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LAN Progect help

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LAN Progect help

Postby Acunga » Wed May 30, 2007 7:39 pm

Ok guys who knows wlan and lans let m help.This is my progect for a lan network in a school with wlan also.My idea is the admin komp to controll and ban even the comps which hook to the wlan!Is it possible, I didn;t read all lectures i do it now, but i don;t think they will help me much with the progect.Also, tell if there must be one router, althouf expensive to read wlan and lan.Ask question if nesessary:
Доставчик = internet provider(ISP),рутер - router , Admin comp
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Postby Get Real! » Wed May 30, 2007 8:03 pm

I’m assuming you want to improve this network therefore…

Internet speed for the workstations from the other building will be dead slow so I would setup another server and Router there (for their internet access) and then get the two servers to communicate between them for all internal data exchange.

Btw, Routers are no longer expensive and I’ve assumed that the networks are NOT dissimilar. ie: Mac at the other end with Windows at this end or you’ll need a bridge between the servers.
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Postby Acunga » Wed May 30, 2007 8:53 pm

No the building will be one in our erproject, in oreder to eb more easy, so what yuo see is what will be. I gues is the number of switchswil be +/02.And computers will be in general around..100.40 in computer club1, 40 in comp club2, the rest in ofises, connected those(those in offices) with thwo or three switches, cuz they can be far away form one onother
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Postby Get Real! » Wed May 30, 2007 9:12 pm

Acunga wrote:No the building will be one in our erproject, in oreder to eb more easy, so what yuo see is what will be. I gues is the number of switchswil be +/02.And computers will be in general around..100.40 in computer club1, 40 in comp club2, the rest in ofises, connected those(those in offices) with thwo or three switches, cuz they can be far away form one onother

What I see in the diagram is a WAN dialing into the server to access the Internet and other stations so don't tell me there isn't one. Read again what I bolded in your response because you contradict yourself and your English is so poor that I have difficulty understanding it.

Haven't you learned yet from primary school that you must leave a SPACE IMMEDIATELY AFTER A PERIOD???

When you learn to write like an adult we'll see about helping you!
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Postby Acunga » Wed May 30, 2007 10:04 pm

Well, sorry for my english, but i don't think it is poor, just i am typing too fast to chek my spelling.
I am not a good painter, so the picure is really ugly, and i am sorry for that.
What I want to do i to make a progect of a network in school.There will be LAN and WLAN both.SO what i mean by telling you that there is one building is that i plan to put both the admin computer and all computers in the school in THE SCHOOL itself.And the internet provider to be separate, like Cyprus network, Homelan, ets.I call the admin comp admin comp just because i want it to control the whole school network.I want to make able the admin behind this admin computer to operate with all other computers, meaning to ban/disconnect them from internet/ethernet, to see computers, which has hooked to WLAN in the school and ban someone if nesessary, see their mac adresses, etc.So if it si nesessary this admin computer to be edited by the internet provider's people/admins themselves, in order to be able to do so many thing, ok just tell me, how it should be.
Best regards Acunga and thanks for patience reading this
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Postby Get Real! » Wed May 30, 2007 10:29 pm

Ahh, you mean a Wireless LAN and I thought you wanted a WAN! Well that's even easier then.

The internet provider simply sells you BANDWIDTH via your router and nothing else so don't worry about him.

If this network will run under a Windows OS then your Administrative Tools provides the administrator with all the tools you need to manage your users, setup workgroups, domains, etc.

