Ezis wrote:I m from Earth .. I m not an Allien from Mars or anything like that
I have a face , eye, a nose , a mouth
a human body ,, flesh and blood
and I m pretty too .. very pretty
I also have a mind and a soul and I see through them .. beyong people's skin and passport ..
I guess I brought this on to myself .. it was a mistake opening this topic in this forum
Don't apologize ,, I m the one who is wrong not you

I never said that you are from Mars and not from Earth or you are not human being who has a face, 2 eyes, a nose, 2 ears, body, flesh, bones, blood and soul.
I am glad you are pretty and smart and it was not mistake that you open the thread. I never said that. And I dint say that you are wrong...it was just a simple question really!
I withdraw my question...happy?