Exorcist-seeker wrote:Eliko:
(Quote) 'Some 'speculation' when the mighty forces of the US rain death upon innocent women, children and general populace'
how would you know this? have you been there yourself or have you got this from tabloids, who say anything to sell papers??
Fact is, it costs America billions of dollers per year to fight the war in iraq, the war for the freedom of the iraqi ppl. You say the same as everyone else, but was it not shown on various networks when Allied forces invaded Iraq the Iraqi people were cheering for joy and jumping with pleasure for the specific reason they had been saved from a dictator who would of had them killed for these same actions!!! Fact is Iraq befor the war was a 'Dictated' to country by a mad man who would kill any1 in his way. Do some research on Saddam Hussain and his way of goverment and tell me the war was wrong!!
Exorcist-seeker wrote:Eliko iv been in the presence of people dying myself, i have seen what sacrifices need to be made for sucess!!
pantheman, when you next make a post i must insist you make an intelliegnt comment or suggestion, bcus in all honesty wht you have jst said my 9 year old son could of said!!
If [...] U.S. methods are as notoriously underhanded as you would like to think, then why do you suppose so many countries continue (key operative word) to look to the U.S. for aid? Why do they not immediately turn to the ... more ... 'altruistic' countries of the world?
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