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How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby Kikapu » Wed May 30, 2007 2:16 pm

zan wrote:

Any way I will have to make it quick now but this is to Birk and Kikapyros.

There is a lady on the ATCA site that is a well respected teacher in the TRNC/KKTC and loved and known in Lefcosa. I want to ask those two cowards to get in touch with her to ask about what it is really like in the TRNC/KKTC. They can do it by PMs or emails if she is approached properly. I don't know her personally but I will make a point of visiting her next time I am there. How about it cowards. It might destroy your little brains and your perceptions but is education not worth it. Someone give Birk a nudge because he keeps coming up with the same old excuses that he missed the post. :oops:

WHO us, Cowards, when you and TMT Viewpoint do not even answer my post to you both, and you want me to chase down some "ghost" at the ATCA. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Is this going to be another one of VP proving to us who he really is, if we would just meet with him in the "TRNC", so he can show us where he works and lives. We can even meet his family, but he won't answer my posts to him.

Nice try Zan.
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Postby BirKibrisli » Wed May 30, 2007 2:19 pm

bigOz wrote:I cannot believe that there are idiots in this forum going through so much trouble and effort just to perpetuate a propaganda. Why the hell don't they try acting, or being clowns in a circus - they might even earn some money!

Mixture of Albanian, Slav, Greek, Arab, Turk etc. etc.? - clearly trying to give a whole new meaning to a TC - MY ARSE!

bigOz...what you wrote above is the perfect description of a Cypriot...
I challenge you to take a DNA test and see how close you will get to the above.... :wink:
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Postby karma » Wed May 30, 2007 3:07 pm

mrfromng wrote:
'74LondonBoy wrote:I am also relatively new to posting on this forum, although I have been reading posts for quite a while now.

I'd just like to say that I also have my doubts about the claims by gizzy regarding the hatred being taught in our schools. Not sure why he posted these and I too would like to see some 'evidence' that this indeed is happening.

gizzy gave the following 'background' information in one of his other posts :

I am not exactly sure of my exact ancestry but these are the infos I got from my grandparents and the archieve.
My mums mum side is half Albenian-half Slav
My mums father side is Ottoman and they also suspect they have arab blood
My fathers father side is all mixed up and we have relatives in egypt somehow :S
My fathers mum side refuse to accept but everybody knows his grandma was Maria who became [b]Fatima
. Other than that she claims she is "pure turk" but couldnt find the record on archieve
Who am I?
I stopped thinking about this a while ago coz I used to get really confused. I am simply a turkish speaking cypriot[/b]...

Confused is a good description !

Just noticed this post. gizzys game is up. We never ever refer to FATMA as FATIMA, the latter is Arabic. Sorry gizzy but you are a fake.

U r wrong, refugees from Balcans use Fatima, not Fatma, like my Bulgarian-pomac grandmo while calling me :)
Gizzy must be real..
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Postby bigOz » Wed May 30, 2007 3:41 pm

Birkibrisli wrote:
bigOz wrote:I cannot believe that there are idiots in this forum going through so much trouble and effort just to perpetuate a propaganda. Why the hell don't they try acting, or being clowns in a circus - they might even earn some money!

Mixture of Albanian, Slav, Greek, Arab, Turk etc. etc.? - clearly trying to give a whole new meaning to a TC - MY ARSE!

bigOz...what you wrote above is the perfect description of a Cypriot...
I challenge you to take a DNA test and see how close you will get to the above.... :wink:

I have no problems with Cypriots being from many ethnic minorities - and I would be a fool to deny that. But all of these in one ancestry? discovered from an archive? but the author gave up because he is not sure? blah! blah!

This is supposed to be a youngster who has just travelled to UK for education. His mum and dad must have been born after the 1963 war! His grandad must have been born well into British colonial times when TCs and GCs started to stick to their own kind (except some inter-communal marriages).

The kind of mix-up the author refers to could only have taken during Ottoman times which would involve his great great grandmother and grandfather. Come on Birkibrisli - you don't have to be a genius to work out there is something seriously wrong here!

No one denies Cypriots are well and truly of mixed blood, but no way you can try and crowd the whole spectrum into a single or a couple of generations starting from now as our so called "new" recruit is trying to convince us! Lets not be so gullible and become toys of some piss-takers who are willing to insult our intelligence.

