flavell5 wrote: The property is £268000 CYP.
The land has no mortgage on it - so we have been told! and we will own the freehold within 7 years and are free to sell at any time.
flavell5 wrote:The land has no mortgage on it - so we have been told! and we will own the freehold within 7 years and are free to sell at any time.
clive of payia wrote:Listen to the thoroughly good and independent advice that is being given on here.
Do remember that some of the members of this, and indeed other similar boards, have a vested financial interest in selling other Brits properties out here so be careful. Those that give a rather rosy picture of things out here just ask them if they have any dealings with the property business out here.
Personally, if a property doesn't have title deeds don't touch it - that is what your UK solicitor would tell you - ask him.
Title deeds are going to be a real problem soon as the government is forced to resolve this issue. And guess who will be picking up the bill? yes, Johnny Foreigner. But alas too many heads are buried in the sand at the moment until it hits them.
Clive agree with alot that you have said, but dont go overboard!!!!
Good luck,
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