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Truely amazing

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Truely amazing

Postby Hazza » Sat Jun 02, 2007 10:46 pm

Just saw this youtube video

If you like wildlife programs, this video is superb stuff.
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truely amazing

Postby pantheman » Sun Jun 03, 2007 12:28 am


thanks for sharing that mate. It is truely amazing. And i love wild life stuff.

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Re: Truely amazing

Postby lee hayes » Sun Jun 03, 2007 12:37 am

Hazza wrote:Just saw this youtube video

If you like wildlife programs, this video is superb stuff.

This truley is a great film watch and you will see how amazing animals are wildlife at its best
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Postby Bananiot » Sun Jun 03, 2007 12:41 am

The balance of power changed dramatically. Piratis must see this!
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Postby T_C » Sun Jun 03, 2007 1:15 pm

Bananiot wrote:The balance of power changed dramatically. Piratis must see this!

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Postby Kikapu » Sun Jun 03, 2007 1:58 pm

To me, this video just about sums up the Cyprus situation past, present and the future as well as the members on this Forum.

Just like the "Partitionist", the Lions showed a lot of teeth and aggression by trying to steal away the Baby from the Herd for themselves, just like the "Northern Part of Cyprus". To add more teeth, you had the Crocodile join in on the feast, or the "settlers", but the Crocodile and the Lions got greedy and did not want to share their stolen feast ( future problems for the "TRNC"). But the Baby did not just give up and lay dead, but instead cried out for help from the rest of the Herd, which were the "Cypriots in General" who came to the need of the Baby "Northern Cyprus", to free her from the jaws of the aggressors. In the end, not only the aggressors did not get to keep their illegally gotten feast "Northern Cyprus", but lost it to it's rightful owners "Cypriots" and just for good measure, the aggressors "Partitionist" also got their butts kicked really good by the Herd "Cypriots", and have been taught a lesson, that by ganging up on a small Baby "Cyprus" by a large gang of predators "Turkey", does not always mean that the Baby " Northern Cyprus" is forgotten and that the aggressors "Partitionist" will get to have a easy time "isolation and embargoes" to celebrate their temporary victory in holding the Baby" Northern Cyprus" against her will.

Those who were filming and commenting on the whole event as it was unfolding, just about represents the "International Community" for not coming to the need of the Baby "Northern Cyprus" while she was being attacked, but just chose to become spectators instead. But at the end, even they were celebrating the Liberation of the Baby "Northern Cyprus" from the jaws of death, inflicted by the Lions and Crocodiles "Partitionist".

Anyway, that's what I saw as to what was going on by the river.
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Postby iceman » Sun Jun 03, 2007 2:07 pm

nice scenario kikapu but you can play about with the roles and think of it another way...
Think of the baby buffalo as the TC's and the lions as the GC's (the alligators could be Greece) than Buffalo herd as Turkey.. :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Postby Kikapu » Sun Jun 03, 2007 2:16 pm

iceman wrote:nice scenario kikapu but you can play about with the roles and think of it another way...
Think of the baby buffalo as the TC's and the lions as the GC's (the alligators could be Greece) than Buffalo herd as Turkey.. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Hey Iceman, I wrote what I saw, and you can write as to what you saw. So far you have given us a very simplistic point of view, much like Zan's and Viewpoint's, so keep working on it until it makes more sense and then we can compare notes later on. :wink:
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Postby T_C » Sun Jun 03, 2007 2:17 pm

Double post...
Last edited by T_C on Sun Jun 03, 2007 2:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby T_C » Sun Jun 03, 2007 2:19 pm

turkish_cypriot wrote:
Kikapu wrote:To me, this video just about sums up the Cyprus situation past, present and the future as well as the members on this Forum.

Just like the "Partitionist", the Lions showed a lot of teeth and aggression by trying to steal away the Baby from the Herd for themselves, just like the "Northern Part of Cyprus". To add more teeth, you had the Crocodile join in on the feast, or the "settlers", but the Crocodile and the Lions got greedy and did not want to share their stolen feast ( future problems for the "TRNC"). But the Baby did not just give up and lay dead, but instead cried out for help from the rest of the Herd, which were the "Cypriots in General" who came to the need of the Baby "Northern Cyprus", to free her from the jaws of the aggressors. In the end, not only the aggressors did not get to keep their illegally gotten feast "Northern Cyprus", but lost it to it's rightful owners "Cypriots" and just for good measure, the aggressors "Partitionist" also got their butts kicked really good by the Herd "Cypriots", and have been taught a lesson, that by ganging up on a small Baby "Cyprus" by a large gang of predators "Turkey", does not always mean that the Baby " Northern Cyprus" is forgotten and that the aggressors "Partitionist" will get to have a easy time "isolation and embargoes" to celebrate their temporary victory in holding the Baby" Northern Cyprus" against her will.

Those who were filming and commenting on the whole event as it was unfolding, just about represents the "International Community" for not coming to the need of the Baby "Northern Cyprus" while she was being attacked, but just chose to become spectators instead. But at the end, even they were celebrating the Liberation of the Baby "Northern Cyprus" from the jaws of death, inflicted by the Lions and Crocodiles "Partitionist".

Anyway, that's what I saw as to what was going on by the river.

Kikapu you're an absolute ****!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :roll:

If anything the lions would represent the GCs and the baby the TCs. The lions think they can mess about with the baby cos shes small, they try to eat him and the croc also joins in (Greece) but when the rest of the babys clan turn up they kick the shit out of the lions and save the baby. The End!
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