gizzy wrote:zan wrote:I know what, why don't we Tcs spend the rest of our lives chasing our shadows in court rooms while the GCs use the whole of the island to get richer. Then we can even ask them to pay our fair to Turkey. I am sure that they will be more than willing to do that for us at least.
The Zurick agreement was there for a reason and it is still needed. There will not be an agreement without a simular gaurantee. You are talking crap gizzy and you know it.
I never said we dont need a guarantee!! thats your own imagination.
*hmmm you are right actually...we should all forget about the GCs, ignore the south part of the island and accept TAKSIM as the best solution!!! lets do that.... OMG, we are slavedd!! what the hell are we doing on the cyprus forum? we should all be on north cyprus forum!! the pirates ruleee, we dont need to talk with these GCs, we are better off on our own!!!....*sarcasm*
Actually I now I started wondering....If you guys against "mutual solution" why are you here discussing things with the GCs??? To "oppress" people like me who are here to form discussions?
Hehe...its true, TC teens interest are things that will make them look more "havalı" XD ... How else do they learn things about GC if they dont learn it at school? You said it yourself, they interest in how to look better, what car to get.... Logicly they have no interest in "history" in their everyday life and so they wouldnt go and research. They are meant to study the "Vehbi Zeki Serter" history books at school and they have to pass it and thts all they know about history. They dont need to be "active haters" and to display their hatret to know that they are "hating". I know my own friends, they have great precudice towards GC just based on the matters they were thought at shcool. I dont want our people to be brainwashed. We should make them read "the true" history, not the distorted.
Oh ok...so we should all say "Yarabbi şükür" and sit? No. If there are things that are wrong and "unhumane" then I believe we should all to something about it. I would like to find a job at Cyprus since its my home and I have my family there. People are migrating away from Cyprus and its our own fault. I refure to just sit and watch this happening...
Well crime rates are low coz perhaps our population is low and other factors also effect it. I already said what I meant by "daily basis", pls dont distort it. I am sure you already aware am "unfonfortable" cause of the visa issue. Why dont you say something about that? If we have good "laws" we should be dealing with that as well. and Whose bread have I spread the honey to? You mean the GC? Sorry but I dont see GCs as the "other side" so there is nothing to discuss on this matter.
What I am saying is, obviously is that we make sure we have our alarms set. Its not like am saying increased "no need to security". I know there are some retards* from both sides who will definitly do something stupid and increase the tention. Therefore there should be some increased safety for the protection of all cypriots.
The job interview concern>>. I wouldnt be suprized if there are some GC employers that wouldnt accept TC just coz they are the TC.I am totally against this kind of dicrimination. I don think this can be prevented totally and is present in every country including the EU. I can prevent this by talking with my potential "employer" and see if he is professional or a discriminatır. if I believe they are "discriminating" then I will definitly be visiting the "court" so dont worry I wont come "running" to you. I should learn to deal with my problems....
You and MANY? How are you so sure its many people who think exactly the same way as you do. I think the past elections showed otherwise. Morover MANY of the TCs already got their "EU passports" and visited many places without visas!! If they dont like it sooo much and dont trust it, why do they enjoying the priveleges? Also if they feel so UNSECURE under EU regulations why are most of the TCs are migrating to the EU countries?
So the last bits are basicly saying "I dont care about your decision, you can do whatever you want, am gonna stay like the "pirate" and you are free to be the "slave".... You can still still believe that the other choice is being "slave" but I dont. I think you are totally enjoying being the "pirate" and that you forgot to care about the future generations. These last paragraphs of your shows you have no " real concerns about the future" and you soo called solutions are based on "selfish" matters. You seem to not care about the rest but the truth is no single "pirate" will be left at the end as they will all jump off the ship and swim to the west. If north is to stay as "pirates of the mediterranean" forever, the real TCs will eventually migrate to the west and whats left behind will be the "captains of the ship" such as you, probably still happy coz you will have loads of new "crew" coming from the north (and these new "crew" has been becoming the "pirates" for 30 yeards).............. and I will "congradulationg" these "captains" for their "great solution".......
zan wrote:And you are letting your imagination run away with you. Can I ask how long you have been reading this forum and why you have only just started posting.
gizzy wrote:zan wrote:And you are letting your imagination run away with you. Can I ask how long you have been reading this forum and why you have only just started posting.
see thats the problem...Its been only recent that I have been reading the forum and making discussions. You people are agressive to both my ideas and to me in person. Its your right to "critisize" my ideas. I have my own ideas and you have yours. We can discuss these matters like "adults". If you choose to call me "fake" and "insult" me then do you expect me to respect you "evaluations about me?". I have total respect to VP as he hasnt insulted me in person and made mature discussions with me soo far even thought he doesnt agree with me on many things... You on the other had told me: "you talk crap" and "you are fake" and then at the same time expect me to write you reasonable replies? I think you shouldnt....
gizzy wrote:zan wrote:And you are letting your imagination run away with you. Can I ask how long you have been reading this forum and why you have only just started posting.
see thats the problem...Its been only recent that I have been reading the forum and making discussions. You people are agressive to both my ideas and to me in person. Its your right to "critisize" my ideas. I have my own ideas and you have yours. We can discuss these matters like "adults". If you choose to call me "fake" and "insult" me then do you expect me to respect you "evaluations about me?". I have total respect to VP as he hasnt insulted me in person and made mature discussions with me soo far even thought he doesnt agree with me on many things... You on the other had told me: "you talk crap" and "you are fake" and then at the same time expect me to write you reasonable replies? I think you shouldnt....
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