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How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby bigOz » Wed May 30, 2007 10:38 am

Get Real! wrote:
bigOz wrote:
DT wrote:What is the ATCA? I searched on google and found this. You guys all secret dog lovers or something?

The Airedale Terrier Club of America, Inc. Website.The Airedale Terrier Club of America ( ATCA ), founded in 1900, is the parent club of the breed in the United States and the official spokes-organization ...

Sure! And the reason you get our attention is DT stands for a "DISEASED TERRIER"... :lol:

It's DiropiTta dufus! :roll:

or perhaps a Deadly Typhus. :lol:
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Postby DT. » Wed May 30, 2007 10:39 am

bigOz wrote:
DT wrote:What is the ATCA? I searched on google and found this. You guys all secret dog lovers or something?

The Airedale Terrier Club of America, Inc. Website.The Airedale Terrier Club of America ( ATCA ), founded in 1900, is the parent club of the breed in the United States and the official spokes-organization ...

Sure! And the reason you get our attention is DT stands for a "DISEASED TERRIER"... Image

BTW - your Gogle search tactics are every online marketing managers nightmarte! You are obviously concerned with th efirst 5 on the first page of listings. Few lines down and you would have discovered ATCA also stands for Association of Turkish Cypriots Abroad

Try using scroll next time! :lol:

ok ok...don't get so touchy. I'm only joking.

Is this it?

The Antique Telephone Collectors Association (home page)Non-profit corporation includes over 1500 active members worldwide. Includes photos, historical documents, newsletters, and links. 8)

BTW If you're wondering where i found it, I used the scroll
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Postby bigOz » Wed May 30, 2007 10:43 am

DT wrote:
bigOz wrote:
DT wrote:What is the ATCA? I searched on google and found this. You guys all secret dog lovers or something?

The Airedale Terrier Club of America, Inc. Website.The Airedale Terrier Club of America ( ATCA ), founded in 1900, is the parent club of the breed in the United States and the official spokes-organization ...

Sure! And the reason you get our attention is DT stands for a "DISEASED TERRIER"... Image

BTW - your Gogle search tactics are every online marketing managers nightmarte! You are obviously concerned with th efirst 5 on the first page of listings. Few lines down and you would have discovered ATCA also stands for Association of Turkish Cypriots Abroad

Try using scroll next time! :lol:

ok ok...don't get so touchy. I'm only joking.

Is this it?

The Antique Telephone Collectors Association (home page)Non-profit corporation includes over 1500 active members worldwide. Includes photos, historical documents, newsletters, and links. 8)

BTW If you're wondering where i found it, I used the scroll

I am not touchy at all - its great fun! :D
Try scrolling down a little more - is this arthiritis settling in now or what? :lol:
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Postby iceman » Wed May 30, 2007 11:17 am

Viewpoint wrote:
mrfromng wrote:
gizzy wrote:Thanx for the warm welcome... No, I wasnt brought up in New York,lol, I was born in Kyrenia and brought up there. I actually didnt have quiet a balanced life in terms of other nationalities, especially !"GC"!
1- I was brought up with propaganda where at school I was injected hight doses of GC hatret. I had to study those history books full of "turkish nationalism"
2- I had to sing every monday morning and every friday afternoon an anthem of another country
...etc...many more to count but I chosed not to get "brainwashed", I have a mind of my own and I can decide whats wrong and right. Therefore I dont need any "turkey is a great nation" injections or "you must hate the gc they are your enemies FOREVER and EVER" injections... Why am I only forced to learn these one sided stories? This cant be it I thought. Are these people not human like us? It was depicted as if we didnt kill their children and wives, as if only them killed the innocent and we were the "angels".... Who were they trying to fool...? Its sad that some of us are still "fool"... coz some dont ask the reasons "why?", they dont ask why these "killings" started in the first place, some still dont realize if Cyprus was at western mediterranean these things probably wouldnt have happened, they dont realize our neighbours have the "petrol" and some still dont realize they were manipulated like "fools" into this game and that we didnt win. We, the cypriots lost the game many times, in 1974, 1963...etc. and I guess we all know who the winners are...
I can understand the resons why the past havent been bright for us and perhaps the fact that people were less educated made things worse. I dont see how I could accept to be enemies with the second half of the island as cypriots are all beautiful people. Its not peaceful this way, I dont want our children to learn how to "hate" a person they dont even know of, before they learn how to "love".
I know very well that some turkish and TC might call me an "traitor" just coz I am not seeing GC or greeks as my enemy. Therefore I ask...Traitor of which country? Turkey? I am not turkish citizen and I dont feel like a part of their country or their culture. I am a Cypriot therefore I am meant to serve my own people, not to greece, not to england not to turkey! I want all cypriots to have a better tomorrow, I am tired of this "Cyprus Problem" already. My home is Cyprus and the benefits of any other country dont interest me.

