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Postby symbol » Fri Jun 01, 2007 4:21 pm

kafenes wrote:Sotos wrote:
Yes I am. Nowadays they're not that strict. A lot of mixed marriages between GC and AC lately. If my son or daughter said to me they met someone they love and want to get married, the last thing on my mind would be their race. My late wife (married in 1978 in Larnaca) was Australian and my parents adored her like their own daughter and never had any race conflict.
Going back to the picture, my grandfather would tell me stories of Asia Minor when they weren't allowed to practice their language, religion or music, so had to be done secretly. I wonder if this kind of things still go on in the world today.

Sure does go on in India still. Even in the cities where the people are educated, things like this happen, though it is mostly in the villages.
Parents insist on the their children marrying from the caste or religion. They would go to great lengths to make sure they do, usually it would be some psychological tactic. The parents would say that the family honour would be lost if the world came to know about the inter-caste or inter-religious marriage. Some would even threaten to commit suicide if the marriage took place, sometimes they would not hesitate to kill if the marriage happened.
People are so much stooped into the caste system, that it is difficult for them to come out. No matter how educated they are, they find it difficult to break out because of the social pressures.
One of my friend had to go thorough this and I was there as it all happened. The parents of his girlfriend were so opposed to them getting married because they were of different castes, even though they were of the same religion. They tried all that they can to break the relationship.
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Postby annaka » Fri Jun 01, 2007 5:13 pm

We were in Greece shortly after the Junta took over in April, 1967. One of our relations wanted to buy Ta Nea newspaper as then it advertised land for sale at reasonable prices. He asked me to go inside to buy a copy and I thought at the time, why don't you go yourself. Later he explained that outside the newsagents and peripteros a plain-clothes policeman would sit and watch what newspapers the customers bought and if you were thought to be slightly left-wing, your name went down on the list. Also local government jobs could be given and taken away on the whim of whatever political party you belonged to. I also remember that the bridges spanning the motorway from the Yugoslavian border to Athens, bore the words: "At last Greece is Christian", thank God after the Junta was finished, these slogans disappeared.
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Postby Get Real! » Fri Jun 01, 2007 5:38 pm


What you're seeing in that painting are the Bee Gees when they were touring Armenia!

Barry is the guy playing the guitar-like instrument and facing us and Maurice is the guy with his back to us playing the violin-like instrument! 8)
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Postby kafenes » Fri Jun 01, 2007 7:23 pm

Get Real,
Are you sure it's not Bob Marley?
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Postby kafenes » Fri Jun 01, 2007 7:24 pm

Or even 50 Cent practicing before the Cyprus concert.
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Postby Get Real! » Fri Jun 01, 2007 8:04 pm

kafenes wrote:Get Real,
Are you sure it's not Bob Marley?

Fat chance! There's not a single Asian in that pic! 8)
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Re: A picture tells a thousand words.

Postby karma » Fri Jun 01, 2007 8:22 pm

kafenes wrote:I came across this painting on the net. Being a musician myself and having heard a lot of stories from my grandfather, this picture touched my heart. Some people will know straight away what it's all about, and a lot of you will wonder.


Please don't think of it as propaganda or similar. It is just history which touched me and wanted to share with others.
I don't know the era of this picture as they seem to be wearing quiet modern clothing and one of the chairs has metal legs. If anyone can tell me more, please do so.

Dear Kafenes
the only thing I can say about this picture is it belongs 60ies and the era is not Asia Minor for sure..
But I have no idea why they shld hide themselves :roll:
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Postby denizaksulu » Fri Jun 01, 2007 9:53 pm

Good picture, Kafenes: It looks like the United Nations of Asia Minor, but the setting is definitely not. The musical instruments can all be found in the Caucases (Nagorny - Karabagh), Eastern Turkey and Northern Iran. With the Nay (Nay) amongst the intruments, I would have loved to listen to the music they were playing. Most of the characters indeed carry Armenian characteristics. I wonder if they were in the United States during the MacCarthy years. But the furniture (chairs ) make them a bit later.
I suggest Kafenes knows more about the picture than he is letting on. Very interesting! :?:
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Postby karma » Fri Jun 01, 2007 9:58 pm

denizaksulu wrote:Good picture, Kafenes: It looks like the United Nations of Asia Minor, but the setting is definitely not. The musical instruments can all be found in the Caucases (Nagorny - Karabagh), Eastern Turkey and Northern Iran. With the Nay (Nay) amongst the intruments, I would have loved to listen to the music they were playing. Most of the characters indeed carry Armenian characteristics. I wonder if they were in the United States during the MacCarthy years. But the furniture (chairs ) make them a bit later.
I suggest Kafenes knows more about the picture than he is letting on. Very interesting! :?:

They may be Armenian tht possible??
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Postby denizaksulu » Fri Jun 01, 2007 10:05 pm

My dear (if I may) Karma everything is possible. But we do as a fact know that there were many great Greek and Armenian musicians and composers writing music for Turkish Language films. Nobody can deny their contribution to todays music in Turkey. And those who emigrated to the states managed to continue with the same type of creativity till quite recently.
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