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How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby Viewpoint » Tue May 29, 2007 6:37 pm

Birkibrisli wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:
Birkibrisli wrote:Indeed,welcome to our passionate forum,gizzy...

You will soon find out what is what and who is who...and you will make up your own mind about us...The fact that you consider Cyprus your motherland,and recognise no other,makes you a prospective member of the True Cypriots Club...In case you are wondering, True Cypriots are those whe can empathise with the "other" side,those who can see through the smoke screen of official propaganda from both sides...True cypriots are those who refuse to see their compatriots,their DNA brothers and sisters as their enemies,those who can stand up tall and say "As long as there is one Cypriot left, of any kind, who is oppressed,whose human rights are trampled upon,who is treated unjustly,who faces discrimination,ethnic cleansing and cultural prejudice,we should all hang our heads in shame..."

True Cypriots are those who refuse to wallow in the past senseless acts of atrocities,who have the courage to face their collective unconscious fear head on,those who can find it in their hearts the key to forgiveness and compassion even for those who have done them harm in the past...True cypriots are those who do this and more,much more,for the sake of the united and peaceful and democratic future of their country,for the chance to bring back freeedom,equal opportunity, sanity,sensibility and dignity to their homeland...

Quite a few of us are waiting to welcome you with open arms to the ranks of True Cypriots... 8) :) :D

What will you do when the first bomb explodes?

You still have not answered what proposals and safeguards you demand for the TC community.

When the first bomb explodes I will ring my beloved ones (on my non-existent mobile phone :wink: ) to make sure they are all okey...If they are then I will try to find out what has happened exactly,and who has been hurt...I will then expect the police to act swiftly and apprehend the guilty parties,and I will expect the courts to deal with them fairly but firmly...It is called living in a civilised society,VP...But you can be excused for forgetting what that is have been living in the Trnc for too long... :wink: :( :( :(

We are not talking Paris, Milan or Copenhagen we are talking throwing both communities into an explosive situation like Israel/Palestine where bombs are a common occurance and people die while going about thier daily business. The last 33 years must have taught you that divided these incidents are non exsistent, all it will take is for a bomb to go off and for the authorities not to show the attention the incident deserves thus inflaming the 2 communities aganst each other. A GC rapes a TC girl can you imagine the uproar and inflamed attitude of the TCs against the GCs and vise versa, I do not even want to think about it. How will you explain to the girls parents that unificaiton was the best solution, wont your conscience ache just a little that you forced unificaiton of the 2 communites without taking the safe guard measure which are imperative to any solution.

I am being genuine, do you get a kick out of being scarcastic? You know full well that I can return the same attitude if thats the route you wish to take but our past arguements have taught you that we do not get anywhere using that route, can you at least try to be civil, your last comments are those of a person who brushes other peoples concerns under the carpet and has nothing concrete to put forward asking them to take a leap of faith with their future and even lives.

I have yet to hear any safe guards you would have in place to ensure we are not absorbed, dominated discriminated excluded or exploited by the GC numerical majority.
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Postby Kikapu » Tue May 29, 2007 7:02 pm

Viewpoint wrote:
We are not talking Paris, Milan or Copenhagen we are talking throwing both communities into an explosive situation like Israel/Palestine where bombs are a common occurance and people die while going about thier daily business. The last 33 years must have taught you that divided these incidents are non exsistent, all it will take is for a bomb to go off and for the authorities not to show the attention the incident deserves thus inflaming the 2 communities aganst each other. A GC rapes a TC girl can you imagine the uproar and inflamed attitude of the TCs against the GCs and vise versa, I do not even want to think about it. How will you explain to the girls parents that unificaiton was the best solution, wont your conscience ache just a little that you forced unificaiton of the 2 communites without taking the safe guard measure which are imperative to any solution.

I am being genuine, do you get a kick out of being scarcastic? You know full well that I can return the same attitude if thats the route you wish to take but our past arguements have taught you that we do not get anywhere using that route, can you at least try to be civil, your last comments are those of a person who brushes other peoples concerns under the carpet and has nothing concrete to put forward asking them to take a leap of faith with their future and even lives.

I have yet to hear any safe guards you would have in place to ensure we are not absorbed, dominated discriminated excluded or exploited by the GC numerical majority
...........................and force us to give up our illegally obtain "HARAM LAND". Bir, don't you have any compassion to us Partitionist. How can you be so cruel. We are respected land owners now and the elite of the elites. Do you want us to be just an another "common man" living with the GC's, specially them taking our Greek Cypriot lands away. I have never heard of such "cold hearted" persons, specially from a TC. Why can't you think of us as your people also, as you do with your Greek Cypriot Cousins.
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Postby Viewpoint » Tue May 29, 2007 7:06 pm

gizzy wrote:
Birkibrisli wrote:What will you do when the first bomb explodes?

