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Erdogan Urges France To Drop Armenian Genocide Recognition

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Postby garbitsch » Thu Jun 23, 2005 1:41 pm

Turkey (( * it's not worth to waste your time with Yerevan and aoxk61. Seriously!
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Postby aoxk61 » Thu Jun 23, 2005 2:03 pm

there you go. you've just admitted how barbaric you and your people are.

"a modernised answer".... thats how you like to end everything, by murdering people, isn't it?

Wiping your ass with a flag does not mean a person deserves to be murdered, but for you it seems that its the only option in a so called modernised country. And actually, the people of a modernised country would not murder that person because of freedom and free speech.

If you don't like someone or you think they are a threat, well let's just murder them....thats how you lot think.
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Postby garbitsch » Thu Jun 23, 2005 2:06 pm

Your brain is so small that you can overgeneralise a mad man's act to whole Turkish nation. Do you want me to remind you how many people were killed in UK because of a football match? WE all know how English hooligans are CIVILISED! But you are so ignorant that you always want to see Turks barbaric. That's why nobody will discuss things with you.
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Postby brother » Thu Jun 23, 2005 2:39 pm

Thats fresh coming from Armenians who have just very recently committed atrocities in Azerbeycan and are illegally occupying Azeri lands, the true barbarians are there for everyone to see.
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Postby Turkey (( * » Thu Jun 23, 2005 4:28 pm

garbitsch wrote:Turkey (( * it's not worth to waste your time with Yerevan and aoxk61. Seriously!

I realised what you said when I read the other topic but thanks for warning me again! The way they go there will never be a solution for problems in the world!

aoxk61 wrote:If you don't like someone or you think they are a threat, well let's just murder them....thats how you lot think.

Don't panic, that's your reflection on the monitor! You don't like Turks so you kill them, basic rule of game for you! Why did you murder those Turkish officials?? Couldn't you just get attention without violence or were you too dumb to write articles, oh sorry, you did write articles but they were baseless so they just collapsed on your face!! So you just decided to organize a terrorist group so you could get attention by killing.
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Postby YeReVaN » Thu Jun 23, 2005 6:19 pm

brother wrote:Thats fresh coming from Armenians who have just very recently committed atrocities in Azerbeycan and are illegally occupying Azeri lands, the true barbarians are there for everyone to see.

How can a country illegally occupy its land? Talk about recent atricoties, don't forget to mention the Sumgait massacre by your Azeri cousins. You both have the same blood so one should not be surprised the barbarism that comes from both your countries.

By the way if you want to talk about illegal occupation, you should worry about Cyprus first.
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Postby YeReVaN » Thu Jun 23, 2005 8:48 pm

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Postby Turkey (( * » Thu Jun 23, 2005 9:37 pm

You people gotta be kidding! Forced mass evacuation!?!?! Yes it was forced, but the Armenians were not evacuated out of the Ottoman Empire, they were distributed to other parts of the empire since they were stopping the army's strategic movement by starting riots, and I need a reasonable answer to these questions: why were the Armenians in the other parts of the empire not touched?? Why were there Armenian officials in high-ranked posts in the Ottoman Empire??(I know I may be repeating myself, but in any case I think these are important bits of this issue!)
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Postby YeReVaN » Thu Jun 23, 2005 9:45 pm

Who said they were not touched? By the way that website is one of many non-Armenian websites that talks about Armenian Genocide. Distributed?
You think Armenians were some kind of materials?
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Postby Turkey (( * » Thu Jun 23, 2005 10:05 pm

YeReVaN wrote:Distributed? You think Armenians were some kind of materials?

If they are like you, yes I think they are materials! After all I didn't have any hatred against you Amenians before I read your replies, but now I have all the hatred you can ever imagine! You want land, you want money from Turkey? Well if the answer is yes, come on buddy, but don't forget your army and your weapons! Here is a photo of Mt.Ararat, so that you can dream of it in your sleep!


See those clouds?? Careful your dream may turn into a nightmare!
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