Viewpoint wrote:
Lena its simple really were TCs better off during 1960 to 1974 when we were living with GCs? or has the period 1974 to 2007 been better for TCs? The raped woman never wants to return to her rapist, and tries to move on with her life which is exactly what we have done.
Of course the same "raped woman" proverb can always be said from the part of the GCs regarding the 300 years of Turkish domination and the tens of thousands of people that have passed from the Turkish knife or have died from the hardships, mistreatment, poverty and starvation. The same can also be said from the part of the Kurdish people and other minorities in Turkey, etc, etc.
No VP, if you ineed feel like you are the "raped woman" and the GCs the "rapist," we do not want you to return back to your "rapist" either! Just return to the GCs all the extra territory and properties that you are illegitimately occupying, and keep only a part proportional to the 1974 or 1960 population demographics, and go and get "married" with whomever you want! On our part, we will build a 10 meter high wall along the boarder, so that we do not see each other's faces again, and to also hopefully forget about that part of our country. Enough time and energy have been wasted all these years in arguing with each other!