Nikephoros wrote:Sad creature, known as Get Real!, who invented philosophy, drama, comedy? Cypriots or people identifying as Hellenes?
... "An English speaker new to the "The Iliad" or "The Odyssey" or the "The Aeneid" will probably at least have heard of Troy and Helen, or of Penelope and the Cyclops, or of Dido and the golden bough. These epics may be in Greek and Latin, yet the classical heritage has entered the cultural memory enshrined in Egnlish so thoroughly that their worlds are more familiar than that of the first native epic, even though it was composed centuries after them. Achilles rings a bell, but not Scyld Sefing. Ithaca leads the mind in a certain direction, but not Heorot. The Sibyl of Cumae will stir certain associations, but not bad Queen Modthryth." ...
Beowulf. trans. Seamus Heaney. (Norton: New York; 2001) pp. xi-xii.
Try to find any high praise for Cypriotism like the above from someone who wrote a New York Times bestselling translation of the Old English epic Beowulf admitting Greek epics are more popular in his introduction.
Your lies mean nothing. No one outside of Neo Cypriots thinks the Hellenic civilziation is comparable to leftist Neo-Cypriot revionisms. Greek civilization is the foundation of all Western civilization and it is nothing to be embarrased about. The only thing embarrasing is the NeoCypriot idiots creating false history, to be closer to Turkish Cypriot backstabbers, and trying to create a false ethnicity in a small island.
The Hellenic civilization is not disputed by any serious contenters. What the modern Cypriots stand for is not a platform of anti -Greek or anti Turkish , but a platform of reconciliation and mutual respect for the two peoples that equally acclaim Cyprus to be their motherland. Cyprus is in its' embryonic state as a nation , and the direction it follows will lay the foundation of a modern invigorating and stimulating nation that in time , albeit a small island , will contribute to modern European successes in the fields of medicine especially where Kypros Nicolaou shines , and in many fields that only time will prove.After all if you go back 1000 and more years it will be hard to credit Greece with anything to be proud of.
Can I ask what is the criteria that you used in describing the modern Cypriot as leftists !!! I'm a lot of things but leftist ???
Nikeforos , what is the matter with you , are you not a KIPREOS first and foremost , are you denying your country of birth ? Apples from an apple tree and pears from a pear tree and oranges from an orange tree are all fruit , but an apple is and apple and a pear is pear , and a Cypriot from Cyprus is a CYPRIOT , first and foremost .