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Erdogan Urges France To Drop Armenian Genocide Recognition

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Postby 2fan » Wed Jul 20, 2005 7:26 pm

YeReVaN wrote:
All the pictures I see on Armenian forums are filled with pictures of dead people who easily could be Turkish. I see no proof. 121 Turks were arrested after the war by the Brits and stood trial infront of a brit magistrate. Not one of them was found guilty.

Do you know why they were found not quilty? Those 121 Turks were exchanged with British prisoners that were arrested by Turks. The person you killed Talat Pasha in Germany was found not guilty either. How could a court convict someone who is almost equivelent to Hitler. A person who organized the killings of 1.5 million Armenians.

Do you really believe that the Turks suddenly decided to exterminate all Armenians for no good reason?

Nobody claims that Turks suddenly decided to exterminate all Armenians. IT WAS PLANED. WELL PLANNED.

And that website you provided is very lame.

In your eyes everything that does not support Armenian propaganda is lame. You have your views on the matter and I have mine. All the proof you submit is bullshit and you know it yet you still persue this 100 year old smear campaign against the Turks.
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Postby YeReVaN » Wed Jul 20, 2005 7:31 pm

Why don't you confece. Stop hiding under the covers, pretend it never happened. The whole word is laughing at you.
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Postby YeReVaN » Wed Jul 20, 2005 7:33 pm

By the way, have you heard the latest news?

The Parliament of Venezuela adopted a resolution on July 14 recognizing the Armenian Genocide, introduced by Parliament Member Victor Hugo Morales and lawyer Janet Madris. Archbishop Komitas Ohanian and Grigor Postalian represented Venezuela's Armenian community at the Parliament session. The resolution also calls on the European Union to deny Turkey a European Union membership unless and until that country recognized the Armenian Genocide. The Cilicia Catholicosate and Catholicos Aram I have greatly contributed to the years-long effort that crowned with success on July 14.
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Postby YeReVaN » Wed Jul 20, 2005 7:36 pm

That's one more country. Turkey would gain much more respect if it finally grew some balls and admitted it's attroicties. Instead it closes its eyes, denying everything and hoping the problem will go away.
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Postby 2fan » Wed Jul 20, 2005 7:36 pm

YeReVaN wrote:By the way, have you heard the latest news?

The Parliament of Venezuela adopted a resolution on July 14 recognizing the Armenian Genocide, introduced by Parliament Member Victor Hugo Morales and lawyer Janet Madris. Archbishop Komitas Ohanian and Grigor Postalian represented Venezuela's Armenian community at the Parliament session. The resolution also calls on the European Union to deny Turkey a European Union membership unless and until that country recognized the Armenian Genocide. The Cilicia Catholicosate and Catholicos Aram I have greatly contributed to the years-long effort that crowned with success on July 14.

Just another sheep in the flock controlled by armenian propaganda mechanism. What would Venezuela know on the subject.
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Postby Turkey (( * » Wed Jul 20, 2005 7:37 pm

Oh am I dying or what!! Oh god help us, EU is not accepting us, I think it is the end of the World!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

YeReVaN, you REALLY think that we want to go in the EU so much, who cares we go in, we go in, we don't, we ll then too bad!! I have been saying this so many times now, people just don't seem to get this in their brain!!(no offense implicated)
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Postby 2fan » Wed Jul 20, 2005 7:40 pm

Turkey (( * wrote:Oh am I dying or what!! Oh god help us, EU is not accepting us, I think it is the end of the World!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

YeReVaN, you REALLY think that we want to go in the EU so much, who cares we go in, we go in, we don't, we ll then too bad!! I have been saying this so many times now, people just don't seem to get this in their brain!!(no offense implicated)

Europe keeps dangling the EU carrot in front of Turkey. If we get in it's supposed to happen in 10 years. By then Turkey will not need to join the EU. 8) 8) 8) 8)
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Postby YeReVaN » Wed Jul 20, 2005 7:40 pm

Your government is trying to join the EU for how many years now? 40? or more?
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Postby YeReVaN » Wed Jul 20, 2005 7:42 pm

YeReVaN, you REALLY think that we want to go in the EU so much, who cares we go in, we go in, we don't, we ll then too bad!! I have been saying this so many times now, people just don't seem to get this in their brain!!(no offense implicated)

I wasn't talking about if you want to joint EU or not. I was talking about another country recognizing Armenian Genocide.
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Postby 2fan » Wed Jul 20, 2005 7:42 pm

YeReVaN wrote:Your government is trying to join the EU for how many years now? 40? or more?

Instead of persuing this vedetta against Turks, you concentrate on repairing the country your Russian brethren bequethed you. Your wasting time.
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