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lets try again

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lets try again

Postby tony harte » Thu May 31, 2007 4:14 pm



Somebody knows where this child is......if you see her or have any information

Ring Crimestoppers on 0800-555-111 now!!!! if you have any information in confidence

As you are aware my niece is still missing and I am
asking everyone I know to send this as a chain letter i.e. you send it to everyone you know and ask them to do the same,
as the story is only being covered in Britain, eire and Portugal.
We don't believe that she is in Portugal
anymore and need to get her picture and the story across Europe as
quickly as possible. Suggestions are welcome.

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Postby Sotos » Thu May 31, 2007 4:26 pm

Why are you trying for this particular one only? Many children go missing every year.
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Postby cyprusgrump » Thu May 31, 2007 5:12 pm

Personally I’m fed-up with this story posted everywhere.

As Sotos says, many children go missing every year and many more die in tragic circumstances. Their parents must wonder why their loved one wasn’t as deserving as Madeleine apparently is.

I can’t help but think this media frenzy and world-wide publicity hasn’t helped the child but possibly endangered her life and almost certainly made the job of the police more difficult.

Give it a rest.
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Postby tony harte » Fri Jun 01, 2007 4:51 am

for the record i done the same thing when Holly and Jessaca were missing and i pray to god two things
1 This story does not have that ending

2 That you never have to endure what Madis parents have suffered, let alone what that poor child must be going through.

she is 4yrs old you heartless bastard

Your attitude reflects that of a very sad pathetic person
We cannot change the shit in this life but if we can do anything that might help we are duty bound to do so.

Instead of a crap reply you should have emailed the link to all in your address book
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Postby devil » Fri Jun 01, 2007 10:02 am


I understand CG's intervention. See ... efault.asp

The only children appearing on this website are those which the respective law enforcement authorities request Interpol to circulate on an international basis.Therefore, out of the important number of children who go missing, only a few hundred appear here.

It is therefore almost irrelevant to concentrate on one single case which has captured media attention, when there are literally thousands of similar cases, worldwide.

When Sarah Oberson disappeared (and never found) in 1977, I was living quite close to where she lived (I think she was 6 at the time). This case, too, received important international media coverage but was never solved.

For a start, how about an appeal for each of the 320 kids on the Interpol list, which is probably only a very small tip of the iceberg.

And don't accuse me of being heartless. I feel for the parents of every missing kid, not just the McCanns.
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Postby jambo » Fri Jun 01, 2007 10:17 am

Here , here. Tony...

it would take you 2 minutes to pass that email on ..
yes there are children going missing or being killed all over the world,
but these people are making a massive effort to find this girl
and all you can do is knock them.... If you dont want to pass it on, then dont !!
but dont knock the people that are making the effort...

I pray that nothing ever happens to members of your family , as you would then know the pain..
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Postby cyprusgrump » Fri Jun 01, 2007 3:50 pm

tony harte wrote:for the record i done the same thing when Holly and Jessaca were missing and i pray to god two things
1 This story does not have that ending

2 That you never have to endure what Madis parents have suffered, let alone what that poor child must be going through.

she is 4yrs old you heartless bastard

Your attitude reflects that of a very sad pathetic person
We cannot change the shit in this life but if we can do anything that might help we are duty bound to do so.

Instead of a crap reply you should have emailed the link to all in your address book

I’d be gutted if anything happened to my own daughter.

However I don’t know Madeleine nor her parents and won’t grieve for her any more than all the hundreds of other missing children or those that die tragically every year. Nor those millions that die because of lack of basic necessities like food and water.

I don’t understand this recent grieving frenzy for people we don’t know and there is clearly no correlation between the amount of publicity and the chances of getting Madeleine back.

I don’t see why you think it necessary to have two threads about Madeleine on this forum or why anybody would think it beneficial to have posters of her put up all over the world. It certainly isn’t necessary for me to have more copies of the stupid e-mail in my inbox nor burden those I know with it nor do I believe that Portuguese police would welcome calls and e-mails based on posters in Limassol.

Let’s hope that nothing has happened to her but let’s keep it in perspective.
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