I smell something fishy with this gizzy person. Nothing in his post is convincing, sorry young man but you come across as a fake.

Give us school and teachers names. Tell us how the lessons are conducted when you are taught to hate GCs. Unless you can give us solid evidence that this is happening in our schools I will take your stories with a pinch of salt.

FYI, I have nephews and cousins your age attending schools in the TRNC and none have been subjected to what you are claiming. Are you sure you are not some attention seeker? can you convince us that you are not a fake?

Well spotted mrfromng, I asked the same question. Something not right here, we will see as things unfold, woudlnt suprise me if it was Ms Kikapolosis in disguise. Desperate measures for desperate people.

If this Gizzy is real then it shouldnt be difficult to confirm...we just need some names from the school in Kyrenia and some local info... :wink:
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Postby bigOz » Wed May 30, 2007 12:11 pm

iceman wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:
mrfromng wrote:
gizzy wrote:Thanx for the warm welcome... No, I wasnt brought up in New York,lol, I was born in Kyrenia and brought up there. I actually didnt have quiet a balanced life in terms of other nationalities, especially !"GC"!
1- I was brought up with propaganda where at school I was injected hight doses of GC hatret. I had to study those history books full of "turkish nationalism"
2- I had to sing every monday morning and every friday afternoon an anthem of another country
...etc...many more to count but I chosed not to get "brainwashed", I have a mind of my own and I can decide whats wrong and right. Therefore I dont need any "turkey is a great nation" injections or "you must hate the gc they are your enemies FOREVER and EVER" injections... Why am I only forced to learn these one sided stories? This cant be it I thought. Are these people not human like us? It was depicted as if we didnt kill their children and wives, as if only them killed the innocent and we were the "angels".... Who were they trying to fool...? Its sad that some of us are still "fool"... coz some dont ask the reasons "why?", they dont ask why these "killings" started in the first place, some still dont realize if Cyprus was at western mediterranean these things probably wouldnt have happened, they dont realize our neighbours have the "petrol" and some still dont realize they were manipulated like "fools" into this game and that we didnt win. We, the cypriots lost the game many times, in 1974, 1963...etc. and I guess we all know who the winners are...
I can understand the resons why the past havent been bright for us and perhaps the fact that people were less educated made things worse. I dont see how I could accept to be enemies with the second half of the island as cypriots are all beautiful people. Its not peaceful this way, I dont want our children to learn how to "hate" a person they dont even know of, before they learn how to "love".
I know very well that some turkish and TC might call me an "traitor" just coz I am not seeing GC or greeks as my enemy. Therefore I ask...Traitor of which country? Turkey? I am not turkish citizen and I dont feel like a part of their country or their culture. I am a Cypriot therefore I am meant to serve my own people, not to greece, not to england not to turkey! I want all cypriots to have a better tomorrow, I am tired of this "Cyprus Problem" already. My home is Cyprus and the benefits of any other country dont interest me.

I smell something fishy with this gizzy person. Nothing in his post is convincing, sorry young man but you come across as a fake.

Give us school and teachers names. Tell us how the lessons are conducted when you are taught to hate GCs. Unless you can give us solid evidence that this is happening in our schools I will take your stories with a pinch of salt.

