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How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby BirKibrisli » Tue May 29, 2007 3:25 pm

Indeed,welcome to our passionate forum,gizzy...

You will soon find out what is what and who is who...and you will make up your own mind about us...The fact that you consider Cyprus your motherland,and recognise no other,makes you a prospective member of the True Cypriots Club...In case you are wondering, True Cypriots are those whe can empathise with the "other" side,those who can see through the smoke screen of official propaganda from both sides...True cypriots are those who refuse to see their compatriots,their DNA brothers and sisters as their enemies,those who can stand up tall and say "As long as there is one Cypriot left, of any kind, who is oppressed,whose human rights are trampled upon,who is treated unjustly,who faces discrimination,ethnic cleansing and cultural prejudice,we should all hang our heads in shame..."

True Cypriots are those who refuse to wallow in the past senseless acts of atrocities,who have the courage to face their collective unconscious fear head on,those who can find it in their hearts the key to forgiveness and compassion even for those who have done them harm in the past...True cypriots are those who do this and more,much more,for the sake of the united and peaceful and democratic future of their country,for the chance to bring back freeedom,equal opportunity, sanity,sensibility and dignity to their homeland...

Quite a few of us are waiting to welcome you with open arms to the ranks of True Cypriots... 8) :) :D
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Postby Viewpoint » Tue May 29, 2007 3:30 pm

Birkibrisli wrote:Indeed,welcome to our passionate forum,gizzy...

You will soon find out what is what and who is who...and you will make up your own mind about us...The fact that you consider Cyprus your motherland,and recognise no other,makes you a prospective member of the True Cypriots Club...In case you are wondering, True Cypriots are those whe can empathise with the "other" side,those who can see through the smoke screen of official propaganda from both sides...True cypriots are those who refuse to see their compatriots,their DNA brothers and sisters as their enemies,those who can stand up tall and say "As long as there is one Cypriot left, of any kind, who is oppressed,whose human rights are trampled upon,who is treated unjustly,who faces discrimination,ethnic cleansing and cultural prejudice,we should all hang our heads in shame..."

True Cypriots are those who refuse to wallow in the past senseless acts of atrocities,who have the courage to face their collective unconscious fear head on,those who can find it in their hearts the key to forgiveness and compassion even for those who have done them harm in the past...True cypriots are those who do this and more,much more,for the sake of the united and peaceful and democratic future of their country,for the chance to bring back freeedom,equal opportunity, sanity,sensibility and dignity to their homeland...

Quite a few of us are waiting to welcome you with open arms to the ranks of True Cypriots... 8) :) :D

What will you do when the first bomb explodes?

You still have not answered what proposals and safeguards you demand for the TC community.
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Postby DT. » Tue May 29, 2007 3:37 pm

Viewpoint wrote:
Birkibrisli wrote:Indeed,welcome to our passionate forum,gizzy...

You will soon find out what is what and who is who...and you will make up your own mind about us...The fact that you consider Cyprus your motherland,and recognise no other,makes you a prospective member of the True Cypriots Club...In case you are wondering, True Cypriots are those whe can empathise with the "other" side,those who can see through the smoke screen of official propaganda from both sides...True cypriots are those who refuse to see their compatriots,their DNA brothers and sisters as their enemies,those who can stand up tall and say "As long as there is one Cypriot left, of any kind, who is oppressed,whose human rights are trampled upon,who is treated unjustly,who faces discrimination,ethnic cleansing and cultural prejudice,we should all hang our heads in shame..."

True Cypriots are those who refuse to wallow in the past senseless acts of atrocities,who have the courage to face their collective unconscious fear head on,those who can find it in their hearts the key to forgiveness and compassion even for those who have done them harm in the past...True cypriots are those who do this and more,much more,for the sake of the united and peaceful and democratic future of their country,for the chance to bring back freeedom,equal opportunity, sanity,sensibility and dignity to their homeland...

Quite a few of us are waiting to welcome you with open arms to the ranks of True Cypriots... 8) :) :D

What will you do when the first bomb explodes?

