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How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby miltiades » Tue May 29, 2007 7:57 am

gizzy , your views are those of many of us Cypriots . Do take some time to read some of Bir's wise posts.
I congratulate your clear thinking and your wisdom, even at this early age.
This 61 year old Cypriot applauds you.
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Postby DT. » Tue May 29, 2007 9:22 am

miltiades wrote:gizzy , your views are those of many of us Cypriots . Do take some time to read some of Bir's wise posts.
I congratulate your clear thinking and your wisdom, even at this early age.
This 61 year old Cypriot applauds you.

welcome of the better entrances of a new member.
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Postby bigOz » Tue May 29, 2007 11:42 am

LENA wrote:
turkish_cypriot wrote:Welcome to the forum Gizzy, Hosgeldin :D

Nice to have another Turkish Cypriot on board.
My mum once told me that in 1974, the turkish army left small note-papers from the sky by plane saying "we came for peace, we are not going to harm GC..etc"


Bebegim where did you find that? I want to read what says on that but I can not make it when I enlarge it...and in the normal size it is just too small for me :oops: :oops: :oops:

LENA! I hope you are talking about the leaflet's size here! :twisted:

I have used my computing skills to make the document larger/readable but although not very clear, this is whatthe leaflet actually says (in two parts):
(On top left corner)
Those who submit this leaflet in the Turkish controlled areas will be treated with friendship and safety

(The rest)
Those armed GCs producing this safety leaflet are wishing to express their good will by surrendering their arms.

They are to be treated with kindness, fed, receive medical treatment. They are to be removed from the conflict area as soon as possible and their safety secured.

Commander of the Turkish Peace Forces in Cyprus

We had made a lot of efforts for you to live with the TCs like brothers and shown great patience to that effect. Cypriot and Greek governments have managed to make you go against each other causing unnecessary bloodshed. They wished your freedom to be under the reign of ENOSIS, in response we are demonstrating we know how to say “enough is enough” to them.

Commander of the Turkish Peace Forces in Cyprus

I hope that satisfies your enquiry! :D
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Postby Kikapu » Tue May 29, 2007 12:15 pm

gizzy wrote: TRNC is not recognized and will never be. We want a solution as we are tired of being the "pirates of the mediterranean" and tired of turkish criminals entering north without visa and doing loads of outlaw things(thats a big problem and I want to talk about this later on).

Welcome to the Forum Gizzy. You can say anything you want here, even though you might get attacked by few members who are the "Pirates of the Mediterranean". You will learn as to who they are, very soon.

You can always count on me, Birkibrisli, and Miltiades, the "True Cypriots", to support you for telling the TRUTH, when the "Hyenas" come after you.
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Postby bigOz » Tue May 29, 2007 12:35 pm

Kikapu wrote:
gizzy wrote: TRNC is not recognized and will never be. We want a solution as we are tired of being the "pirates of the mediterranean" and tired of turkish criminals entering north without visa and doing loads of outlaw things(thats a big problem and I want to talk about this later on).

Welcome to the Forum Gizzy. You can say anything you want here, even though you might get attacked by few members who are the "Pirates of the Mediterranean". You will learn as to who they are, very soon.

You can always count on me, Birkibrisli, and Miltiades, the "True Cypriots", to support you for telling the TRUTH, when the "Hyenas" come after you.

There you go again with your "shit-stirring" at every opportunity! Why don't you give it a rest man?

Your inability to add anything constructive to these discussions is beyond comprehension, You are now behaving like a spoiled child who is trying to impress those who padded his back!

In a small paragraph you have managed to address those with different views to yours as: "not ture Cypriots!", "liars", and "hyenas". Then you wander why you are attacked by the very same people you constantly offend - who probably see you as a DOG!

You are devoid of having any sensible conversation in a forum because you lack the skills, hence you repeatedly retord to provacation and offensive remarks to make your voice heard.

A new comer on the forum and you want to win him over by trying to impose your own views of others on the fellow because he wrote a sensible post. Which one of the other TCs have reacted negatively to his remarks?

As I said before, try and make a constructive contribution or put a zip to it! :roll:
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Postby bigOz » Tue May 29, 2007 12:42 pm

Welcome gizzy!

You remind me of myself when I first got to England for my education - similar ideas and thoughts. Life is a long process of learning and experience. I am sure you are in the same environment where thousands of young Turkish Cypriots before you had found themselves in (albeit there is more street violence and racism in UK at this time).

