Fellow members of the board,
A great man was once crucified for the terrible sins of all others so that humanity would be saved from eternity in the fire and brimstone of hell!
Today, by the same token I hereby sacrifice myself by accepting the burden of the title “
Dufus of the Month” so that my fellow Forum members may be saved from their ignorance and stupidity, from their profanities, vulgarities, irrelevance, racism, off-topicness, uncalled for attacks, and every other forum sin they have committed to this day!
Yes my brethren, I take upon me the huge burden of the hundreds of sinful members so that YOU may start afresh, cleansed from evil, for the new united Cyprus of tomorrow…
Ask not what your Forum can do for you but what you can do for your forum!
Ladies & Gentlemen, it has been a pleasure serving you. Thank you.