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How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby Get Real! » Fri Jun 01, 2007 1:23 am

zan wrote:
the_snake_and_the_crane wrote:I just dont understand how the son of Turkish Cypriot refugees cant speak Turkish :roll:

I can speak Turkish you nutter. If you are reffering to anything I wrote before what I said was that I never went to school in Cyprus, I was too young so my Turkish is like that of an eight year old. I can read and write at that age also. :?

So I suppose it's safe to assume that you also reason at that age... :lol:

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Postby zan » Fri Jun 01, 2007 1:24 am

Get Real! wrote:
zan wrote:
the_snake_and_the_crane wrote:I just dont understand how the son of Turkish Cypriot refugees cant speak Turkish :roll:

I can speak Turkish you nutter. If you are reffering to anything I wrote before what I said was that I never went to school in Cyprus, I was too young so my Turkish is like that of an eight year old. I can read and write at that age also. :?

So I suppose it's safe to assume that you also reason at that age... :lol:

* Brownie point *

Advanced wasn't I.

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Postby LENA » Fri Jun 01, 2007 5:50 am

bigOz wrote:because TCs themselves never attacked the GCs with the intention of destroying them but had always been on th the defensive - is that not right?

Can I ask when the TMT was formed? And why?

the_snake_and_the_crane wrote:
Sorry Lena but this Big Oz who is probably some fat bastard sounds like another Turkish army worshiping ultra-nationalist moron from some website like ATCA. How many of these guys exist??

Why everybody apologise to me? Guys please go to mrfromng if you want the pope or go and find the right person to confess your sins.

As for the rest VP, Zan, Mrfromng, Epsilon etc…I think the kid as you call her…she manage to give you all a lesson…
Imageand a bit ofImage

VP…I guess sex is not so fun for all! :wink: And we can end with the conclusion that you are indeed a masochist. I supposed you have learn so well the book that Gizzy mention…Vehbi Zeki Serter…and you learn to hate GC very well…I rest my case. Enjoy your “sex” and I suggest you soft pillows.

DT I agree with you Gizzy remind me T_C as well when he first join the forum…I hope that Gizzy will not change to what T_C believes now. :(

As for Mr mrfromng…I agree with Kifeas…he has absolutely no emotional control and he can not deal with serious issues without any insults and swear words. I think you ought to Gizzy an apology.

As for the rest of you thank you for the amusing show…I really enjoy it!
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Postby BirKibrisli » Fri Jun 01, 2007 7:19 am

zan wrote:
Birkibrisli wrote:
LENA wrote:
Birkibrisli wrote:
Zan wrote:That’s the whole point. You do not want this little world you have made for yourself shattered. To you anyone that posts on the ATCA site is wrong and that is that. You are the only Turk in the whole wide world that knows what is going on and you tell me I am becoming laughable. You won't listen to an electrician or a lawyer or a teacher or a judge as long as they go against your pathetic ways. Who the hell are you to have got it so so right and the rest of us so wrong. At least I listen to what my brothers and sisters are saying but you, an isolated OZI Turk with a hate for |Turks because of a marriage are better at telling the TCs what they want. I have no respect for any of your views until you decide to get up off your big fat arse and go and talk to the people in the TRNC/KKTC. Until that point you have no right to comment on what they should do with their lives. You on the other hand can go and live on whichever side you decide your bread is buttered on. That is the only right you have. My people did not die so that you can drag their names through the mud and belittle the suffering of what they went through. You cry only for your Greek cousins when we clearly cry for both. We vote to unite and they turn us away. We try to talk and they tell us we do not exist. We try to live and they say if we do they will come and kill us anyway if we do not surrender now. It ain't gonna happen because we have every right to be there and we have every right to govern ourselves in spite of a hostile "RoC" with a hostile president. Our path is clear.

Zan,your fear of the GCs and the asssociated problems are truly is as DT rightly diagnosed paranoia,backed up by some psychosis...It is brought about as a result of PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder),and I advice you to get professional help as soon as possible...I am a trained trauma counsellor and I am telling you you have serious problems with your personality...Get help, mate..
ps.I recommend cognitive behavioural therapy,easily available in London I am sure...

Definition of paranoia:"A psychotic disorder characterised by systematised delusions,usually persecutory or grandiose in nature..."