You still have not answered what proposals and safeguards you demand for the TC community.

I think your question is similar to these ones below:
What do you do if there is a car accident? What do you do if there is a murder? What do you do if there is a fire? What do you do if there is a robbery? These are the things happening in everyday life and we can take precausions to prevent them from happening but there will be always troubles and you cannot prevent all of them completly. If we have "strict" laws that can bring justice, there is nothing to be scared of.

Do you consider yourself more safe in the north? Do you consider "TRNC" an independent nation? Do you think "TRNC" has "fair" and "independent" laws. What do you do when you hear every single day a 5 year old being raped? What do you do when there is a robbery almost everyday? What do you do when your people are being targeted by "turkish nationalism" and your politicians are oppressed & humiliated with "proove that you are a turk" assimilation?

Please ask yourself these questions and perhaps you realize that "TRNC" has always been corrupt and not safe for any TC... What do you do when they set free a child raper after 10 months of jailing and send it back to his country and then he can come back again coz your country dont even ask for a visa and its not even have a free country in the first place?

Firstly welcome to the forum.

Those comments are mine nots birs...

Were you actually educated in the TRNC? and do you live here? Which school did you attend? I have 3 children which have been and are in the state school system and none of them have been exposed to what you claim. If you dont mind can you give me the teachers names that have educated you and made you hate the TRNC like you do.

Can you support your sweeping claims that 5year olds are raped everyday? in the TRNC, like daily newspaper stories 365 of them for 2006, its a major claim and should not be ignored. I for one will raise this with the head of police.

Let me put it this way if you force unficiation and a bomb goes off placed by GC extremists against sharing Cyprus with TCs and your parents are killed will you then say ho its like asking "What do you do if there is a car accident? What do you do if there is a murder? What do you do if there is a fire? What do you do if there is a robbery?" Its not as simple as that and I donot want to enter a situation which would increase these risks more than what we have today in the TRNC. What precautions (I call them safe guards) do you suggest we put in place to ensure that your parents as not bombed to death.

I feel very safe in the TRNC there are 40.000 soldiers here for my protection, do we live on the same island?

Do you consider the south to be safer than the TRNC? or the TRNC safer than Nigeria or New York? you have get things into perspective. how can you expect be an independent nation when you are financiall dependent on Turkey due to inhumane embargoes which do not allow us to stand on our own 2 feet, do you blame Turkey for giving us financial support and protection or those that try to hold you economically hostage all in the name of making us want a solution.

You are obviously very young as your comments naive in realtion to your understanding of the Cyprus problem, keep up with the forum and you will soon learn a great deal, that will shape your understanding of the Cyprus issue, nothing is as it seems.
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Postby the_snake_and_the_crane » Tue May 29, 2007 7:33 pm

You are obviously very young as your comments naive in realtion to your understanding of the Cyprus problem, keep up with the forum and you will soon learn a great deal, that will shape your understanding of the Cyprus issue, nothing is as it seems.

Hahaha classic. VP accusing another of being naive with regards to the Cyprus problem.

VP, are you planning to recreate history by placing bombs on Turkish Cypriot targets and falsely accusing the Greek Cypriots in order to create animosity??
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Postby Kikapu » Tue May 29, 2007 7:43 pm

the_snake_and_the_crane wrote:
You are obviously very young as your comments naive in realtion to your understanding of the Cyprus problem, keep up with the forum and you will soon learn a great deal, that will shape your understanding of the Cyprus issue, nothing is as it seems.

Hahaha classic. VP accusing another of being naive with regards to the Cyprus problem.

VP, are you planning to recreate history by placing bombs on Turkish Cypriot targets and falsely accusing the Greek Cypriots in order to create animosity??

"TMT Viewpoint" has been talking a lot lately, regarding kids being blown up by bombs.

If I talked about hijacked planes being flown into "specific buildings" in the future, I can assure you, I will be getting a visit from the FBI and the MI5.

Certain Criminals actually leave "tell-tail" signs, in advance of what they intend to do in the future.!!!

