denizaksulu wrote:No point crying over spilt milk now, but the ironing out could have been a pre-requisite to the signing. It is all gone now. One thing we all must agree on is the fact that no side will be 100% happy with any plan. Does that mean we are stuck in limbo? It is a matter of trust, and with people like Tpop at the helm of the RoC. what hope is there?
denizaksulu wrote:Another war will not solve anything. It will only lead to another impasse and eventual solidification of the Fait Accompli, that is Partition. I do not know how many TCs want it(Partition), but how many GCs want it? Any clues?
denizaksulu wrote:Kikapu, why do you assume that Turkish speaking CYPRIOTS wish to live in Turkey. All they want is to live in their homes in security. The only way to achieve this security is a kind of separation whether you want to call it Partition , Bi-federal/ Bi-zonal state with a united central Goverment or whatever is on the table. You say your civil war is not over, how can we expect a solution from Greek speaking Cypriots when the chasm between your two factions is so great. If your factious parties can not agree amongst themselves what hope is there for Greek / Turkish dialogue leading to a settlement? I am not saying I am a partitionist, but seeing the GCs state of mind I can not see a unification at this time. I see a stalemate which leaves us currently divided until when............ God only knows. Till then lets live as good neighbors and and keep to a sensible dialogue and see what will transpire. You can keep on with the embargoes and and the number of our settlers will increase, knocking yet another nail in the coffin of unity. Thats how I see it which does not mean that is what I want.
denizaksulu wrote:Kikapu, why do you assume that Turkish speaking CYPRIOTS wish to live in Turkey. All they want is to live in their homes in security. The only way to achieve this security is a kind of separation whether you want to call it Partition , Bi-federal/ Bi-zonal state with a united central Goverment or whatever is on the table. You say your civil war is not over, how can we expect a solution from Greek speaking Cypriots when the chasm between your two factions is so great. If your factious parties can not agree amongst themselves what hope is there for Greek / Turkish dialogue leading to a settlement? I am not saying I am a partitionist, but seeing the GCs state of mind I can not see a unification at this time. I see a stalemate which leaves us currently divided until when............ God only knows. Till then lets live as good neighbors and and keep to a sensible dialogue and see what will transpire. You can keep on with the embargoes and and the number of our settlers will increase, knocking yet another nail in the coffin of unity. Thats how I see it which does not mean that is what I want.
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