You still have not answered what proposals and safeguards you demand for the TC community.

to make all GC's take an english essay exam. After observing them in the exam the NATO examiner will note down which hand they each write in and proceed to chop it off upon exit of the exam room. This should make doubly sure that no GC can ever fire against any one again in the future. (especially against the Turkish Peace Troops :lol: ) From there on we will only have to deal with the small militia of those ambidextrous GC's who will eventually get tired of fighting and move to Amsterdam where they will get jobs as the first cafe taxis in the world (roll a spliff with one hand drive with the other.)
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Postby Kikapu » Tue May 29, 2007 3:49 pm

Viewpoint wrote:
Birkibrisli wrote:Indeed,welcome to our passionate forum,gizzy...

You will soon find out what is what and who is who...and you will make up your own mind about us...The fact that you consider Cyprus your motherland,and recognise no other,makes you a prospective member of the True Cypriots Club...In case you are wondering, True Cypriots are those whe can empathise with the "other" side,those who can see through the smoke screen of official propaganda from both sides...True cypriots are those who refuse to see their compatriots,their DNA brothers and sisters as their enemies,those who can stand up tall and say "As long as there is one Cypriot left, of any kind, who is oppressed,whose human rights are trampled upon,who is treated unjustly,who faces discrimination,ethnic cleansing and cultural prejudice,we should all hang our heads in shame..."

True Cypriots are those who refuse to wallow in the past senseless acts of atrocities,who have the courage to face their collective unconscious fear head on,those who can find it in their hearts the key to forgiveness and compassion even for those who have done them harm in the past...True cypriots are those who do this and more,much more,for the sake of the united and peaceful and democratic future of their country,for the chance to bring back freeedom,equal opportunity, sanity,sensibility and dignity to their homeland...

Quite a few of us are waiting to welcome you with open arms to the ranks of True Cypriots... 8) :) :D

What will you do when the first bomb explodes?

You still have not answered what proposals and safeguards you demand for the TC community.

TMT Viewpoint,

If you turn your friends in to the authorities, you will help to save a lot of lives. If not, then share the blame and the punishment.

Stop asking your 10,000 questions, and answer mine to you, from 2 days ago.
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Postby BirKibrisli » Tue May 29, 2007 4:53 pm

Viewpoint wrote:
Birkibrisli wrote:Indeed,welcome to our passionate forum,gizzy...

You will soon find out what is what and who is who...and you will make up your own mind about us...The fact that you consider Cyprus your motherland,and recognise no other,makes you a prospective member of the True Cypriots Club...In case you are wondering, True Cypriots are those whe can empathise with the "other" side,those who can see through the smoke screen of official propaganda from both sides...True cypriots are those who refuse to see their compatriots,their DNA brothers and sisters as their enemies,those who can stand up tall and say "As long as there is one Cypriot left, of any kind, who is oppressed,whose human rights are trampled upon,who is treated unjustly,who faces discrimination,ethnic cleansing and cultural prejudice,we should all hang our heads in shame..."

True Cypriots are those who refuse to wallow in the past senseless acts of atrocities,who have the courage to face their collective unconscious fear head on,those who can find it in their hearts the key to forgiveness and compassion even for those who have done them harm in the past...True cypriots are those who do this and more,much more,for the sake of the united and peaceful and democratic future of their country,for the chance to bring back freeedom,equal opportunity, sanity,sensibility and dignity to their homeland...

Quite a few of us are waiting to welcome you with open arms to the ranks of True Cypriots... 8) :) :D

What will you do when the first bomb explodes?

You still have not answered what proposals and safeguards you demand for the TC community.

When the first bomb explodes I will ring my beloved ones (on my non-existent mobile phone :wink: ) to make sure they are all okey...If they are then I will try to find out what has happened exactly,and who has been hurt...I will then expect the police to act swiftly and apprehend the guilty parties,and I will expect the courts to deal with them fairly but firmly...It is called living in a civilised society,VP...But you can be excused for forgetting what that is have been living in the Trnc for too long... :wink: :( :( :(
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Postby bigOz » Tue May 29, 2007 5:22 pm

AND who will have the task of defining what a True Cypriot is - that will be acceptable to all Cypriots? :roll:
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Postby gizzy » Tue May 29, 2007 5:38 pm

Birkibrisli wrote:What will you do when the first bomb explodes?

