Cyprus.
I do not have anything to lose by speaking openly and clearly, and everything to gain, my Country of Cyprus, as I see things, and I'm open to be educated on others point of view, if they are not trying to sell me bunch of Horse manure. People are afraid to stand up and say "This is wrong" and these are the reasons for them. A lot of the times, we do not have "hard evidence" on anything, but we are not stupid, and when people talk and say things, then they are evaluated in what they say. Words DO have meanings, therefore we will take them to their words.
It is easy to spot the Liars in this Forum, and the ones who genuinely have concerns, regarding their safety on both sides. It is also easy to see, those who hide behind the "smoke screens" as they make excuses. If someone who shows up new and thinks that I'm a GC, well, that does not offend me, since we are all Cypriot first and foremost. They will learn as time goes bye. This is why, it is important with new comers to read the forum for a month or so, before start posting anything.