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Was the 9/11 an inside job after all?

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Postby Eliko » Sat Jul 14, 2007 12:20 am

pantheman, If your suspicions are correct, miltiades must be going through a considerable amount of torment by not being able to resort to his usual abusive tirades, we will have to watch this guy, he displays all the earmarks of a nutter, (in my opinion), I think he needs help, the same kind the Yanks are giving the Iraqi's. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Postby Exorcist-seeker » Sat Jul 14, 2007 12:24 am


(Quote) 'Some 'speculation' when the mighty forces of the US rain death upon innocent women, children and general populace'

how would you know this? have you been there yourself or have you got this from tabloids, who say anything to sell papers??

Fact is, it costs America billions of dollers per year to fight the war in iraq, the war for the freedom of the iraqi ppl. You say the same as everyone else, but was it not shown on various networks when Allied forces invaded Iraq the Iraqi people were cheering for joy and jumping with pleasure for the specific reason they had been saved from a dictator who would of had them killed for these same actions!!! Fact is Iraq befor the war was a 'Dictated' to country by a mad man who would kill any1 in his way. Do some research on Saddam Hussain and his way of goverment and tell me the war was wrong!!
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Postby Exorcist-seeker » Sat Jul 14, 2007 12:32 am

Pamtheman: This is not a debate on Irish/Uk politics, if this was the case we could go back hundreds of years on various countries so be realistic. Iraq were suspected of Weapons of Mass Destruction, Tony Blair acted in what he thought at the time was for the good of the brittish people, and i still agree (so do many others) with the action he took.

Lets take into account when a priminister comes to be elected, that he inherites the intelligence services and there information, way before Tony Blair was in power these same Intelligence services said Saddam Hussain had Weapons of Mass Destruction, Tony Blair inherited false information and he made a decision on what he thought was right!! The majority of people backed him at the time and have now changed becouse of public apperance, they dnt wanna be seen as backing the war.. well these people (and i suspect your 1 of them) never have morals n jump from phase tp pahse in life to fit into society!!!
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Postby pantheman » Sat Jul 14, 2007 12:34 am

Exorcist-seeker wrote:Eliko:

(Quote) 'Some 'speculation' when the mighty forces of the US rain death upon innocent women, children and general populace'

how would you know this? have you been there yourself or have you got this from tabloids, who say anything to sell papers??

Fact is, it costs America billions of dollers per year to fight the war in iraq, the war for the freedom of the iraqi ppl. You say the same as everyone else, but was it not shown on various networks when Allied forces invaded Iraq the Iraqi people were cheering for joy and jumping with pleasure for the specific reason they had been saved from a dictator who would of had them killed for these same actions!!! Fact is Iraq befor the war was a 'Dictated' to country by a mad man who would kill any1 in his way. Do some research on Saddam Hussain and his way of goverment and tell me the war was wrong!!

Wow, Life with saddam reminds me of life in quantanamo. Seems these two places are synonimose with each other. Its OK for quantanamo but not for saddam. Typical american way of thinking.

And yes they are spending billions of $, have you asked yourself why ? Why would a country spend billions on another country thousands of miles away for nothing ? Answer is , it ain't for nothing, tosser, its for the oil. They want in in iraq, they want an airfield/bases. The want the oil contracts, pipelines and so on. Well saddam wasn't gonna give it to them freely now was he ? Oh no, they just went in, murdered 1000s of people and still are so they can get what they went in for. Wake up tosser, don't you see it now. Ddn't mummy tell you that you cannot get something for nothing these days ?

Thats the real reason the US went to Iraq, its not for the love of the Iraqis sadly enough.

So, take a hike and enough of your american bulshit, it cuts no ice here.
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Postby Eliko » Sat Jul 14, 2007 12:36 am

Exorcist-seeker, when you are addressing me, you are in touch with a man who has held a dying man in his arms
while the storms raged around us, I dragged him to safety and closed his eyes, I will not go further and only offer you this snippet in order to negate your juvenile suggestion that I receive my information from the press.

Wake up son (if you are a young man) use your own senses and do not be influenced by those who can condone the murderous actions of politically motivated killers. :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink:
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Postby Exorcist-seeker » Sat Jul 14, 2007 12:43 am

Eliko iv been in the presence of people dying myself, i have seen what sacrifices need to be made for sucess!!

pantheman, when you next make a post i must insist you make an intelliegnt comment or suggestion, bcus in all honesty wht you have jst said my 9 year old son could of said!!
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Postby pantheman » Sat Jul 14, 2007 12:56 am

Exorcist-seeker wrote:Eliko iv been in the presence of people dying myself, i have seen what sacrifices need to be made for sucess!!

pantheman, when you next make a post i must insist you make an intelliegnt comment or suggestion, bcus in all honesty wht you have jst said my 9 year old son could of said!!

What i say is all true, what you are doing is propoganda for the US/UK. Go tell those thousands of iraqis your people have murdered the rubbish YOU are spouting here. Never mind 9 year olds, leave the children to sleep and don't bring them into this.

I speak how i see things, if it is not to your liking hard luck. You expect me to listen to you, works both ways.
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Postby Filitsa » Sat Jul 14, 2007 2:45 am

Come on, Eliko, I ask you legitimate questions like:
If [...] U.S. methods are as notoriously underhanded as you would like to think, then why do you suppose so many countries continue (key operative word) to look to the U.S. for aid? Why do they not immediately turn to the ... more ... 'altruistic' countries of the world?

and you leave me in the dust so you can do battle with Exorcist-Seeker who thinks Bush is the "second coming"??? :? :? :?
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Postby Eliko » Sat Jul 14, 2007 9:11 am

Filitsa, I think we must go back to the 'Blind Beggar's Bowl' for the answer to that question.

America is undoubtedly a very wealthy nation, the source of that wealth is the area in need of examination.

The American method of obtaining wealth appears to be quite simply a matter of extracting the resources of other nations in the guise of assisting them.

The agricultural aid given to other countries is only a small example of how the system works, anything that is of value to America is earmarked for exploitation, even if that resource dwells in the mind of learn'ed scientists of those other nations, enticement will be used to secure that knowledge for themselves.

Once a foothold has been established, whether it be by establishing military bases or by ensuring that the nation or region becomes dependant upon them, the Americans are free to put in place their real objective, control of that nation or region.

Whether by stealth or WAR, the underlying objective is precisely the same, they will present themselves as 'saviours' but ultimately become 'dictators'.

As to the 'Aid' question, where else can other less fortunate nations look for assistance?, they are already the victims of (or intended targets) of the same system.

Suppression, Exploitation, Invasion, are the three most prominent characteristics of the American psyche, their history will confirm that clearly, the smokescreen of democracy serves them very well but the attitude, moral standards and general life-styles of the population give the game away.

They are a destructive force among the people of the world, they are enormously strong but they can still go.

Filitsa, these are my perceptions, I have thought long and hard about the issues I have presented, I feel that the 'lack of interest' that is apparent with regard to the African problems, serves to bolster my views, it may well be that America has that region in it's sights for some later date, they are very busy at the moment,elsewhere.

The one thing you may be sure of is the fact that for every dollar America contributes, they will earn ten. Not a bad plan in terms of business. :)
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Postby Eliko » Sat Jul 14, 2007 9:36 am

Filitsa, my apologies for seemingly ignoring your question (earlier), I confess I was side-tracked by the exchanges with Excorcist-seeker, quite a valueless episode I fear. :)

Please accept my smile, I think you are right about the wink !.
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