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Truth or Bullshit?

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby Get Real! » Thu May 24, 2007 1:38 pm

bigOz wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
Murataga wrote:Approximately 200.000 refugees + 6000 dead among GCs is a lie, period. ... senate.htm

Get Real - You are embarassing yourself as always! I wish you would read these articles fully before forwrding them like a loose fool!

Subsequently, revised statistics on displaced persons in Cyprus complied as of Nov. 1, 1974 by the Government of Cyprus, UNFICYP, the UNHCR and ICRC, Indicate the total has been reduced slightly.
Greek Cypriots in Government-controlled areas :

You shallow little clown are you trying to undermine the tragedy because subsequent stats conducted found the total "reduced slightly"?

You see that as a reason to brag???
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Postby bigOz » Thu May 24, 2007 3:23 pm

Get Real! wrote:
bigOz wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
Murataga wrote:Approximately 200.000 refugees + 6000 dead among GCs is a lie, period. ... senate.htm

Get Real - You are embarrassing yourself as always! I wish you would read these articles fully before forwarding them like a loose fool!

Subsequently, revised statistics on displaced persons in Cyprus complied as of Nov. 1, 1974 by the Government of Cyprus, UNFICYP, the UNHCR and ICRC, Indicate the total has been reduced slightly.
Greek Cypriots in Government-controlled areas :

You shallow little clown are you trying to undermine the tragedy because subsequent stats conducted found the total "reduced slightly"?

You see that as a reason to brag???

I believe the argument was whether the figure of 200,000 refugees portrayed in this forum was correct or not. It clearly proves that contention as WRONG!

And what proves it? Your own quotation! PLEEEEASE give me break!

No one disagrees or questions the claim that both sides suffered and there had been great displacement of people accross the island. The question is - why are these figures persistently exaggerated? (If not for propaganda) followed closely by the question: If these exaggerations are analogous to lies, then how do you expect the opposite site to trust a "liar"?

You cannot keep up anti-TC propaganda based on many lies in the international arena and expect to reach a solution based on mutual trust! Can you understand that? :roll:

BTW stop calling the other what you yourself are: What are you "a deep big clown"? - I bet you are 4 ft nothing piece of shit! :lol:
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Postby bigOz » Thu May 24, 2007 3:35 pm

miltiades wrote:What a contradictory statement by big oz . Like Bin Laden praising sanctity of life , or like a mass murderer proclaiming his revulsion at homocide !!
This is what HE STANDS FOR !!!!!!

""""Live and let Live, Respect and be Respected """

Try and look deeper into the meaning of that signature line miltiades! Did I ever willfully show disrespect to you? Most of the GCs in this forum (not all) I have no respect for because they show no respect. They are abusive, rude and see themselves as bullies. When they get replies in the same tone they use, they do not like it.

The same goes for live and let live bit - If you try and suffocate me I'd blow your brains out! (It is human nature I guess.)

If you start making stupid comments like above calling me Bin Laden, I will not hesitate to address you as Arsebishop Miltiadios!
:lol: :lol: :lol:
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Postby Kikapu » Thu May 24, 2007 11:25 pm

bigOz wrote:Kikapu! Not only do you hold the patent for the most stupid and vile person on this planet but you are also a COWARD! You reply to my posts in the middle of the night after I have told you I am off until the next day!


I have to apologise for posting while you're not on the forum, but if you can let your Propaganda Department know, as to send me a memo each day when you will make an appearance, then I will try to be on time, because we do also have lives to lead, and not have to wait on your Heine-ass. What reason would anyone need to have to be a COWARD, according to you. Perhaps you are going to whack us with your BRAIN or what. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Since you want us all to believe that you are a very intelligent person, and that we should hide when you are around, then here here is a very easy job for you. Can you tell us, what is the definition of intelligence, please. You do not need to write a book, just the main points will do.....thanks.

Just for the record, you do appear to be smarter than your other Partitionist team mates, Zan and Miss VP, both of them put together. I guess they could not handle the work load, so they send for you, did they. :?:

I think I will start my next movie production featuring all three of you, in the "Three Stooges". :lol:

Oh BO, you will get to play the lead guy, only because you're smarter than the other two. :wink:
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