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Erdogan Urges France To Drop Armenian Genocide Recognition

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Postby YeReVaN » Wed Aug 03, 2005 8:41 pm

YeReVaN wrote:Thank You for understanding KYPROS-EINAI-ELLHNIKH.
You are right, I did lost relatives during the genocide. Although we very well know that present generetion had nothing to do with the genocide, but it is the total DENIAL that makes us so angry

I understand my friend, but you have to understand. Minor Asia (Turkey) will not survive for much longer, it is surrounded by enemies, the Kurds hate them, The Greece hates them, the Armenians hate them, the Syrians hate them, The Russians hate them, the Serbs hate them. As soon as Turkey puts one foot out of line in regard to territorial issues, you will have all these countries rushing in wishing to carve up a piece of Turkey for themselves. We can only hope and pray this day comes soon.

I hope so.
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Postby YeReVaN » Wed Aug 03, 2005 8:47 pm

I just hope that the Greek and Armenian land, that is currently part of Turkey would be returned to its owners.
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Postby KYPROS-EINAI-ELLHNIKH » Wed Aug 03, 2005 9:00 pm

YeReVaN wrote:I just hope that the Greek and Armenian land, that is currently part of Turkey would be returned to its owners.

Turkey cannot survive in it's current state, that is for certain, it is not a nation state yet - Nation States need to have territorial Integrity. Turkey does not have that, it bears more resemblence to a Middle-Ages Empire than a State.
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Postby YeReVaN » Thu Aug 04, 2005 12:07 am

Sooner or later they will get what they deserve. Let this not be surprise to those Turks who chose to deny their history, and furthermore accuse the victims who they committed those atrocities against.
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Postby theg » Thu Aug 04, 2005 10:39 am

greeks and armenian make this

''enemy's enemy is my friend''

armenian and greeks fought everytime at history. they were enemy themselves but when turks come anatolian their war finished. they lived in turkish tolerance. but when ww1 started greeks and armenians stabed turks from back. after this time they were be friend.

look this site maybe u can read ''real'' things
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Postby YeReVaN » Thu Aug 04, 2005 6:00 pm

Greeks and Armenians had fought against each other, like most neighbors throughout history, but we also lived in peace side by side for many many years. Our cultures are very similar and speakingh on behalf of Armenians, I can proudly tell you that We Have Nothing But Love And Respect Towards the Greek Nation, so don't try to stir things up between us.

Secondly, that BS website that every Turk posts when they think they want to prove their BS stories, is absolutaly ridiculous. It is written by some uneducated, erogant moron than knows nothing or chooses to ignore the reality of his bloody past.
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Postby Turkey (( * » Thu Aug 04, 2005 6:53 pm

YeReVaN wrote:Greeks and Armenians had fought against each other, like most neighbors throughout history, but we also lived in peace side by side for many many years. Our cultures are very similar and speakingh on behalf of Armenians, I can proudly tell you that We Have Nothing But Love And Respect Towards the Greek Nation, so don't try to stir things up between us.

Secondly, that BS website that every Turk posts when they think they want to prove their BS stories, is absolutaly ridiculous. It is written by some uneducated, erogant moron than knows nothing or chooses to ignore the reality of his bloody past.

Well it is allright then!! We think that your stories are also ridiculous also, and they are written by some uneducated, arrogant morons who knows no shit about anything and make up stuff to gain some land and be the main subject of the World.Stop bullshitting please...
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Postby YeReVaN » Thu Aug 04, 2005 7:08 pm

Turkey (( * wrote:
YeReVaN wrote:Greeks and Armenians had fought against each other, like most neighbors throughout history, but we also lived in peace side by side for many many years. Our cultures are very similar and speakingh on behalf of Armenians, I can proudly tell you that We Have Nothing But Love And Respect Towards the Greek Nation, so don't try to stir things up between us.

Secondly, that BS website that every Turk posts when they think they want to prove their BS stories, is absolutaly ridiculous. It is written by some uneducated, erogant moron than knows nothing or chooses to ignore the reality of his bloody past.

Well it is allright then!! We think that your stories are also ridiculous also, and they are written by some uneducated, arrogant morons who knows
no shit about anything and make up stuff to gain some land and be the main subject of the World.Stop bullshitting please...

Well it's not Armenian version vs Turkish version. It's Armenian+International community version vs Turkish version. Have some common sense. And don't try to act like a victim and tell me that everyone is out to get Turkey. If that's the case, ask yourself why?
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Postby fi » Thu Aug 04, 2005 7:16 pm

I think it's a very wrong policy for Turkey to deny what crimes it has commited.

Take for example Germany, it has accepted and apologised for the crimes it had commited, paid heavy fines but now no one accuses it of nothing.
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Postby Turkey (( * » Thu Aug 04, 2005 7:19 pm

I don't try to act like a victim, look who is talking man!!

That international community BS you just wrote is the community which eats money to say things.So pay them the money yerevan but don't forget you can only pay till the money runs out because when the money runs out you'll see that you can't lie anymore because you don't have the support of money eaters and you'll see that haven't build up your country when you could have by spending all that money on your country. So what I suggest you is that go to your country and try to build something else than lies!!
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