Just an observation.!!
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Postby MR-from-NG » Tue May 29, 2007 8:50 pm

gizzy wrote:Thanx for the warm welcome... No, I wasnt brought up in New York,lol, I was born in Kyrenia and brought up there. I actually didnt have quiet a balanced life in terms of other nationalities, especially !"GC"!
1- I was brought up with propaganda where at school I was injected hight doses of GC hatret. I had to study those history books full of "turkish nationalism"
2- I had to sing every monday morning and every friday afternoon an anthem of another country
...etc...many more to count but I chosed not to get "brainwashed", I have a mind of my own and I can decide whats wrong and right. Therefore I dont need any "turkey is a great nation" injections or "you must hate the gc they are your enemies FOREVER and EVER" injections... Why am I only forced to learn these one sided stories? This cant be it I thought. Are these people not human like us? It was depicted as if we didnt kill their children and wives, as if only them killed the innocent and we were the "angels".... Who were they trying to fool...? Its sad that some of us are still "fool"... coz some dont ask the reasons "why?", they dont ask why these "killings" started in the first place, some still dont realize if Cyprus was at western mediterranean these things probably wouldnt have happened, they dont realize our neighbours have the "petrol" and some still dont realize they were manipulated like "fools" into this game and that we didnt win. We, the cypriots lost the game many times, in 1974, 1963...etc. and I guess we all know who the winners are...
I can understand the resons why the past havent been bright for us and perhaps the fact that people were less educated made things worse. I dont see how I could accept to be enemies with the second half of the island as cypriots are all beautiful people. Its not peaceful this way, I dont want our children to learn how to "hate" a person they dont even know of, before they learn how to "love".
I know very well that some turkish and TC might call me an "traitor" just coz I am not seeing GC or greeks as my enemy. Therefore I ask...Traitor of which country? Turkey? I am not turkish citizen and I dont feel like a part of their country or their culture. I am a Cypriot therefore I am meant to serve my own people, not to greece, not to england not to turkey! I want all cypriots to have a better tomorrow, I am tired of this "Cyprus Problem" already. My home is Cyprus and the benefits of any other country dont interest me.

I smell something fishy with this gizzy person. Nothing in his post is convincing, sorry young man but you come across as a fake.

Give us school and teachers names. Tell us how the lessons are conducted when you are taught to hate GCs. Unless you can give us solid evidence that this is happening in our schools I will take your stories with a pinch of salt.

FYI, I have nephews and cousins your age attending schools in the TRNC and none have been subjected to what you are claiming. Are you sure you are not some attention seeker? can you convince us that you are not a fake?
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Postby Viewpoint » Tue May 29, 2007 8:55 pm

mrfromng wrote:
gizzy wrote:Thanx for the warm welcome... No, I wasnt brought up in New York,lol, I was born in Kyrenia and brought up there. I actually didnt have quiet a balanced life in terms of other nationalities, especially !"GC"!
1- I was brought up with propaganda where at school I was injected hight doses of GC hatret. I had to study those history books full of "turkish nationalism"
2- I had to sing every monday morning and every friday afternoon an anthem of another country
...etc...many more to count but I chosed not to get "brainwashed", I have a mind of my own and I can decide whats wrong and right. Therefore I dont need any "turkey is a great nation" injections or "you must hate the gc they are your enemies FOREVER and EVER" injections... Why am I only forced to learn these one sided stories? This cant be it I thought. Are these people not human like us? It was depicted as if we didnt kill their children and wives, as if only them killed the innocent and we were the "angels".... Who were they trying to fool...? Its sad that some of us are still "fool"... coz some dont ask the reasons "why?", they dont ask why these "killings" started in the first place, some still dont realize if Cyprus was at western mediterranean these things probably wouldnt have happened, they dont realize our neighbours have the "petrol" and some still dont realize they were manipulated like "fools" into this game and that we didnt win. We, the cypriots lost the game many times, in 1974, 1963...etc. and I guess we all know who the winners are...
I can understand the resons why the past havent been bright for us and perhaps the fact that people were less educated made things worse. I dont see how I could accept to be enemies with the second half of the island as cypriots are all beautiful people. Its not peaceful this way, I dont want our children to learn how to "hate" a person they dont even know of, before they learn how to "love".
I know very well that some turkish and TC might call me an "traitor" just coz I am not seeing GC or greeks as my enemy. Therefore I ask...Traitor of which country? Turkey? I am not turkish citizen and I dont feel like a part of their country or their culture. I am a Cypriot therefore I am meant to serve my own people, not to greece, not to england not to turkey! I want all cypriots to have a better tomorrow, I am tired of this "Cyprus Problem" already. My home is Cyprus and the benefits of any other country dont interest me.