Birtanem that was mean from you...:(

Guys...I can understand your frustration but could you be more calm ... do you hate each other? Dont forget that you came from the same island ... thank God this is just a forum or else you could kill each other... :( :( :(

Sorry,Lena mou...Zan had it coming for a while now...I can go off to Sydney now for a well-earned rest... :lol: :lol: :lol:

Had it coming for a long time? You have made this same claim a thousand times and still you do not realise that you have the same symtoms about Turks. Although like a real psyco you claim yours is real and mine is not.

And the amount of trained positions you claim you have is another symtom of a disturbed mind.

Anyway, have a good time in Sydney. :roll:

Thanks Zan...I will try...This thread went from 11 pages to 23 plus overnight,and I don't have the time to read any more today,so I will just reply to you here quickly...One doesnt have to study years of psychology to be a trauma counsellor,Zan...There is an Organisation called Lifeline who trains you in a few short weeks to counsel people on the phone...I have actually talked a few people out of suicide...Believe it or not... :lol:
The first person I talked out of suicide was myself,Zan...I have PTSD myself,and I recognise it in you...It effects different people in different ways...It was not meant to be an insult or an attack...But I could've been more diplomatic I suppose...Sorry about that...Will read the rest of this thread(page11 onwards...) when I have more time...Take care,mate... :)
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Postby askimwos » Fri Jun 01, 2007 7:41 am

mrfromng wrote:
askimwos wrote:
mrfromng wrote:gizzy, heres a serious question. Do you spit or do you swallow?

You are such a pathetic little creature mrfromng!!
I can't believe that some people can lower the level so much!

When dealing with cunts you'd be amazed how low I can go. How about you keeping your dirty big fucking nose out anyway. You should speak when spoken to, fucking moron.

You fucking GCs have all of a sudden become so fucking politically correct its fucking amazing. Only yesterday you were fucking digging graves and burying us alive, today you get into the EU with dirty tricks and now you are teaching us fucking morals.

You were an ass before the EU you are an ass now, nothings changed, get over it.

Who talked about political correctness? I hate this notion anyway, and I believe most Cypriots do. I am talking about being polite hear and especially being polite to a young lady. Apparently, that is what most of our people (both TCs and GCs) and our tradition as Cypriots has been doing for centuries.

So far I have been giving you the benefit of the doubt regarding your behaviour and bitter stance. I thought that that was in response to some nationalist GCs who have been posting here from time to time. It is now obvious to me that your views are utterly nationalistic and racist. You do not accept any views that are different to yours, especially when these come from TCs you are prepared to attack not the views themselves but the person him/herself in the most pathetic and fascist way.

You also have the tendency to generalise and attribute behaviours of the few nationalist from the GC to ALL the GCs. This blend of nationalism and racism is what brought our country to this point. I personally and the MAJORITY of the GCs in this forum have talked about the attrocities committed by Eoka B against the TCs in the 60's and condemned them with all our heart. We have attacked similar views to yours expressed by GCs and mainland Greeks and were quick to condemn nationalism from both sides. I have said in the past several times that it does not matter where nationalists come from, to me they are the enemy that everyday GC and TC people need to fight against in order to reunite our country.
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Postby DT. » Fri Jun 01, 2007 9:27 am

mrfromng wrote:
Those are fake laughter's, in reality you are aching all over. You are in denial and are simply diverting attention.

If I were you, with the knowledge of being fucked over and over again throughout history by an inferior nation ( turks have lower IQ than the Greeks)I would fucking be suicidal. I know your feelings are no different and that you are just putting a brave face for us all to see.

Anyway dont worry, Piratis and you can wait for the "balance of power" to change. Personally I cant wait to see that day, to give you another fucking hiding.

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Postby halil » Fri Jun 01, 2007 12:55 pm

BY SEMIH IDIZ (MILLIYET news paper from Turkey)

Columnist Semih Idiz comments on his impressions of Greek Cyprus. A summary of his column is as follows:

“I was recently in Greek Cyprus for a journalists’ symposium organized by the US Embassy there. I’ve been to Northern Cyprus, but this was my first time in the south. It’s always said that the south is better developed and richer than the north. However, when I was touring the streets of Lefkosa (Nicosia), I saw that this wealth is a bit exaggerated. Of course, it’s not a poor place, but it’s not Monaco, either. Actually, I saw something which will be missed by Turkish Cypriots if their isolation is removed and they’re treated fairly. Then, I asked myself if this is the real reason for the Greek Cypriots’ blocking a solution. Turkish Cypriots whom I talked to and who are in touch with the south told me that well-intentioned Greek Cypriots consider them a ‘minority in need of protection’ and that malevolent Greek Cypriots see them as ‘second-class citizens.’ It must be very unsettling for this mentality, which considers people on the ‘other side’ this way, to know that they will get the level of ‘this side’ once given a reasonable chance. The second impression that I had is about the Greek Cypriots’ great interest in Turkey, although they consider us ‘invaders.’ It seems that as long as steps on the humanitarian level promoting normalization rise, we will see more Greek Cypriots visiting Turkey.