Furthermore, this must be an older person because the hatred for GCs and TCs were constantly preached by both GCs and TCs in their schools during the 1960s. The teachers of today in TRNC are the same ones who supported the Annan plan and a united Cyprus. They are the same ones who travel across the green line to the Greek side for shopping. It would be very naive to to think they come back and teach something different to children at their schools. They may teach the terrors caused by EOKA, but not against all GCs in general. All of them witnessed or are aware of the fight many GCs put against EOKA and getting killed to preserve RoC. They are also aware of the mutual losses - they are not blind folded as many think!

Also, as much as I have nothing against you, and I do not doubt your good intentions, I wish to express that I find your approach to such issues always one sided. The fact that you had some heavy exchange with other TCs in this forum may have conditioned you to act as such instinctively. However, it would be nice to see if you decide to have a wider perspective when getting into these debates (sensible as your points may be).
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Postby BirKibrisli » Wed May 30, 2007 3:58 pm

bigOz wrote:
Birkibrisli wrote:
bigOz wrote:I cannot believe that there are idiots in this forum going through so much trouble and effort just to perpetuate a propaganda. Why the hell don't they try acting, or being clowns in a circus - they might even earn some money!

Mixture of Albanian, Slav, Greek, Arab, Turk etc. etc.? - clearly trying to give a whole new meaning to a TC - MY ARSE!

bigOz...what you wrote above is the perfect description of a Cypriot...
I challenge you to take a DNA test and see how close you will get to the above.... :wink:

I have no problems with Cypriots being from many ethnic minorities - and I would be a fool to deny that. But all of these in one ancestry? discovered from an archive? but the author gave up because he is not sure? blah! blah!

This is supposed to be a youngster who has just travelled to UK for education. His mum and dad must have been born after the 1963 war! His grandad must have been born well into British colonial times when TCs and GCs started to stick to their own kind (except some inter-communal marriages).

The kind of mix-up the author refers to could only have taken during Ottoman times which would involve his great great grandmother and grandfather. Come on Birkibrisli - you don't have to be a genius to work out there is something seriously wrong here!

No one denies Cypriots are well and truly of mixed blood, but no way you can try and crowd the whole spectrum into a single or a couple of generations starting from now as our so called "new" recruit is trying to convince us! Lets not be so gullible and become toys of some piss-takers who are willing to insult our intelligence.

Furthermore, this must be an older person because the hatred for GCs and TCs were constantly preached by both GCs and TCs in their schools during the 1960s. The teachers of today in TRNC are the same ones who supported the Annan plan and a united Cyprus. They are the same ones who travel across the green line to the Greek side for shopping. It would be very naive to to think they come back and teach something different to children at their schools. They may teach the terrors caused by EOKA, but not against all GCs in general. All of them witnessed or are aware of the fight many GCs put against EOKA and getting killed to preserve RoC. They are also aware of the mutual losses - they are not blind folded as many think!

Also, as much as I have nothing against you, and I do not doubt your good intentions, I wish to express that I find your approach to such issues always one sided. The fact that you had some heavy exchange with other TCs in this forum may have conditioned you to act as such instinctively. However, it would be nice to see if you decide to have a wider perspective when getting into these debates (sensible as your points may be).

Your points have been noted,bigOZ...I will watch gizzy closely and see what happens...But you are not saying that there are no teachers in the Trnc (say of settler origins in the very least) who would be prejudiced against the GCs...
I usually sympathise with our GC compatriots not because i am not aware of the TC case,bigOz...I do it because that is what is needed (cross ethnic empathy) to promote understanding and trust so necessary for a peaceful and just and lasting solution...It is easy to turn a blind eye to your own negative points and rubbish the "other" side,but it won't advance the cause of peace one iota...What will help is to have the guts to criticise your own side when you think they deserve it,despite risking being called a traitor or spy or whatever... :wink:
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Postby MR-from-NG » Wed May 30, 2007 4:07 pm

I just worked out who gizzy is. Its that fecker free_cyprus. Shit its so fecking obvious :lol: :lol:
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Postby zan » Wed May 30, 2007 4:38 pm

Kikapu wrote:
zan wrote:

Any way I will have to make it quick now but this is to Birk and Kikapyros.