I smell something fishy with this gizzy person. Nothing in his post is convincing, sorry young man but you come across as a fake.

Give us school and teachers names. Tell us how the lessons are conducted when you are taught to hate GCs. Unless you can give us solid evidence that this is happening in our schools I will take your stories with a pinch of salt.

FYI, I have nephews and cousins your age attending schools in the TRNC and none have been subjected to what you are claiming. Are you sure you are not some attention seeker? can you convince us that you are not a fake?

Well spotted mrfromng, I asked the same question. Something not right here, we will see as things unfold, woudlnt suprise me if it was Ms Kikapolosis in disguise. Desperate measures for desperate people.
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Postby Kikapu » Tue May 29, 2007 9:25 pm

Viewpoint wrote:Well spotted mrfromng, I asked the same question. Something not right here, we will see as things unfold, woudlnt suprise me if it was Ms Kikapolosis in disguise. Desperate measures for desperate people.

"TMT Viewpoint"

You can't even handle a "single dose" of me, so why would I want to give you a "double dose" ?

That would be considered "Cruel & Unusual Punishment". :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Postby denizaksulu » Tue May 29, 2007 9:30 pm

Viewpont took the words out of my mouth. He must have gone to a one student and one GC teacher school? His opening speech makes no sense. I have met met many students and teachers and I can assure you from personal experience what he claims makes no sense. Something is not quite right. Even prior to 1963 there was never any anti-greek education.I am sure the forum detectives will expose gizzi for what he really is. I think he is a "plant". If he is TC he is entitled to his opnion, but most of the the statements dont ring true. Naturall, as expected he got a lovely welcome from all the GCs. :?: :?: :?:
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Postby DT. » Tue May 29, 2007 9:36 pm

Viewpoint wrote:
mrfromng wrote:
gizzy wrote:Thanx for the warm welcome... No, I wasnt brought up in New York,lol, I was born in Kyrenia and brought up there. I actually didnt have quiet a balanced life in terms of other nationalities, especially !"GC"!
1- I was brought up with propaganda where at school I was injected hight doses of GC hatret. I had to study those history books full of "turkish nationalism"
2- I had to sing every monday morning and every friday afternoon an anthem of another country
...etc...many more to count but I chosed not to get "brainwashed", I have a mind of my own and I can decide whats wrong and right. Therefore I dont need any "turkey is a great nation" injections or "you must hate the gc they are your enemies FOREVER and EVER" injections... Why am I only forced to learn these one sided stories? This cant be it I thought. Are these people not human like us? It was depicted as if we didnt kill their children and wives, as if only them killed the innocent and we were the "angels".... Who were they trying to fool...? Its sad that some of us are still "fool"... coz some dont ask the reasons "why?", they dont ask why these "killings" started in the first place, some still dont realize if Cyprus was at western mediterranean these things probably wouldnt have happened, they dont realize our neighbours have the "petrol" and some still dont realize they were manipulated like "fools" into this game and that we didnt win. We, the cypriots lost the game many times, in 1974, 1963...etc. and I guess we all know who the winners are...
I can understand the resons why the past havent been bright for us and perhaps the fact that people were less educated made things worse. I dont see how I could accept to be enemies with the second half of the island as cypriots are all beautiful people. Its not peaceful this way, I dont want our children to learn how to "hate" a person they dont even know of, before they learn how to "love".
I know very well that some turkish and TC might call me an "traitor" just coz I am not seeing GC or greeks as my enemy. Therefore I ask...Traitor of which country? Turkey? I am not turkish citizen and I dont feel like a part of their country or their culture. I am a Cypriot therefore I am meant to serve my own people, not to greece, not to england not to turkey! I want all cypriots to have a better tomorrow, I am tired of this "Cyprus Problem" already. My home is Cyprus and the benefits of any other country dont interest me.

I smell something fishy with this gizzy person. Nothing in his post is convincing, sorry young man but you come across as a fake.

Give us school and teachers names. Tell us how the lessons are conducted when you are taught to hate GCs. Unless you can give us solid evidence that this is happening in our schools I will take your stories with a pinch of salt.

FYI, I have nephews and cousins your age attending schools in the TRNC and none have been subjected to what you are claiming. Are you sure you are not some attention seeker? can you convince us that you are not a fake?

Well spotted mrfromng, I asked the same question. Something not right here, we will see as things unfold, woudlnt suprise me if it was Ms Kikapolosis in disguise. Desperate measures for desperate people.

Boy, with the rate you guys are going by turning TC's into GC's you're gonna be an even bigger minority in a few years. :shock:
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