bigOz wrote:Shut the F*ck up you idiot! All you do is make idle noise! Why don't you pick up your gun and come to get rid of the Turkish army yourself then?
Now hear this:
Without that guarnteed safety, do not expect any Turkish soldiers departure! It has already been agreed that Turkish soldiers will leave once a settlement is reached... So carry on barking - you do not scare anyone!

Why should he "shut the F*ck up," bigOz? Is it because his one-sided perception of history doesn't coincide with your equally one-sided perception of history?
As for your other pompous rhetoric that without "a settlement that secures the safety of the TCs," "no Turkish soldier will leave the island," how much of this claim is based on a real need for the safety of your community, and how much is it based on the need for an excuse to justify the continuation of 200,000 GC’s usurping of properties and the need to further and consolidate the complete Turkification of the north 37% of Cyprus? Tell us honestly, how much is due to the former, and how much is due to the later? All the facts prove that it is due to the later, than due to the former!
Which facts?
Thousands of GCs cross everyday to the south, for shopping, work, health care, entertainment, etc, etc, and no one has claimed that their safety is endangered in one way or another! If what you have claimed has any trace of reality, then explain to us why the above is happening!
Another fact that proves my claim?
Every day your leadership allows more and more Anatolian settlers in the north, from Turkey, and every day your leadership usurps and develops or sells more and more GC properties, etc, etc. Is this not evidence that what the presence of the occupational Turkish troops in Cyprus, is not to alleviate your so-called safety fears (thousands of TCs disprove your claims, every day,) but to safeguard the allowance of time for the furthering and consolidation of the permanent and complete Turkification and the de-Hellenisation of northern occupied Cyprus?
As for your last claim that "it has already been agreed that Turkish soldiers will leave once a settlement is reached," can you possibly direct us to which such "agreement" are you referring to, since I am not aware of any such "agreement?" Who has made such an “agreement” that we are not aware of?