denizaksulu wrote:Look GET REAL, I have just mowed the lawn and just had a shower - for your information. My Asparagus seeds are not germinating, whats wrong with them,? And the fresh air of Kakopetria must have gone to your head. You will have everybody talking about our relationship if you dont watch itYou never told me of the cause of your ailment
The only thing I tell the gals about you is your sense of humour, but then they all see it for themselves.
Get Real! wrote:I'll have you know little Lena that my Asparagus mate is a dashing Brad Pitt look-a-like! So there!
INVOICE - That'll be just £587.50 for the advertising campaign Deniz. Thanks.
LENA wrote:If you said that to impress me I will let you know that i do not like Brand Pitt. I call him Brat Pit (meaning the hole)...I heart that he doesnt take shower too often and generally i like more dark skin men!! So try one more time...
And I am not little...
Get Real! wrote:LENA wrote:If you said that to impress me I will let you know that i do not like Brand Pitt. I call him Brat Pit (meaning the hole)...I heart that he doesnt take shower too often and generally i like more dark skin men!! So try one more time...
I guess Charlie Chaplin looked like a dark little fellow...
And I am not little...
Oh yes you are...
A dedication to Lena…
“Eisai nini akoma, Eisai nini akoma,
Then xeris bos horevounai kai bos filloun sto stoma,
Eisai nini akoma, Eisai nini akoma,
La La La La La La La La
Eisai nini akoma…”
LENA wrote:Get Real I am 1.73m...Do you think Charlie Chaplin will suit me? I said dark skin men...so try one more time!
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