I notice that some people have changed since I join the forum and I am not an old member. Why in so short time people have changed their attitude?
I am not taking my self out from those people but I believe that some of the changes made me better not worst. But some other people changed in a bad way or they left the forum. Why? Is it my opinion only or other member believe the same as me?
I will write down some examples . . .Gavcar left from this forum, Pete_D left this forum, Free_Cyprus left the forum, BOF left the forum and lots of other members that I don’t recall now. Humanist has changed and he is more aggressive, Zan is always moody, he used to make us laugh… VP use to use more arguments and less insults now is the opposite, T_C use to be more fair for the GC and TC…now he is more in favour of the TC, I remember when he said that he doesn’t believe what he hear from some people because they are fanatics and nationalist so they will say anything. Now he is turn to be one of those people that didn’t listen. Guys and girls, I know that this is a forum and we will have our disagreements and our agreements but can we discuss what we have to say in more polite way? Try to see things on the others side. Try to use arguments and not insults. Try to see life with the funny way. Drink more alcohol if you have to like VW is doing… thank God VW is still here! We need him to stay and make us laugh. Thank you VW for that. Even Karma that used to accompany VW in this job left the forum.
I know that if we try we might bring her back. She loves drama so lets make this thread look more dramatic and I am sure she will come back!!!
So I am the first one that I will say to Karma come back …
Here is a song for you for you Karma…in 90s version
and in more pop version….
I could find more but then they will call me odd and weird…:wink:
And a poem!!!!
By Ryhll Garcia
I crave for thee so badly
Thy absence hast made life dreary
I long to feel thy arms enfold me
Thou whose soft words caress me gently
Oh why hast thou left me lonely?
When all I ever needed was to have thee
My life, my love why did you go away?
I miss thee so much; it aches
I need thee, oh please come back!
Karma is it enough drama for you my dear???
Ok a bit more??? PLEEEEEEEASE!!!

But dont expect more than that...i dont beg!!

SO...I know you are out there....what do you say?