There is a lady on the ATCA site that is a well respected teacher in the TRNC/KKTC and loved and known in Lefcosa. I want to ask those two cowards to get in touch with her to ask about what it is really like in the TRNC/KKTC. They can do it by PMs or emails if she is approached properly. I don't know her personally but I will make a point of visiting her next time I am there. How about it cowards. It might destroy your little brains and your perceptions but is education not worth it. Someone give Birk a nudge because he keeps coming up with the same old excuses that he missed the post. :oops:

WHO us, Cowards, when you and TMT Viewpoint do not even answer my post to you both, and you want me to chase down some "ghost" at the ATCA. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Is this going to be another one of VP proving to us who he really is, if we would just meet with him in the "TRNC", so he can show us where he works and lives. We can even meet his family, but he won't answer my posts to him.

Nice try Zan.

Did not expect anything different Kikapyros. You are chicken shit just like your fiend Birk who did not even bother to answer. Can you give me the link to your post that I did not bother to answer please?
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Postby bigOz » Wed May 30, 2007 5:04 pm

Birkibrisli wrote:
bigOz wrote:
Birkibrisli wrote:
bigOz wrote:I cannot believe that there are idiots in this forum going through so much trouble and effort just to perpetuate a propaganda. Why the hell don't they try acting, or being clowns in a circus - they might even earn some money!

Mixture of Albanian, Slav, Greek, Arab, Turk etc. etc.? - clearly trying to give a whole new meaning to a TC - MY ARSE!

bigOz...what you wrote above is the perfect description of a Cypriot...
I challenge you to take a DNA test and see how close you will get to the above.... :wink:

I have no problems with Cypriots being from many ethnic minorities - and I would be a fool to deny that. But all of these in one ancestry? discovered from an archive? but the author gave up because he is not sure? blah! blah!

This is supposed to be a youngster who has just travelled to UK for education. His mum and dad must have been born after the 1963 war! His grandad must have been born well into British colonial times when TCs and GCs started to stick to their own kind (except some inter-communal marriages).

The kind of mix-up the author refers to could only have taken during Ottoman times which would involve his great great grandmother and grandfather. Come on Birkibrisli - you don't have to be a genius to work out there is something seriously wrong here!

No one denies Cypriots are well and truly of mixed blood, but no way you can try and crowd the whole spectrum into a single or a couple of generations starting from now as our so called "new" recruit is trying to convince us! Lets not be so gullible and become toys of some piss-takers who are willing to insult our intelligence.

Furthermore, this must be an older person because the hatred for GCs and TCs were constantly preached by both GCs and TCs in their schools during the 1960s. The teachers of today in TRNC are the same ones who supported the Annan plan and a united Cyprus. They are the same ones who travel across the green line to the Greek side for shopping. It would be very naive to to think they come back and teach something different to children at their schools. They may teach the terrors caused by EOKA, but not against all GCs in general. All of them witnessed or are aware of the fight many GCs put against EOKA and getting killed to preserve RoC. They are also aware of the mutual losses - they are not blind folded as many think!

Also, as much as I have nothing against you, and I do not doubt your good intentions, I wish to express that I find your approach to such issues always one sided. The fact that you had some heavy exchange with other TCs in this forum may have conditioned you to act as such instinctively. However, it would be nice to see if you decide to have a wider perspective when getting into these debates (sensible as your points may be).

Your points have been noted,bigOZ...I will watch gizzy closely and see what happens...But you are not saying that there are no teachers in the Trnc (say of settler origins in the very least) who would be prejudiced against the GCs...
I usually sympathise with our GC compatriots not because i am not aware of the TC case,bigOz...I do it because that is what is needed (cross ethnic empathy) to promote understanding and trust so necessary for a peaceful and just and lasting solution...It is easy to turn a blind eye to your own negative points and rubbish the "other" side,but it won't advance the cause of peace one iota...What will help is to have the guts to criticise your own side when you think they deserve it,despite risking being called a traitor or spy or whatever... :wink:

No! I would never claim there are no teachers or families on both sides who preach hatred to young ones. But the way I see it, no ethnic empathy will change that. It all boils down to what I said before; there must be a period of federation where both sides should make attempts to clear their part of extreme fanatic views as such. This can be encouraged by laws and legislations to be laid down by the central Cyprus Republic Government. Not just at schools but also at religious establishments who can do great damage to any peace efforts, by their persistent hate preachers.