Take your time and you will eventually develop what your real values and beliefs are, after learning of others' views from their perspective. Good luck with your studies. :D
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Postby Kikapu » Tue May 29, 2007 12:48 pm

bigOz wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
gizzy wrote: TRNC is not recognized and will never be. We want a solution as we are tired of being the "pirates of the mediterranean" and tired of turkish criminals entering north without visa and doing loads of outlaw things(thats a big problem and I want to talk about this later on).

Welcome to the Forum Gizzy. You can say anything you want here, even though you might get attacked by few members who are the "Pirates of the Mediterranean". You will learn as to who they are, very soon.

You can always count on me, Birkibrisli, and Miltiades, the "True Cypriots", to support you for telling the TRUTH, when the "Hyenas" come after you.

There you go again with your "shit-stirring" at every opportunity! Why don't you give it a rest man?

Your inability to add anything constructive to these discussions is beyond comprehension, You are now behaving like a spoiled child who is trying to impress those who padded his back!

In a small paragraph you have managed to address those with different views to yours as: "not ture Cypriots!", "liars", and "hyenas". Then you wander why you are attacked by the very same people you constantly offend - who probably see you as a DOG!

You are devoid of having any sensible conversation in a forum because you lack the skills, hence you repeatedly retord to provacation and offensive remarks to make your voice heard.

A new comer on the forum and you want to win him over by trying to impose your own views of others on the fellow because he wrote a sensible post. Which one of the other TCs have reacted negatively to his remarks?

As I said before, try and make a constructive contribution or put a zip to it! :roll:

You are correct BigOz, I should have waited to see how he is treated first, before making my comments.

The fact that he did write a sensible post, well balanced, and from the heart, is what will get him into trouble with some on this Forum.

I'll keep quiet now. :wink:
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Postby Bananiot » Tue May 29, 2007 12:53 pm

Gizzy is not the only Turkish Cypriot who feels like this. I know plenty and I only wish we had the same number, by proportion, that thought in the same way. Yet, I suppose, if we did in the first place we would not have arrived at this sorry state, that is, facing partition in the eyes. May be there is still some hope, provided we get rid of Papadopoulos and his bunch in the February elections. Much will depend on AKEL but personally I am not so sure AKEL will last the course.
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Postby Kikapu » Tue May 29, 2007 1:13 pm

Bananiot wrote:Gizzy is not the only Turkish Cypriot who feels like this. I know plenty and I only wish we had the same number, by proportion, that thought in the same way. Yet, I suppose, if we did in the first place we would not have arrived at this sorry state, that is, facing partition in the eyes. May be there is still some hope, provided we get rid of Papadopoulos and his bunch in the February elections. Much will depend on AKEL but personally I am not so sure AKEL will last the course.

We'll have to rely on the good people of the RoC, who have the their best interest in Cyprus first, to bring the two sides together, in what ever it may take to do it politically, that will be acceptable to both communities, in a fair and reasonable way.

We also need to do the same, on the other side Bananiot.
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Postby bigOz » Tue May 29, 2007 3:18 pm

Bananiot wrote:Gizzy is not the only Turkish Cypriot who feels like this. I know plenty and I only wish we had the same number, by proportion, that thought in the same way. Yet, I suppose, if we did in the first place we would not have arrived at this sorry state, that is, facing partition in the eyes. May be there is still some hope, provided we get rid of Papadopoulos and his bunch in the February elections. Much will depend on AKEL but personally I am not so sure AKEL will last the course.

There is no doubt there are many TCs who feel even stronger about a united Cyprus than Gizzy does - afterall it was TCs who unanimously voted to accept Annan plan for a Cyprus federal state and give up TRNC + Turkish army in return.

The persisitant problem with the way people are mis-presented in this forum stems from the fact that, ther eare many GCs who do not support the idea themselves (I am not talking about everyone). Hence, when I or any other TC criticises the dangers of extreme nationalistic feelings, or pro-Greek views of some, it is falsely interpreted as "Turkish propaganda" or "Turkish nationalist views".

People in this forum must understand, claiming Cyprus IS NOT a Greek island, or that there had been a lot of mistakes by GCs in the past supported by Greece, IS NOT THE SAME AS asking for the island to be Turkish or rejecting a united federal solution that may eventually lead to a fully unified island.

Unless people listen to what most TCs are really saying here, all we'll do is go round in circles having a slanging match with each other till doomsday!
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