mrfromng wrote:Just noticed this post. gizzys game is up. We never ever refer to FATMA as FATIMA, the latter is Arabic. Sorry gizzy but you are a fake.
gizzy wrote:Firstly thanx for the wellcome ^^Viewpoint wrote:Were you actually educated in the TRNC? and do you live here? Which school did you attend? I have 3 children which have been and are in the state school system and none of them have been exposed to what you claim. If you dont mind can you give me the teachers names that have educated you and made you hate the TRNC like you do.
Yes, I was educated in "TRNC" and now I am attending University in the UK. I didnt claim I was tought to hate "TRNC". I actually said the opposite in my previous posts. At school they teach us to love "TRNC" and Turkey, hate the GCs coz they killed the TCs. They tought us one-sided stories where GCs had the evil role while the TCs were "angels". Morover all the world was against us, the "TRNC", they didnt recognize our republic coz they were on the "evil side". None of my teachers thought me to "hate" TRNC, even if they did, I wouldnt have told their names here anyways. Your description of my feeling as "hate" towards "TRNC" wouldnt be right as "hate" is extremly strong negative feeling and I would never "hate" the "TRNC". A better description of my feelings is being "un-pleased" more like "unsatisfied" with most things about the "TRNC".
Viewpoint wrote:Can you support your sweeping claims that 5year olds are raped everyday? in the TRNC, like daily newspaper stories 365 of them for 2006, its a major claim and should not be ignored. I for one will raise this with the head of police.
I accept that the word "everyday" is incorrect interpretation as I didnt mean it like "every single day" but more like, "very often". Its hard not to see the increased crime rate over the past years and that most of the criminals are jobless people who come to "work" to "TRNC" with no penny in their pockets. I get more scared walking alone on the streets on the north than I that of the south. Infact I feel really confortable during my visits to south while I feel "unsafe" walking along the Kyrenia Bay and am not the only one. All of my friends feels that "TRNC" is getting less safe day after day. Why? coz we allow a lot of dangerous people in and our laws are not good enough to bring justice.
So your outlook in life is that we give up the TRNC/KKTC because we are not able to look after ourselves. Is that something that they taught you in school also. Did they say to you that we as TCs are not capable or intelligent enough to determine our future so we should hand it over to those that can. I think if you remember back to those days of education, you will find that Makarios thought the same way so he wanted to kick us out of government so that some Greek Cypriot that was more able could do the job. Perhaps your education does not allow you to see that we can ands will look after ourselves but the embargoes are not helping when it comes to building a proper structure for our society. Perhaps you can get further education on how to build a republic then you will not be so keen on giving up your god given right.Viewpoint wrote:Let me put it this way if you force unficiation and a bomb goes off placed by GC extremists against sharing Cyprus with TCs and your parents are killed will you then say ho its like asking "What do you do if there is a car accident? What do you do if there is a murder? What do you do if there is a fire? What do you do if there is a robbery?" Its not as simple as that and I donot want to enter a situation which would increase these risks more than what we have today in the TRNC. What precautions (I call them safe guards) do you suggest we put in place to ensure that your parents as not bombed to death.
I feel very safe in the TRNC there are 40.000 soldiers here for my protection, do we live on the same island?
For fire there are estinguishers, For robbery there are alarms, For accidents there are airbags and am sure we can find something for the bombs. GCs are allowed to pass to "TRNC" just showing their passports and they can put a bomb anytime and anywhere. Arent you scared of this also? The army is in their "camps" and they cannot protect us from dangers such as a bombing. Its the police's whose responsible for public safety. I dont see any security guards on public places that could protect us from any danger. Do you believe if the turkish army leaves, the GCs will start attacking the TCs just like that? I personally dont coz it sounds "primitive" and I think GCs are civilized people. On top of this, there is the EU factor which means they should be careful on their actions towards the TCs. I personally do trust to the EU policies.
When you have found out the answer to the above then let us know and we can have a rethink.
Do you also trust the EU like we were supposed to trust the UN. Or like the Tutsis were supposed to trust the UN. Whilst you are trusting them I think we will just watch our backs.Viewpoint wrote:Do you consider the south to be safer than the TRNC? or the TRNC safer than Nigeria or New York? you have get things into perspective. how can you expect be an independent nation when you are financiall dependent on Turkey due to inhumane embargoes which do not allow us to stand on our own 2 feet, do you blame Turkey for giving us financial support and protection or those that try to hold you economically hostage all in the name of making us want a solution.
I already told what I think about the safety issue....and yes...the "inhumane embargous"... All TCs should be saying "the only friend of a turk is another turk", ignore the rest of the world and forget about the ambargous. *sarcasm*. Sorry but I dont have same dreams as Denktas; where "TRNC is recognized by the rest of the world" and I dont want to be a part of "CcC". We depend on Turkey economically coz we havent yet found a mutual solution for the cyprus problem. I am trying to be realistic. No other solution will bring our children a future other than "mutual solutions". Dependence on Turkey brings us no benefits other than the cool title "pirates of the mediterranean" and this dependence blocks the development of "TRNC". North have great potential for healthy-development under EU and that will benefit both TCs and GCs.
Get us in there with all our safe guards in place and I will be your new best friend.Viewpoint wrote:You are obviously very young as your comments naive in realtion to your understanding of the Cyprus problem, keep up with the forum and you will soon learn a great deal, that will shape your understanding of the Cyprus issue, nothing is as it seems.
I have respect to the evaluations about me as you are probably much older than me. However you should understand that I have some real concerns about my future and the future of next generations. I see no future of the "TRNC" and I dont think it will ever be recognized. It has been 33 years and nothing changed, we are still "pirates of the mediterranean". How long are we gonna wait for? If you know a better path that we can follow to bring a better tomorrow then please say so.
gizzy wrote:OMG I was gone for a while and now as I read the posts I find out some TCs thinks am a fake.... lol....
Ben sahte deilim. Anlamass?zn?z ama? Yoksa i?inize gelmez? ^^
Am not a "fake"... Dont you get it?. Or you dont like my posts and thats why you claim such things
gizzy wrote:mrfromng wrote:Just noticed this post. gizzys game is up. We never ever refer to FATMA as FATIMA, the latter is Arabic. Sorry gizzy but you are a fake.
looool... I also type whats up as Waazaa . are you gonna somehow claim I am African? XD
I think mfomng enjoys these "masgaralık" XD
mrfromng wrote:Hasihtir lan sahte. Dogru durust Turkce yazmasini ogren de oyle gel
gizzy wrote:mrfromng wrote:Hasihtir lan sahte. Dogru durust Turkce yazmasini ogren de oyle gel
OK...this is no longer funny .... This person here said "Hassikdir" to me which is a swear word. Is swearing allowed on this forum? ! Asıl sen doğru düzgün konuş.translation: Learn your manners.
I think he is not even Cypriot coz he is speaking like a person from Turkey as he uses the word "lan" and cypriots dont speak turkish this way. I am really offenden by this behaviour, I was expecting more civilized reaction.
mrfromng wrote:Listen kid, you will never convince me otherwise, in fact you will not convince anybody with a bit of common sense.
You are a fake and we all know it.
OK! Guys I think it's time to ignore this person. He/She is here to just stir things up. I will not answer any more posts. I think everything is clear from this one post alone.
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