I got a third impression from the conversation that I had with Greek Cypriots, that is that European Union membership has started to change Greek Cyprus. People say that as the acquis communautaire starts to take hold here, Greek Cypriots will have to give up their old habits. Some people find it negative, because they think that this EU membership, which they’ve seen as a tool to be used against Turkey, will weaken the Greek Cypriot identity over time. In other words, it’s understood that Greek Cypriots are afraid of being melted and lost in a big pot, just like Turks. In addition, I was very pleased with something about huge, illustrated billboards which were placed on the border. I was pleased that they were beginning to rot. I asked a Greek Cypriot journalist if they wouldn’t be taken down. He told me that a crazy person put them there and that nobody touches them as if they’re holy. He added, ‘However, as you see, time is solving the problem naturally.’ Then I asked him if it will be the end of those who block a solution to the Cyprus issue. We laughed and went towards Ledra Palas in the buffer zone.”
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Postby Beth_Josephine » Fri Jun 01, 2007 1:45 pm

Greek Cypriots think Cyprus belongs to them. They believe that
Cyprus is a Greek island, that they are the rightful owners.

First and foremost Cyprus belongs to her indigenous people the Greek Cypriots with a rich history spanning thousands of years before Christ was even born. Read it, believe it, and never wear it out.

You may actually find that the Greeks were not the first or second to occupy Cyprus as a whole. The Romans were, when Anthoney gave Cyprus to Cleopatra as a gift, therefore, Egyptions were the second, then the Persians, then Macedonia (if I am correct) stated in history, if we are going a factl route.

But Greece has the most prodiminant history on this island, not meaning it is actually Greek, Cyprus is it's own country and that is the end of it.

Well I say anyhow.
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Postby DT. » Fri Jun 01, 2007 3:15 pm

Beth_Josephine wrote:
Greek Cypriots think Cyprus belongs to them. They believe that
Cyprus is a Greek island, that they are the rightful owners.

First and foremost Cyprus belongs to her indigenous people the Greek Cypriots with a rich history spanning thousands of years before Christ was even born. Read it, believe it, and never wear it out.

You may actually find that the Greeks were not the first or second to occupy Cyprus as a whole. The Romans were, when Anthoney gave Cyprus to Cleopatra as a gift, therefore, Egyptions were the second, then the Persians, then Macedonia (if I am correct) stated in history, if we are going a factl route.

But Greece has the most prodiminant history on this island, not meaning it is actually Greek, Cyprus is it's own country and that is the end of it.

Well I say anyhow.

Beth....look up the chronology of the empires and afterwards you can give this post another try.

Mycenenans and ancient greece whcih have been proven to have colonised the island were empires that came before the Roman empire....ergo the greeks were not the first to settle here but they were here well before the romans. ... lisations/
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Postby DT. » Fri Jun 01, 2007 3:17 pm

DT. wrote:
Beth_Josephine wrote:
Greek Cypriots think Cyprus belongs to them. They believe that
Cyprus is a Greek island, that they are the rightful owners.

First and foremost Cyprus belongs to her indigenous people the Greek Cypriots with a rich history spanning thousands of years before Christ was even born. Read it, believe it, and never wear it out.

You may actually find that the Greeks were not the first or second to occupy Cyprus as a whole. The Romans were, when Anthoney gave Cyprus to Cleopatra as a gift, therefore, Egyptions were the second, then the Persians, then Macedonia (if I am correct) stated in history, if we are going a factl route.

But Greece has the most prodiminant history on this island, not meaning it is actually Greek, Cyprus is it's own country and that is the end of it.

Well I say anyhow.

Beth....look up the chronology of the empires and afterwards you can give this post another try.

Mycenenans and ancient greece whcih have been proven to have colonised the island were empires that came before the Roman empire....ergo the greeks were not the first to settle here but they were here well before the romans. ... lisations/

BTW congrats on the pregnancy. (my wife's 36 weeks) When you get towards the end come back into the cyprus problem section and a couple of rounds with zan, Bir, pyro andGet Real and you'll be on your way to labour. Best way of inducing it that i know off.
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