I also want a blood test done on Get Real. I think he is really a Venetian that was left on the island. He is neither a Greek nor a Turk. What is the rule for people like that from real Cypriots.

My mum once told me that in 1974, the turkish army left small note-papers from the sky by plane saying "we came for peace, we are not going to harm GC..etc"
gizzy wrote:Hi to everyone! I am a new member and this is my first post.
I am a 20 year old turkish speaking Cypriot currently studying in the UK. I was born and brought up in northern Cyprus and I was thought to hate greek speaking cypriots and greeks at school.
I want to share with you the evolution of emotions I had towards the GC as a result of different stories I heard from different people.Untill I met my first GC when I was 8-9, I was imagining greeks as evil monsters.
My father's side: I used to get scared when my fathers' family used to tell me the stories of how their beloved ones were killed by the GC. They used to live in Paphos and they had to leave their homes in 1964. Luckily their bussines partners were GC and they were nice people so they helped them escape. They have seen very horrible things on their way to the north and thats why they are still scared from GC. Everytime I visit their house, they disguss the secret matters in greek but at the same time they tell the stories of how their uncles were killed, how they suffered and how GCs tortured my uncles. I used to get so confused when I heard them speak greek coz I used to get the impression that they never wanted to see a GC again and yet they were speaking their language. They are thankful to Turkey for saving TC in 1974 but then I was confused again coz they used to refer to turkey as "bellos" and didnt really liked their turkish neighbours. I also know my grandma had a GK grandma and they tease her whenever she says something bad about GC. They live in Morfou next to turkish army camp and it is funny how my grandma says "gadarameni"-curses when the soldiers shout "NE, MUTLU, TÜRKÜM, DİYENE" every signle morning. Then I ask her, "You dont like GC, you dont like turkish...who do you actually like nene?" and she gives her typical answer "Denktaş and Dr. Fazıl".
My mum's side: They are from Kyrenia and they never had to moved from their homes during 1963-1974 period except for once. They dont have any of their own bad stories about GC but they have told me many that they heard from other TCs in Kyrenia. They are more moderate towards GC as they only blame the guilty and not generalize GC as bad unlike my father's family does. Both my granfma and grandpa(rahmetli-RIP) can speak greek and they started meeting their old GC neighbours after the borders are open. I was told my grandpa stopped going to the mosque after 1974 coz he didnt like speeches of the new hodja who was from Turkey. My mum once told me that in 1974, the turkish army left small note-papers from the sky by plane saying "we came for peace, we are not going to harm GC..etc" and that they didnt do it the way they told and that they did horrible things to the innocent GCs. She also told me she stills remembers the GC screaming while they were running on the roads, escaping.
These are the things I remember I know about the GC which were told by my family and many more that would fill pages. Many more that I know from our one-sided history books and I dont even remember half of it because I never used to enjoy studying them. and my personal answer to the question: "How do you see the GC?" is:
-I think what happened in the past was as a result of manipulation and cypriots were not really "clever" on being manipulated by others this easily
-I dont have any prejudice against GC unlike some TC does
-I personally think that GCs still havent done much for the conflict resolution. They said "no" to Annan Plan. At the moment the TC are in not a good situation. TRNC is not recognized and will never be. We want a solution as we are tired of being the "pirates of the mediterranean" and tired of turkish criminals entering north without visa and doing loads of outlaw things(thats a big problem and I want to talk about this later on). GCs dont seem to understand that we are dependent on Turkey in terms of economy and that we cannot say "NO, to Turkey and the army" until the GCs shows us they are ready for a union.
These are all the things that come into my mind. Sorry for my "casual discussion" as I lack the skills necessary to interpret political and historical facts professionally. ^^
gizzy wrote:Thanx for the warm welcome... No, I wasnt brought up in New York,lol, I was born in Kyrenia and brought up there. I actually didnt have quiet a balanced life in terms of other nationalities, especially !"GC"!
1- I was brought up with propaganda where at school I was injected hight doses of GC hatret. I had to study those history books full of "turkish nationalism"
2- I had to sing every monday morning and every friday afternoon an anthem of another country
...etc...many more to count but I chosed not to get "brainwashed", I have a mind of my own and I can decide whats wrong and right. Therefore I dont need any "turkey is a great nation" injections or "you must hate the gc they are your enemies FOREVER and EVER" injections... Why am I only forced to learn these one sided stories? This cant be it I thought. Are these people not human like us? It was depicted as if we didnt kill their children and wives, as if only them killed the innocent and we were the "angels".... Who were they trying to fool...? Its sad that some of us are still "fool"... coz some dont ask the reasons "why?", they dont ask why these "killings" started in the first place, some still dont realize if Cyprus was at western mediterranean these things probably wouldnt have happened, they dont realize our neighbours have the "petrol" and some still dont realize they were manipulated like "fools" into this game and that we didnt win. We, the cypriots lost the game many times, in 1974, 1963...etc. and I guess we all know who the winners are...
I can understand the resons why the past havent been bright for us and perhaps the fact that people were less educated made things worse. I dont see how I could accept to be enemies with the second half of the island as cypriots are all beautiful people. Its not peaceful this way, I dont want our children to learn how to "hate" a person they dont even know of, before they learn how to "love".
I know very well that some turkish and TC might call me an "traitor" just coz I am not seeing GC or greeks as my enemy. Therefore I ask...Traitor of which country? Turkey? I am not turkish citizen and I dont feel like a part of their country or their culture. I am a Cypriot therefore I am meant to serve my own people, not to greece, not to england not to turkey! I want all cypriots to have a better tomorrow, I am tired of this "Cyprus Problem" already. My home is Cyprus and the benefits of any other country dont interest me.
turkish_cypriot wrote:Welcome to the forum Gizzy, Hosgeldin
Nice to have another Turkish Cypriot on board.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------My mum once told me that in 1974, the turkish army left small note-papers from the sky by plane saying "we came for peace, we are not going to harm GC..etc"
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