bigOz wrote:because TCs themselves never attacked the GCs with the intention of destroying them but had always been on th the defensive - is that not right?
Can I ask when the TMT was formed? And why?
the_snake_and_the_crane wrote:
Sorry Lena but this Big Oz who is probably some fat bastard sounds like another Turkish army worshiping ultra-nationalist moron from some website like ATCA. How many of these guys exist??
Why everybody apologise to me? Guys please go to mrfromng if you want the pope or go and find the right person to confess your sins.
As for the rest VP, Zan, Mrfromng, Epsilon etc…I think the kid as you call her…she manage to give you all a lesson…

and a bit of
VP…I guess sex is not so fun for all!

And we can end with the conclusion that you are indeed a masochist. I supposed you have learn so well the book that Gizzy mention…Vehbi Zeki Serter…and you learn to hate GC very well…I rest my case. Enjoy your “sex” and I suggest you soft pillows.
DT I agree with you Gizzy remind me T_C as well when he first join the forum…I hope that Gizzy will not change to what T_C believes now.
As for Mr mrfromng…I agree with Kifeas…he has absolutely no emotional control and he can not deal with serious issues without any insults and swear words. I think you ought to Gizzy an apology.
As for the rest of you thank you for the amusing show…I really enjoy it!