You still have not answered what proposals and safeguards you demand for the TC community.

I think your question is similar to these ones below:
What do you do if there is a car accident? What do you do if there is a murder? What do you do if there is a fire? What do you do if there is a robbery? These are the things happening in everyday life and we can take precausions to prevent them from happening but there will be always troubles and you cannot prevent all of them completly. If we have "strict" laws that can bring justice, there is nothing to be scared of.

Do you consider yourself more safe in the north? Do you consider "TRNC" an independent nation? Do you think "TRNC" has "fair" and "independent" laws. What do you do when you hear every single day a 5 year old being raped? What do you do when there is a robbery almost everyday? What do you do when your people are being targeted by "turkish nationalism" and your politicians are oppressed & humiliated with "proove that you are a turk" assimilation?

Please ask yourself these questions and perhaps you realize that "TRNC" has always been corrupt and not safe for any TC... What do you do when they set free a child raper after 10 months of jailing and send it back to his country and then he can come back again coz your country dont even ask for a visa and its not even have a free country in the first place?
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Postby iceman » Tue May 29, 2007 5:47 pm

Kikapu wrote:
You can always count on me, Birkibrisli, and Miltiades, the "True Cypriots", to support you for telling the TRUTH, when the "Hyenas" come after you.

That has got to be the joke of the day :lol: :lol: :lol:
True Cypriots are the ones living in Cyprus..The ones that went through the pain & suffering (both GC/TC)
Not the ones living in some other part of the world in luxury and coming to Cyprus for their holidays!!!
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Postby Kikapu » Tue May 29, 2007 6:08 pm

iceman wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
You can always count on me, Birkibrisli, and Miltiades, the "True Cypriots", to support you for telling the TRUTH, when the "Hyenas" come after you.

That has got to be the joke of the day :lol: :lol: :lol:
True Cypriots are the ones living in Cyprus..The ones that went through the pain & suffering (both GC/TC)
Not the ones living in some other part of the world in luxury and coming to Cyprus for their holidays!!!

"True Cypriots" are the ones who consider the island of Cyprus being their country, and not only parts of it.

"True Cypriots" do not hold part of the island by force, so that no other "True Cypriots" have access to their History and their Homes.

"True Cypriots" do not take part of Cyprus and call it "TRNC".

"True Cypriots" do not split the citizens along ethnic and religious lines with the help of the Occupying Force.

"True Cypriots" believe in their Country and all of it's Citizens, as being their own people, whether they speak Greek or Turkish.

"True Cypriots" are all around the world.

Are you yourself a "True Cypriots" Iceman.??
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Postby iceman » Tue May 29, 2007 6:25 pm

Kikapu wrote:
iceman wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
You can always count on me, Birkibrisli, and Miltiades, the "True Cypriots", to support you for telling the TRUTH, when the "Hyenas" come after you.

That has got to be the joke of the day :lol: :lol: :lol:
True Cypriots are the ones living in Cyprus..The ones that went through the pain & suffering (both GC/TC)
Not the ones living in some other part of the world in luxury and coming to Cyprus for their holidays!!!

"True Cypriots" are the ones who consider the island of Cyprus being their country, and not only parts of it.

"True Cypriots" do not hold part of the island by force, so that no other "True Cypriots" have access to their History and their Homes.

"True Cypriots" do not take part of Cyprus and call it "TRNC".

"True Cypriots" do not split the citizens along ethnic and religious lines with the help of the Occupying Force.

"True Cypriots" believe in their Country and all of it's Citizens, as being their own people, whether they speak Greek or Turkish.

"True Cypriots" are all around the world.

Are you yourself a "True Cypriots" Iceman.??

Well.....according to your philosophy i must be a "pseudo" Cypriot then.. :lol: :lol: :lol:
Having spent almost all of my 47 years on the island,i reckon that classifies me Cypriot enough..
How much of a Turkish Cypriot are you Kikapu?
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