Install a suitable OS such as "Win2000 server" on your server and you will find START>PROGRAMS>TOOLS>ADMINISTRATIVE TOOLS in there somewhere that lets you do all the things you want but you must first install it and have a play with these tools to understand what I'm talking about. Ok?
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Postby Acunga » Wed May 30, 2007 11:27 pm

Aha..for pity, I know how to work only on Windows XP, but i will try to find a man who understands from windows 2000 (this as u wrote above is created and respectively appropriate mainly for servers, that's right but i don;t know it.By th eway I have heard win 2000 had a lot of bugs:P)to show me, because I alone won't be able to figure it out.I have a friend which have linux, but he is far away, however, my question is can't Linux OS do the open the same rights, over user computers.And if so, ok then i will connect with my friend to help.Great thank that you told me the router can operate both with wireless and wire-oriented connection, it is cheaper to operate with one router.
Also very important for me is to know is the picture right.I mean router should be inside the admin comp or before/after it?Does every single computer in the shcool should have an identical IP, in order one router to be enouth?How much speed-able switches is nesessary to buy for the computer clubs(Those two switches with cluster of computers) - (100mb/ps)?
Best regards Acunga and AGAIN thousand thanks for reading the post. :idea:
PS:IS this router appropriate: ... 5322279B01 .It can amintain as i read upt o 100 computers.But what is VPN- virtual private network, which is capable of?Is it somthing like inner software swith inside the router
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Postby Get Real! » Thu May 31, 2007 12:35 am

You CAN setup a network with XP on all machines with internet sharing etc no problems with the right hardware but if you need to, add/remove users, setup special access rights, create workgroups, etc like I think your project will require then you must use a server OS.

From the Microsoft products you can either go for win2000 server or win2003 server but don't let that scare you if you can get/borrow the CDs because installation is very straight forward and you'll just find that they have removed some useless to networks tools from standard windows and replaced those with special network managing tools that can be found under the "Administrative Tools" menu etc.

They are all VERY easy to use so don’t be afraid and besides the idea is to pick up experience by installing and using an industry standard OS. (NB: Don’t confuse “Windows 2000” with “Windows 2000 Server” ok?)

Trust me, just install it and find the Administrative Tools… easy as pie!

Linux is released in many variations by many companies (ie: TopHat) but you’ll have to find, download, and install Server components to match what Windows2000 server can do. Or perhaps get a special enterprise version if it exists… I can’t help you much in this area due to luck of experience but have a chat with admin who MAY be a Linux junkie.

You only need ONE router that also supports wireless LAN. Visually they have a little antenna or two so they are easy to distinguish but mind you the antennas will soon disappear just like in mobile telephony as technology gets better.

With regards to IP addresses, if you enable something called “DHCP” (on by default) then each machine automatically gets an IP address by Windows but if you disable it then you have to enter them for each machine. The kind of ADSL connection your network will receive from the ISP will also be decisive here... for example you may have paid for a number of fixed (static) IP addresses which would fall under a range so you’ll have to enter the numbers of that range in each station.

The Router of your link is a “preferred” industry brand but it should be expensive because it also supports VPN. (virtual private network). This is useful as an example, if you need to dial in to work from home over an analog line and log onto your employer (network) for whatever reasons. I don’t think you need this feature in your project from the sounds of it.

One of these products should be more suitable for you… ... torWrapper

That’s all for this post because I’m tired of typing.
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Postby Acunga » Thu May 31, 2007 9:24 am

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Postby BigDutch » Fri Jun 01, 2007 7:46 am

consider a box running Microsoft SBS2003 Premium with two NIC's, one going into the ISP router, the other into a switch which all the clients connect into. The SBS box will run as file/print server, DHCP, Gateway+Firewall, Email Exchange ... all configurable centrally by user/groups. ie you can set permissions for printers/files/internet etc. A very powerful solution, and easy to configure for "noobs". For added LAN security a Cisco PIX firewall sitting between SBS and ISP Router.

For WLAN either put an access-point directly into the switch but ensure authentication with SBS box (radius) or, my choice, put a wireless router in the 2nd port of the ISP router to give you a WLAN "outside" the LAN. WLAN clients will not be able to get files etc, just get on the internet. They can then VPN into the LAN from the WLAN to collect email, files etc. Option (1) means all access is logged still , option (2) means only when VPN is active access is logged. Either way WPA-PSK is the choice for encryption i beleive.

The above is tried and proven Microsoft based method but not cheap. You can use "free" LINUX based solutions but more research required.
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