Murtaza wrote:when will It be active again?
I read it from an article write by an armenian in Yerevan.
There is an Asala office in Yarevan. He also write this Asala guys fight at war against Azeris. So you use terrorist as a Army.
YeReVaN wrote:ASALA is NOT an active organization at this time,
since it has served its purpose of raising awareness of the Armenian Cause.
“We find the information of the existence of the offices of ASALA in Armenia and Nagorni Karabakh currently to be inaccurate.”
(Armenian Secret Army for the Liberation of Armenia)
The Orly Group
3rd October Organization
Armenian group formed in 1975 with stated intention to compel the Turkish Government to acknowledge publicly its responsibility for the deaths of 1.5 million Armenians in 1915, pay reparations, and cede territory for an Armenian homeland.
YeReVaN wrote:If Asala is active in Armenia how come we haven't heard from them for at least 15 years?
YeReVaN wrote:Anyone can write whatever they want. It doesn't mean it is true.
Ok, fair enough for me, I knew it in the start that the articles, the books, the leaflets that Armenians wrote weren't true!! You said it yourself, so go home, take a drink and think why you did this stupid mistake and gave out a small but important clue that these things written by Armenians are not true and this so called genocide is not true!!!
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