denizaksulu wrote:Yes Karma, when Iread Orhan Veli Kanik for the first time I also laughed. Serbest siirle aram iyi degildir. I do not like modern poetry. But one always sticks to my mind. I like old folk poetry and divan siiri. I read them in Osmanli (eski harflerle)
If I remember correctly it was called the "Cimbizli siir"
Bir taraftan atom bombasi
Bir taraftan Londra konferansi
Bir elinde cimbiz
Bir elinde ayna
Umurunda mi dunya.
On one hand you have the atomic bomb
On the other the London Conferance
In one hand she holds tweezers
In the other a mirror
Does she have a care, of the world?
Iyi geceler, tatli ruyalar
it is my fav. coz it is dedicated to me..lolll ...Fahriye Abla