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Postby LENA » Wed May 30, 2007 12:58 pm

Ezis wrote:Sorry ,, but why do u ask .. what does it matter where I m from ?

Calm down Ezis...just asked...curiosity...nothing else...calm down!!
It is not going to change anything the fact that you are Chinese or American or Turk or Cypriot or was a simple question!

No worries my apologies if my question upset you!

Have a nice day!
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Postby Ezis » Wed May 30, 2007 1:25 pm

I m from Earth .. I m not an Allien from Mars or anything like that
I have a face , eye, a nose , a mouth
a human body ,, flesh and blood

and I m pretty too .. very pretty
I also have a mind and a soul and I see through them .. beyong people's skin and passport ..

I guess I brought this on to myself .. it was a mistake opening this topic in this forum

Don't apologize ,, I m the one who is wrong not you

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Postby kafenes » Wed May 30, 2007 1:31 pm

My daughter was born and lives in Australia. She came over for holidays and in one week she was issued with a Cypriot passport.
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Postby LENA » Wed May 30, 2007 1:34 pm

Ezis wrote:I m from Earth .. I m not an Allien from Mars or anything like that
I have a face , eye, a nose , a mouth
a human body ,, flesh and blood

and I m pretty too .. very pretty
I also have a mind and a soul and I see through them .. beyong people's skin and passport ..

I guess I brought this on to myself .. it was a mistake opening this topic in this forum

Don't apologize ,, I m the one who is wrong not you


Ezis.. :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: I never said that you are from Mars and not from Earth or you are not human being who has a face, 2 eyes, a nose, 2 ears, body, flesh, bones, blood and soul.

I am glad you are pretty and smart and it was not mistake that you open the thread. I never said that. And I dint say that you are was just a simple question really!

I withdraw my question...happy?
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Postby RichardB » Wed May 30, 2007 1:39 pm


it seems that your case is probably more complex than I (at least) first thought

Just a suggestion why dont you try KISA (based in Nicosia)

They deal in asylum and immigration cases
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Postby Ezis » Wed May 30, 2007 3:55 pm

Thanks a lot Richard ,, U r great ..

I have written to them an email and waiting to get the answerback.

you re not 'just an insensitive uncaring brit '

By the way what is sweet FA'
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Postby jambo » Wed May 30, 2007 4:12 pm

Where are you from... I want to know. not that i have a problem with anyone,
I am a live and let live person,, but I would still like to know which country your passport is from..
as I am sure you are aware. it will make a diffirence in your application (though it should not) ..
It will .... There is very much un-spoken racisiem here..
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Postby Ezis » Wed May 30, 2007 4:33 pm

Ofcourse I m aware of the unspoken racism I had to live with it, still am.

So I guess I m not completely wrong to try avoiding having to live that here too.

But I beleive it should be obvious by now where I m form . Thrid Country National.

I just want some help as a human being ...
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Postby LENA » Wed May 30, 2007 4:52 pm

Ezis, really with this attitude is like you are racist with your self. Be proud of who you are. Stand up and straight and be proud of what ever you are. Your nationality your country, your colour of hair, colour of skin, colour of eyes doesnt change to who you are. And you are human being. Why we will treat you as something else?

Dont be so aggressive with us. Really you saw that people tried to help you...we might try to joke a bit as well...but it was a joke in the beginning and then just curiosity. But we didnt deny to offer you help and you mention that you are not Cypriot and not from EU country. So it was easy to guess the rest especially after adding your avatar.

In this forum we have people from USA, Russia, UK, Cyprus, Australia, Greece, Pakistan and I dont remember what else. We do not behave worst towards them because they are from other countries. Respect your self and dont put it lower than anybody else who belong to "first class country"!

I am sorry for the above but I believe your attacks toward us are unfair.
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Postby Ezis » Wed May 30, 2007 5:12 pm

Please point out or rather quote where is it that I have attacked you or anyone else ??
What do you mean by attack and aggression ? What are you talking about ?Where have I been unfair??

When did I say that I do not respect myself or am not proud of who I am ?

Please don't make assumptions and put words in my mouth...
You are either exaggerating or you are thinking all of this just because I told you I prefered not to mention my race ... Do I not have the right to say or not say what I please without having others accuse me of being aggressive, unfair and a person with a low self-esteem and suffering from a sloppy attitude?

Your question was uncalled for dear, the reason you can't see that is coz maybe you never experienced someone treating you differently once you tell them where u r from.. I never blamed you for that ...
Fine I understand your point of view .. so please try to understand mine...

U r looking at this from your side with your own perspective , try looking at the other side where I am at the moment ..

As for help I admitted getting help and I thanked those who did ,, and I hereby repeat my gratitude... I owe all ..

Anyway I never attacked anyone , I apologize if I said or did something that made u feel attacked ,,,
I would like to know what every one else thinks..

Am I aggressive ??
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