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How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby EPSILON » Fri Jun 01, 2007 5:33 pm

Rain wrote:I agree 99% with Big Oz, The Turkish Army in Cyprus not only safeguard the Turkish Cypriots but the Greek Cypriots too, as far as I can recall there has not been any Greek killing Greek since 15 July 1974. this will make 100 %

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Postby bigOz » Fri Jun 01, 2007 5:34 pm

Listen child! I have enough on my plate explaining things to many others in this forum - I am not going to get into a slanging match with you now! Just make sure you do not use offensive language yourself if you do not wish to be addressed in that way.

Lesson 1: If you show hostility you get hosile replies!

As for that racist sucker SNAKE, his mouth is bigger than his intelligence, I could use a lot worse language to address him but let's see how serious the admin of this forum is about communication and manners before we go on any further! It could well be one rule for GCs and another for TCs again!
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Postby EPSILON » Fri Jun 01, 2007 5:41 pm

[quote="bigOz"]Listen child! I have enough on my plate explaining things to many others in this forum - I am not going to get into a slanging match with you now! Just make sure you do not use offensive language yourself if you do not wish to be addressed in that way.

Lesson 1: If you show hostility you get hosile replies!

Lesson 2: Tcs do not accept he real fct that hey are just a minority , coperating with a foeign army against ROC and anbody remind them this is showing hostility
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Postby Rain » Fri Jun 01, 2007 5:54 pm

No EPSILON Is not like that, with continuously saying Tc’s are a minority and Gc’ are the majority create a situation that eventually leads to a permanent partition of the country. At the end all Tc’s will say the hell with the RoC, we are a majority in the TRNC am I wrong??
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Postby DT. » Fri Jun 01, 2007 6:24 pm

bigOz wrote:I think she is already in labour after your last post!Image

The chart you refer to also show Sumerians, Egyptians, Minoans, Hitites long before Mycenaean! Allow me to embarrass you again! This is a quote from a very reputable source:
Metallurgy from Asia Minor reached Cyprus about 2600 B.C. The peoples of Anatolia (now Turkey) migrated west on favorable sea currents in the eastern Mediterranean. The people of Crete developed an industry based on copper, giving the copper miners of Cyprus an incentive to expand their mines. Egyptians traded fabrics and gold for copper from Cyprus. Mycenaean settled near the copper deposit of Skouriotissa on Cyprus. This deposit was rediscovered by Charles Gunther and mined again in modern times.

The above is not the end either! From:
The "Treaty of Kadesh", one of the oldest completely surviving treaties in history, fixed their mutual boundaries in Canaan, and was signed in the 21st year of Rameses (c. 1258 BC).

Hattusili's son, Tudhaliya IV, was the last strong Hittite king able to keep the Assyrians out of Syria and even temporarily annex the island of Cyprus. The very last king, Suppiluliuma II also managed to win some victories, including a naval battle against the Sea Peoples off the coast of Cyprus. But it was too late.

The Sea Peoples had already begun their push down the Mediterranean coastline, starting from the Aegean, and continuing all the way to Philistia -- taking Cilicia and Cyprus away from the Hittites en route and cutting off their coveted trade routes. This left the Hittite homelands vulnerable to attack from all directions, and Hattusa was burnt to the ground sometime around 1180 BC following a combined onslaught from Gasgas, Bryges and Luwians. The Hittite Empire thus vanished from the historical record.

Here is another one from British archeologists:
As a result of our 1976-1996 excavation programme, we have been able to refine the chronology of much prehistoric Cypriot pottery. With this enhanced chronological tool to hand, we sytematically re-surveyed 25 key sites to date them more precisely than had been possible and to define intra-site variation, settlement drift patterns amongst cluster formations and settlement hierarchies. On a macro-scale, our goal is to establish the nature of relations between and changing configurations of sedentary occupations particularly in the mid-3rd millennium BC when Anatolian influence starts to predominate in the Cypriot archaeological record. Together with data from other archaeological surveys, the research will provide the first comprehensive overview of prehistoric settlement systems in western Cyprus. We will evaluate evident contemporary differences between sites in distinct ecological zones emphasizing the dynamic and polysemous nature of the western Erimi Culture.

I have not even started with the Egyptians and the rest and can go on for the next 10 pages! But what's the point? Lets come back to earth and think about who is living in Cyprus now, and how we are going to solve the deadlock. we are talking about now - you are still going on about...??? To be honest, I do not even know what you are going on about! :roll:

Big Oz if your reffering to my post and embarassing me then please read again.

I said "the greeks were not the first to settle here but they were here well before the romans. "

If this was me you were reffering to then you're an idiot. If it wasn't then carry on as you where.
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Postby Kifeas » Fri Jun 01, 2007 8:30 pm

bigOz wrote:Shut the F*ck up you idiot! All you do is make idle noise! Why don't you pick up your gun and come to get rid of the Turkish army yourself then?

Now hear this:

Without that guarnteed safety, do not expect any Turkish soldiers departure! It has already been agreed that Turkish soldiers will leave once a settlement is reached... So carry on barking - you do not scare anyone! :roll:

Why should he "shut the F*ck up," bigOz? Is it because his one-sided perception of history doesn't coincide with your equally one-sided perception of history?