You might have good GC friends, so do I and probably a lot more than you had. But I cannot surrender the safety of my children based on the kindness and goodness of those I know, can I? As long as bad propaganda and fanatic racists exists on both sides, I will not wish to share my space within that kind of community. It would be time bomb ticking... What is so bad about a transitional federal state, with a political review/evaluation every decade? The way I see it we are now in a deadlock - either that or TRNC will eventually be recognised, probably sooner than what some GCs may think possible.

I can see replies flying in now in protest of what I just said about TRNC - but that is not reality! It is just escapism from reality and responding with emotional insticts. So where does that leave us? :?
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Postby BirKibrisli » Wed May 30, 2007 5:09 pm

zan wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
zan wrote:

Any way I will have to make it quick now but this is to Birk and Kikapyros.

There is a lady on the ATCA site that is a well respected teacher in the TRNC/KKTC and loved and known in Lefcosa. I want to ask those two cowards to get in touch with her to ask about what it is really like in the TRNC/KKTC. They can do it by PMs or emails if she is approached properly. I don't know her personally but I will make a point of visiting her next time I am there. How about it cowards. It might destroy your little brains and your perceptions but is education not worth it. Someone give Birk a nudge because he keeps coming up with the same old excuses that he missed the post. :oops:

WHO us, Cowards, when you and TMT Viewpoint do not even answer my post to you both, and you want me to chase down some "ghost" at the ATCA. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Is this going to be another one of VP proving to us who he really is, if we would just meet with him in the "TRNC", so he can show us where he works and lives. We can even meet his family, but he won't answer my posts to him.

Nice try Zan.

Did not expect anything different Kikapyros. You are chicken shit just like your fiend Birk who did not even bother to answer. Can you give me the link to your post that I did not bother to answer please?

You are becoming more and more laughable with each pasing day,Zan...
Why do you think the opinions of anyone on the ATCA site are more reliable than mine or Kikapu's or yours for that matter...???
ATCA is a collection of individuals who single can do nothing but together can decide that nothing should be done to upset the status quo in Cyprus.They are a crowd of pathetic individuals whose fascist intolerance of any opinion to the left of Cengiz Han is legendary...Some might even consider Cengiz Han as the ultimate in tolerance and sophistication...I wouldnt believe them if they told me milk is white...teacher or no teacher... :)
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Postby BirKibrisli » Wed May 30, 2007 5:25 pm

bigOz wrote:No! I would never claim there are no teachers or families on both sides who preach hatred to young ones. But the way I see it, no ethnic empathy will change that. It all boils down to what I said before; there must be a period of federation where both sides should make attempts to clear their part of extreme fanatic views as such. This can be encouraged by laws and legislations to be laid down by the central Cyprus Republic Government. Not just at schools but also at religious establishments who can do great damage to any peace efforts, by their persistent hate preachers.

You might have good GC friends, so do I and probably a lot more than you had. But I cannot surrender the safety of my children based on the kindness and goodness of those I know, can I? As long as bad propaganda and fanatic racists exists on both sides, I will not wish to share my space within that kind of community. It would be time bomb ticking... What is so bad about a transitional federal state, with a political review/evaluation every decade? The way I see it we are now in a deadlock - either that or TRNC will eventually be recognised, probably sooner than what some GCs may think possible.

I can see replies flying in now in protest of what I just said about TRNC - but that is not reality! It is just escapism from reality and responding with emotional insticts. So where does that leave us?

It is wishful thinking to believe that TRNC will soon be recognised,bigOz...

Especially now that Cyprus is in the EU...

The problem with having ethnic based federal states is that it will encourage and highlight our differences It will entrench the division of Cyprus.Any solution other than unification would be de facto partition,and you know it...It will never be accepted by the majority of Cypriots...It is a formula for perpetual enmity and animosity...And it will give too much influence to other nations over Cyprus affairs...
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