Kafenes: The pic of the Police officers reminds me of a story told to us youngsters. A long time ago at Kyrenia police station An English Officer and about eight or nine Police men. The English officer was recalled to the UK for some important business. He left his wife behind in Cyprus. He decided his men would take care of her. He returns after an absence of 11 months. and finds his wife has just had a baby. He scratches his head and asks himself "how is this possible?". He calls all his men on to the parade ground and one by one asks them "How long does it take for a woman to have a baby?". Andreas says, 9 months. Mihail also says nine months, Osman says nine months . Gradually the oficer is getting angry. He approaches Abdullah, who says "well sir, it depends on the quality of the father" he continues and says "ordinary people have their babies in nine monts", "but when they are of such noble blood as yourself it takes a bit more than 9 months as is your case it took 11 months. The officer sighed with relief and immediately promoted Abdullah to Sargeant.
It may well have been he Group of policemen in your photgraph!
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