As for your other pompous rhetoric that without "a settlement that secures the safety of the TCs," "no Turkish soldier will leave the island," how much of this claim is based on a real need for the safety of your community, and how much is it based on the need for an excuse to justify the continuation of 200,000 GC’s usurping of properties and the need to further and consolidate the complete Turkification of the north 37% of Cyprus? Tell us honestly, how much is due to the former, and how much is due to the later? All the facts prove that it is due to the later, than due to the former!

Which facts?
Thousands of GCs cross everyday to the south, for shopping, work, health care, entertainment, etc, etc, and no one has claimed that their safety is endangered in one way or another! If what you have claimed has any trace of reality, then explain to us why the above is happening!

Another fact that proves my claim?
Every day your leadership allows more and more Anatolian settlers in the north, from Turkey, and every day your leadership usurps and develops or sells more and more GC properties, etc, etc. Is this not evidence that what the presence of the occupational Turkish troops in Cyprus, is not to alleviate your so-called safety fears (thousands of TCs disprove your claims, every day,) but to safeguard the allowance of time for the furthering and consolidation of the permanent and complete Turkification and the de-Hellenisation of northern occupied Cyprus?

As for your last claim that "it has already been agreed that Turkish soldiers will leave once a settlement is reached," can you possibly direct us to which such "agreement" are you referring to, since I am not aware of any such "agreement?" Who has made such an “agreement” that we are not aware of?
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Postby Kifeas » Fri Jun 01, 2007 8:41 pm

Rain wrote:I agree 99% with Big Oz, The Turkish Army in Cyprus not only safeguard the Turkish Cypriots but the Greek Cypriots too, as far as I can recall there has not been any Greek killing Greek since 15 July 1974. this will make 100 %

Rain, it is not your fault!

The fault is entirely on the administrators of this forum, who have given you the "right" to come here and insult the entire GC community, and more particularly the 200,000 ethnically cleansed GCs that had their towns, villages, churches, homes and properties usurped and were made refugees to this day in the south of their country, by your profound heroes, the Turkish occupation forces and the Turkish generals!

Because the administrators do not have the guts to kick you out of the forum for insulting the 82% of the Cypriot population in the above despicable way, I am unfortunately forced to tell you to FUCK OFF, or SIKTIR if you so prefer in Turkish!
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Postby Kifeas » Fri Jun 01, 2007 8:57 pm

bigOz wrote:
LENA the caps lock button there...Please!

Nah! I prefer:
Epsilon - shut the f*ck up and get back in your cage!
I am 6ft 2" and far too Cypriot since my great grandfather's, great grandfather's, great grandfather...... And most TCs in this forum know that!
As for you you, will always be a 5ft nothing primitive!

bigOz, no need to be such an all too often braggart of your height, because the only thing you reveal is your superiority (read inferiority) complex, and nothing more than just that!

I know tens of people with nearly half your height, but with the ability to bring you flat on the floor in less than a second, and reduce you to a mere 1 foot of height, or as much as the size of your belly will raise above the ground. :wink:
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Postby MR-from-NG » Fri Jun 01, 2007 9:55 pm

Kifeas wrote:
Rain wrote:I agree 99% with Big Oz, The Turkish Army in Cyprus not only safeguard the Turkish Cypriots but the Greek Cypriots too, as far as I can recall there has not been any Greek killing Greek since 15 July 1974. this will make 100 %

Rain, it is not your fault!

The fault is entirely on the administrators of this forum, who have given you the "right" to come here and insult the entire GC community, and more particularly the 200,000 ethnically cleansed GCs that had their towns, villages, churches, homes and properties usurped and were made refugees to this day in the south of their country, by your profound heroes, the Turkish occupation forces and the Turkish generals!

Because the administrators do not have the guts to kick you out of the forum for insulting the 82% of the Cypriot population in the above despicable way, I am unfortunately forced to tell you to FUCK OFF, or SIKTIR if you so prefer in Turkish!

Temper, temper now my friend :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Postby the_snake_and_the_crane » Fri Jun 01, 2007 10:43 pm

I return all you have written back to you, and one more thing , member of my family was murdered by Greek army officer on 15 July 1974 .So I will advice you to be more careful in your wording when you respond to any one in this forum.

...and what? I know of old people who had there heads chopped off and fed to the pigs by the Turkish army which you sick people worship - dont tell me they are doing us a favour because Turkish society forbids you to think for yourself and question the real motives of their military government.

...and before you even BOTHER, dont even try all this living in denial shit and accusing the Greek Cypriot community of being brainwashed - especially not from someone who protects a military government that makes it illegal to question Turkish society in public.

As for that racist sucker SNAKE, his mouth is bigger than his intelligence, I could use a lot worse language to address him but let's see how serious the admin of this forum is about communication and manners before we go on any further! It could well be one rule for GCs and another for TCs again!

'Sucker'??? Who the fuck are you Mr T!? Stop banging on about the lack of intelligence of others and try showing your own first. You've come to a very different website than those Turkish ultra-nationalist cult sites you probably used to visit. So instead of calling people racist and threatning to shoot them like some fat internet gangster virgin - shut the fuck up and read some of the credible information you'll find on this forum.
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