FYI, I have nephews and cousins your age attending schools in the TRNC and none have been subjected to what you are claiming. Are you sure you are not some attention seeker? can you convince us that you are not a fake?

Well spotted mrfromng, I asked the same question. Something not right here, we will see as things unfold, woudlnt suprise me if it was Ms Kikapolosis in disguise. Desperate measures for desperate people.

If this Gizzy is real then it shouldnt be difficult to confirm...we just need some names from the school in Kyrenia and some local info... :wink:

If I were you, I would not hold my breath iceman! :lol:
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Postby MR-from-NG » Wed May 30, 2007 12:32 pm

'74LondonBoy wrote:I am also relatively new to posting on this forum, although I have been reading posts for quite a while now.

I'd just like to say that I also have my doubts about the claims by gizzy regarding the hatred being taught in our schools. Not sure why he posted these and I too would like to see some 'evidence' that this indeed is happening.

gizzy gave the following 'background' information in one of his other posts :

I am not exactly sure of my exact ancestry but these are the infos I got from my grandparents and the archieve.
My mums mum side is half Albenian-half Slav
My mums father side is Ottoman and they also suspect they have arab blood
My fathers father side is all mixed up and we have relatives in egypt somehow :S
My fathers mum side refuse to accept but everybody knows his grandma was Maria who became [b]Fatima
. Other than that she claims she is "pure turk" but couldnt find the record on archieve
Who am I?
I stopped thinking about this a while ago coz I used to get really confused. I am simply a turkish speaking cypriot[/b]...

Confused is a good description !

Just noticed this post. gizzys game is up. We never ever refer to FATMA as FATIMA, the latter is Arabic. Sorry gizzy but you are a fake.
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Postby bigOz » Wed May 30, 2007 12:41 pm

I cannot believe that there are idiots in this forum going through so much trouble and effort just to perpetuate a propaganda. Why the hell don't they try acting, or being clowns in a circus - they might even earn some money!

Mixture of Albanian, Slav, Greek, Arab, Turk etc. etc.? - clearly trying to give a whole new meaning to a TC - MY ARSE!
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Postby DT. » Wed May 30, 2007 12:48 pm

bigOz wrote:I cannot believe that there are idiots in this forum going through so much trouble and effort just to perpetuate a propaganda. Why the hell don't they try acting, or being clowns in a circus - they might even earn some money!

Mixture of Albanian, Slav, Greek, Arab, Turk etc. etc.? - clearly trying to give a whole new meaning to a TC - MY ARSE!

Trust me, no one wants to give new meaning to your tc arse.
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Postby bigOz » Wed May 30, 2007 12:52 pm

DT wrote:
bigOz wrote:I cannot believe that there are idiots in this forum going through so much trouble and effort just to perpetuate a propaganda. Why the hell don't they try acting, or being clowns in a circus - they might even earn some money!

Mixture of Albanian, Slav, Greek, Arab, Turk etc. etc.? - clearly trying to give a whole new meaning to a TC - MY ARSE!

Trust me, no one wants to give new meaning to your tc arse.

OK I am convinced...... :shock: You know what I mean, don't you DT? :D

I'll be posting the story of the parrot in the entertaintment forum when I come back from lunch (no siestas at this end)!
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Postby DT. » Wed May 30, 2007 12:56 pm

bigOz wrote:
DT wrote:
bigOz wrote:I cannot believe that there are idiots in this forum going through so much trouble and effort just to perpetuate a propaganda. Why the hell don't they try acting, or being clowns in a circus - they might even earn some money!

Mixture of Albanian, Slav, Greek, Arab, Turk etc. etc.? - clearly trying to give a whole new meaning to a TC - MY ARSE!

Trust me, no one wants to give new meaning to your tc arse.

OK I am convinced...... :shock: You know what I mean, don't you DT? :D

I'll be posting the story of the parrot in the entertaintment forum when I come back from lunch (no siestas at this end)!
:D 8)
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