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Postby denizaksulu » Sat Jun 02, 2007 8:00 am

Kafenes, that a good picture. Is it a family member? I suppose there is no reason why you cannot have an Armenian Ashik. (Troubadour?) (travelling Minstrel?) as well as Turkish ones. What a costume. Must have been from the North of the Caucases. Any ideas?
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Postby kafenes » Sat Jun 02, 2007 8:14 am

denizaksulu wrote:

Kafenes, that a good picture. Is it a family member? I suppose there is no reason why you cannot have an Armenian Ashik. (Troubadour?) (travelling Minstrel?) as well as Turkish ones. What a costume. Must have been from the North of the Caucases. Any ideas?

No denizaksulu, no relation. It's a postcard from a series of Armenian costumes. An 'Ashough' is a musician.
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Postby T_C » Sat Jun 02, 2007 2:10 pm

Get Real! wrote:Look at these guys, the've cut King Kong's dick into slices!


:? :?

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAA...... :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Postby denizaksulu » Sat Jun 02, 2007 2:40 pm

Hi Kafenes. I thought the Armenian word ASHOUG was the same word as the Turkish ASHIK, which in turn means a Lover , "minstrel" "troubadour etc.", singer especially a SUFI singer. Thanks anyway.
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Postby Ezis » Sat Jun 02, 2007 3:34 pm

I think it is very difficult to tell the race of the people in the picture.
The way they are dressed belongs to the 60s or early 70s. The way they look could be anything from Armenian to Turkish to Arab to Kurd .. these ethnicities have lot in common if the features of the face aren't really clear you cannot tell. Usually Kurds' heads are proportionally big their skin is sort of olive dark. Armenians have sort of round noses unlike Arab (beduins) who have pointed and curved noses, both races are sometime very fair (white skin) or very dark (like latin dark). Turks too but they tend to have full lips while Armenians tend to have thin lips.But all do have features in common too so it is extremely difficult to tell who is in this picture, especially with facial hair all over the men's faces. And Again, they could be non of all of the above (DNA travels and evolvs).

As for the musical instruments, again they are used by all of the above. Only Oud is more used by Arabs and Turks. Mandolin is the main Armenian musical instrument. U ve got the Rebab or (Rababa) that is known to all of these ethnicities. As well as the Qanoon. All those nations were influenced by each other over time. So it is difficult to tell the origins of the instruments or the music.

To me when I first saw it I thought the room they re in could be a shelter underground or in an atic, and there could be a war going on and they have hidden not to get killed during an ongoing attack or something.
During wars people used to cover windows with dark curtains and even color the window glass plus turn off the lights or only leave very little light. The shelters were sometimes furnished somewhat with chairs and tables, a radio too so they could listen to the news of the happenings.

I don't know ??!!

As for Armenian marriages, they still do prefer until this day to marry from each other. The reason is not being racisit or anything of the like. But because their community is so small and compact and spread all over the world in addition to not being so many as a population around the world, they do this in order to preserve the race and the language. Otherwise, they ll end up like many nations that blended into other nations so well that the race was integrated inside another one. It is fair enough I think, ok in theory but in practice that is where u start having problems.
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Postby Get Real! » Sat Jun 02, 2007 4:01 pm

denizaksulu wrote:Get Real, some wear "chimney-pots", dont they. I refuse to post a picture. :wink:

You mean the KKK?
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Postby kafenes » Sat Jun 02, 2007 4:18 pm

denizaksulu wrote:
Hi Kafenes. I thought the Armenian word ASHOUG was the same word as the Turkish ASHIK, which in turn means a Lover , "minstrel" "troubadour etc.", singer especially a SUFI singer. Thanks anyway.

Following from Wikipedia

"Armenian Troubadours
Divided between the Ottoman Empire and Safavid Persia, the Armenians developed the troubadour tradition. A troubadour, called աշուղ (ashough) in Armenian, would go from village to village, and town to town, and would recite his literature to the people. More successful ones, such as Sayat Nova, would participate in competitions in the courts of Georgian Kings or Armenian Meliks. They would often talk about their feelings for their women by using the popular language that was riddled with foreign influences, instead of Classical Armenian, which was obsolete outside churches and schools."

You are spot on again my friend Deniz.
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Postby denizaksulu » Sat Jun 02, 2007 4:49 pm

Yes my friend Kafenes, I love the people of the middle east together with thieir music - including the Balkans and Ellas. And I respect them. We have a long history together. Mostly good, I hope and some relapses. I have just remembered Ojen. Ah she was so beautiful, I was afraid to talk to her. That was along time ago.
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Postby denizaksulu » Sat Jun 02, 2007 5:00 pm

Thank you Ezis; As the pic comes from Kafenes I think it would be safe to infer that some of the characters at least are indeed Armenian. The dark straight hair and beards, I would associate with them. I have compared with other sources (Seven Volume2 People of NAtions" crca 1921). Anyway it does not matter, it got everydody being civil to each other apart from GR and K..... :lol: :lol:
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Postby kafenes » Sat Jun 02, 2007 6:26 pm

Deniz, please tell us more about Ojen.
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