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How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby gizzy » Thu May 31, 2007 6:23 pm

turkish_cypriot wrote:
That offended you? :lol:

Turk olamaz bu! :lol:

Why cant I be offended? I am a lady and perhaps thats why I am more sensitive. Hassikdir is like "go to hell" and I dont expect people talking to me like that. Especially I dont know him and thats why he should be more respectful.
Niye? Alınmış olamazmıyım? Bilgisayarım TEKNOSA dan aldım o yüzden klavyesi türkçedir. Halen daha Türk olmadığımı iddia eden? Komiksiniz vallahi tam.
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Postby zan » Thu May 31, 2007 6:24 pm

the_snake_and_the_crane wrote:
OK! Guys I think it's time to ignore this person. He/She is here to just stir things up. I will not answer any more posts. I think everything is clear from this one post alone.

haha Zan is just pissed cos the person he's accused of being a fake Turkish Cypriot can speak and write in Turkish which Zan cant. HAHAHAHAHAHA the irony.

You should believe everything I told you before Main Source. I only give real information out to people that are GC or TC and not to fake Mavros. I have told you that before. Now go and pray to that fake religion you told me about. :wink:
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Postby Get Real! » Thu May 31, 2007 6:28 pm

gizzy wrote:
mrfromng wrote:Hasihtir lan sahte. Dogru durust Turkce yazmasini ogren de oyle gel

OK...this is no longer funny .... This person here said "Hassikdir" to me which is a swear word. Is swearing allowed on this forum? ! Asıl sen doğru düzgün konuş.translation: Learn your manners.

I think he is not even Cypriot coz he is speaking like a person from Turkey as he uses the word "lan" and cypriots dont speak turkish this way. I am really offenden by this behaviour, I was expecting more civilized reaction.

Welcome aboard kid. Don't worry too much about manners... if someone pisses you off just let them have it! :)
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Postby Get Real! » Thu May 31, 2007 6:31 pm

turkish_cypriot wrote:Let's not worry too much about this gizzy...let them be...we'll catch them out later when they've settled in and let their guard down :wink:

I thought you and Gizzy would get along just fine! :(

He reminds me of you when you first came along... young, polite, naive, and look at you now you animal!!! :lol:
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Postby Get Real! » Thu May 31, 2007 6:34 pm

gizzy wrote:Why cant I be offended? I am a lady and perhaps thats why I am more sensitive.

:shock: Alright boys you heard the girl... time for some apologies! :lol:
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Postby DT. » Thu May 31, 2007 6:35 pm

you guys feeling good picking on a TC girl cause she has some different views to yourselves? What the hell? :evil:
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Postby karma » Thu May 31, 2007 6:46 pm

I believe in Gizzy 100% , why U all attacking her, she is just telling the truth...but same shit stuff is going on in Greek Schools too...why the truth make some people so mad?? I just cant understand it...
Some of u are so kompleksli (kompleksikoi)
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Postby gizzy » Thu May 31, 2007 6:50 pm

Since when 20 years olds are considered as "kids"? Actually I feel good when you guys are calling me "kid" coz I always used to get depressed know that I will never be a "teen"
Oh and to those who think am a "fake" I will give you couple of TC teacher names in general that I know and can remember of:
- Minüfe hoca var soyadını unuttum lefkoşada. Meşhur ingilizce hocası, özel ders verir
- Sevinç hoca var gene inglizce özel ders verir lefkoşada. Lefkoşada İtimat durağının arkasındadır evi.
- Kemal Manalı var Alasya ilkokulunda Mağusa da
- Erbil Aydınova 23 Nisan ilkokulunun müdürüydü benim zamanımda

Eski dedigodu haberlerlerinden hatırladığım.
- Anibal ın sahibi eşinden ayrıldı. Ardından sanırım lefkoşadaki dükyanına "herşey para deil" yazılı bir kağıt yapışdırmış ve dükyan kapalı kalmış bir süre. Ex-eşi da gendi Anibal restoranını açmış.

Will write more if still not satisfying^^ lol
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Postby karma » Thu May 31, 2007 6:53 pm

gizzy wrote:Since when 20 years olds are considered as "kids"? Actually I feel good when you guys are calling me "kid" coz I always used to get depressed know that I will never be a "teen"
Oh and to those who think am a "fake" I will give you couple of TC teacher names in general that I know and can remember of:
- Minüfe hoca var soyadını unuttum lefkoşada. Meşhur ingilizce hocası, özel ders verir
- Sevinç hoca var gene inglizce özel ders verir lefkoşada. Lefkoşada İtimat durağının arkasındadır evi.
- Kemal Manalı var Alasya ilkokulunda Mağusa da
- Erbil Aydınova 23 Nisan ilkokulunun müdürüydü benim zamanımda

Eski dedigodu haberlerlerinden hatırladığım.
- Anibal ın sahibi eşinden ayrıldı. Ardından sanırım lefkoşadaki dükyanına "herşey para deil" yazılı bir kağıt yapışdırmış ve dükyan kapalı kalmış bir süre. Ex-eşi da gendi Anibal restoranını açmış.

Will write more if still not satisfying^^ lol

U do NOT have to prove ir identity to any1...we r not in Guantanamo but only on a forum...dont u know who u are?? thts enuf :wink:
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Postby gizzy » Thu May 31, 2007 7:01 pm

karma wrote:U do NOT have to prove ir identity to any1...we r not in Guantanamo but only on a forum...dont u know who u are?? thts enuf :wink:

I know but I dont want them to still think that am "a fake"( excluding mrfromng, he is free to think whatever he like, he doesnt interest me "!"). What did they think I was, Rum? :S
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